#tor-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by hiro at 14:00:20 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. New support FAQ questions for Tor Mobile (hiro, 14:12:04)
  2. dev.tp.o (hiro, 14:15:14)
    1. https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/dev (hiro, 14:19:17)
    2. https://marvelapp.com/4471ig9/screen/38979926 (antonela, 14:19:20)
    3. https://nc.riseup.net/s/tQZDCm6AAMkRRDR (pili, 14:19:53)
    4. https://marvelapp.com/4471ig9/screen/38979926 (hiro, 14:19:57)
    5. https://marvelapp.com/4471ig9/screen/38979970 (antonela, 14:20:10)
    6. https://nc.riseup.net/s/tQZDCm6AAMkRRDR (hiro, 14:20:11)
    7. https://marvelapp.com/4471ig9/screen/38979970 (hiro, 14:20:40)
    8. ACTION: hiro should put dev.tp.o up on https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/ (hiro, 14:23:29)
    9. ACTION: hiro reviews the build scripts from the static www rotation (hiro, 14:24:41)

  3. update on glossary (hiro, 14:26:31)
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx28m-M--4Q (hiro, 14:27:26)
    2. https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/issues/82 (emmapeel, 14:30:14)
    3. ACTION: hiro implements https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/issues/82 (hiro, 14:32:49)
    4. https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/tpo/develop/download/ (hiro, 14:40:00)

  4. triage (hiro, 14:40:29)

Meeting ended at 15:08:46 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. hiro should put dev.tp.o up on https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/
  2. hiro reviews the build scripts from the static www rotation
  3. hiro implements https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/issues/82

Action items, by person

  1. hiro
    1. hiro should put dev.tp.o up on https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/
    2. hiro reviews the build scripts from the static www rotation
    3. hiro implements https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/issues/82

People present (lines said)

  1. hiro (90)
  2. pili (64)
  3. antonela (42)
  4. emmapeel (21)
  5. ggus (17)
  6. c1e0 (5)
  7. MeetBot (2)
  8. annalee_ (2)

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