#debconf-team: DC25 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc25meet

Meeting started by pwaring at 17:00:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (pwaring, 17:00:06)
  2. DC26: Bids (pwaring, 17:03:22)
    1. https://www.debian.org/intro/organization (pwaring, 17:10:47)
    2. DC26 will be in Argentina (pwaring, 17:13:44)

  3. DC25: Sponsors & fundraising (pwaring, 17:15:23)
  4. DC25: Budget (pwaring, 17:16:59)
    1. Budget v1 has been approved by DPL (pwaring, 17:17:18)

  5. DC25: Registration: Zammad (pwaring, 17:20:46)
  6. DC25: Registration: Visas (pwaring, 17:21:40)
    1. https://debconf25.debconf.org/about/visas/ (tumbleweed, 17:22:31)
    2. Visa wizard is now linked to from DC25 website (pwaring, 17:22:33)

  7. DC25: Registration: Features required for registration (pwaring, 17:26:00)
  8. DC25: Registration: Timeline (pwaring, 17:33:39)
  9. DC25: Registration: Bursary team activation (pwaring, 17:36:30)
  10. DC25: Registration: Content team (pwaring, 17:42:46)
  11. Meeting schedule (pwaring, 17:48:35)
  12. AoB (pwaring, 17:49:11)

Meeting ended at 17:51:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. tumbleweed (54)
  2. pwaring (50)
  3. bensmrs (43)
  4. weepingclown[m] (34)
  5. gwolf (20)
  6. terceiro (17)
  7. santiago (12)
  8. utkarsh2102 (12)
  9. nattie (11)
  10. TakanoriSuzuki[m] (3)
  11. MeetBot (2)
  12. Giyeonbang[m] (2)
  13. disaster2life (2)
  14. akashsanthosh[mds] (1)
  15. NorimitsuSugimoto[m] (1)
  16. Lenharo[m] (1)
  17. ShunsukeYoshida[m] (1)
  18. Ravi[mds] (1)

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