17:00:05 <pwaring> #startmeeting DC25 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc25meet 17:00:05 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Mar 11 17:00:05 2025 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:05 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:06 <pwaring> #topic Roll call 17:00:10 <pwaring> as always, say hi if you're here 17:00:17 <weepingclown[m]> o/ 17:00:18 <akashsanthosh[mds]> Hoi 17:00:19 <weepingclown[m]> that was quick 17:00:25 <weepingclown[m]> and punctual :p 17:00:26 <tumbleweed> Hi 17:00:32 <santiago> hola 17:00:47 <terceiro> hi 17:00:48 <TakanoriSuzuki[m]> hi 17:00:52 <NorimitsuSugimoto[m]> hi 17:01:06 <Giyeonbang[m]> o/ 17:01:28 <bensmrs> o/ 17:01:31 <Lenharo[m]> hi 17:01:33 <ShunsukeYoshida[m]> hi 17:01:47 <disaster2life> o/ 17:02:27 <Ravi[mds]> Hi 17:03:13 <nattie> hola 17:03:22 <pwaring> #topic DC26: Bids 17:03:39 <gwolf> ohai! 17:03:40 <pwaring> last time we agreed that the committee would choose a winner 17:03:58 <tumbleweed> is the committee quorate? 17:04:06 <weepingclown[m]> *drumrolls* 17:04:34 <tumbleweed> 3 of us seem to be present (excluding gwolf) 17:04:57 * gwolf takes off hat and is temporarily disqualified of presenting himself as committee. 17:05:18 * nattie admires gwolf's hat 17:05:33 <terceiro> o/ 17:06:22 <tumbleweed> 3 is at least half of the committee 17:06:32 <tumbleweed> that's probably as good as things get at the moment 17:07:58 <gwolf> Maybe it's worth asking if anybody in the committee but not in this meeting has spoken (even if not voted) for or against any of the options..? 17:08:56 <tumbleweed> we had some discussion with srud earlier, when Japan was more clearly split into two venues 17:10:17 <weepingclown[m]> didn't they mention they changed it to a single venue? 17:10:28 <weepingclown[m]> could be that I am remembering wrong 17:10:30 <tumbleweed> they did, but the discussion was before that 17:10:43 <weepingclown[m]> ah fair 17:10:47 <pwaring> #link https://www.debian.org/intro/organization 17:10:53 <tumbleweed> I think in general Japan's bid still has more concerns for us than Argentina does 17:10:56 <pwaring> ^ the current committee members are there for reference 17:11:28 <tumbleweed> I think I speak for the whole committee when I say that we would love to see DebConf in both venues 17:11:34 <terceiro> +1 17:11:39 <nattie> yep! 17:11:56 <gwolf> 😃 !!! 17:11:59 <TakanoriSuzuki[m]> In Japan plan, we wrote in a single venue. 17:12:12 <gwolf> Multicontinental DebConf! 17:12:43 <bensmrs> Offshore DebConf! 17:12:50 <nattie> DebConf on a boat! 17:13:09 <nattie> (someone had to say it) 17:13:13 <tumbleweed> but we do have to select one venue for 2025, and the consenus is that it is Argentina's bid 17:13:16 * weepingclown[m] would attend either if debian can fly/sail me :p 17:13:23 <nattie> tumbleweed: 2026 :) 17:13:26 <tumbleweed> err that 17:13:30 <disaster2life> you've had elf on a shelf, how about DebConf on some bench? 17:13:44 <pwaring> #info DC26 will be in Argentina 17:13:50 * gwolf is honored and will very soon share with the Argentinian group 17:13:53 <weepingclown[m]> hooray for Argentina then :) 17:13:54 <gwolf> eamanu: In fact, you are here :-) 17:13:57 <weepingclown[m]> it's football time! 17:14:02 <gwolf> I'll communicate to MartÃn 17:14:08 <pwaring> is tehre anything else we need to say on DC26 at this point? 17:14:10 <tumbleweed> Team Japan: We'd really like to see this bid continue to grow for 2027 17:14:16 <pwaring> (there are lots of DC25 items) 17:14:17 <gwolf> santiago: You are honorarian Argentinian of the Rebel Province! ;-) 17:14:17 <tumbleweed> (if you're willing) 17:14:41 <nattie> yes! we would really like to see a bif from Team Japan for DC27! Consider this strong encouragement :) 17:14:49 <terceiro> yes, team Japan please bid for DC27 if you can (and want) 17:14:53 <bensmrs> I would also love that 17:14:59 <gwolf> TakanoriSuzuki[m]: please let me stress what tumbleweed and nattie says. I'll try to grab my Committee hat and wear it again 17:15:04 <gwolf> ...you have made INCREDIBLE progress 17:15:14 <gwolf> and offered an almost-perfectly-viable proposal 17:15:16 <santiago> I'd love to have a DebConf in Japan (hopefully for 2027), and it is great to have (be part of) a DebConf next door (kind of unusual) 17:15:17 <bensmrs> Look! He’s got a hat! 17:15:18 <tumbleweed> yes, that bid sounded impossible in the beginning, and it's now a really good contenter 17:15:20 * nattie is so into the idea of a future DebConf in Japan that she signed up for a temari-making workshop! 17:15:23 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Sponsors & fundraising 17:15:27 * weepingclown[m] tries to get himself a job in Japan to support DCJapan! 17:15:33 <gwolf> We hope to be in Japan for 2027 ! 17:15:57 <pwaring> is there anything to update on sponsors/fundraising? 17:16:45 <santiago> only that we keep spamming 17:16:59 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Budget 17:17:10 <bensmrs> Well, local team still working on that and we hope good tidings are coming 17:17:18 <pwaring> #info Budget v1 has been approved by DPL 17:17:27 <bensmrs> \o/ 17:17:35 <tumbleweed> well done 17:17:37 <tumbleweed> now we can spend money :P 17:17:58 <TakanoriSuzuki[m]> Of course we team Japan will bid for DC27. 17:18:00 <bensmrs> well we’re hoping to collect a bunch more before spending it :) 17:18:04 <tumbleweed> TakanoriSuzuki[m]: fantastic! 17:18:15 <pwaring> I don't think there's much to say on budget now given that it probably won't have changed much in the last day or two? 17:18:16 <tumbleweed> I assume given your close relationship to Debian France, you've already been able to work on contracts etc. 17:18:35 <tumbleweed> typically this is the point where contracts suddenly start to happen because we have authority to spend money 17:18:54 <bensmrs> well, to be honest we already started spending some :) 17:19:09 <bensmrs> but yeah, we can now sign more 17:19:13 <Giyeonbang[m]> TakanoriSuzuki[m]: Good 17:19:30 <nattie> TakanoriSuzuki[m]: hurrah! 17:19:49 <tumbleweed> bensmrs: so, the second half of budgeting is setting prices for food and accommodation 17:19:57 <bensmrs> exactly 17:20:08 <bensmrs> I think we’re pretty close, no? 17:20:11 <tumbleweed> you've been doing some work there, yeah 17:20:23 <tumbleweed> shall we try to wind that up after the meeting? 17:20:30 <bensmrs> yes please 17:20:46 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Registration: Zammad 17:21:04 <tumbleweed> Anybody need anything here? 17:21:10 <tumbleweed> This is probably a moot section now 17:21:18 <weepingclown[m]> zammad works is all I can say 17:21:19 <nattie> we're good for the moment 17:21:20 <pwaring> yeah I'll cull it from future ones 17:21:25 <weepingclown[m]> do we nees this for mext time? 17:21:28 <pwaring> if we need to discuss it again we can re-add 17:21:29 <weepingclown[m]> need* 17:21:32 <weepingclown[m]> next* 17:21:37 <weepingclown[m]> sheesh 17:21:40 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Registration: Visas 17:22:01 <pwaring> last time we had an action: Local team to link to visa wizard from DC25 visa page 17:22:06 <tumbleweed> that happened 17:22:14 <pwaring> great 17:22:21 <pwaring> anything else we need to say on visas at this point? 17:22:24 <santiago> and debian france is OK to issue invitation letters 17:22:31 <gwolf> great to read! 17:22:31 <tumbleweed> https://debconf25.debconf.org/about/visas/ 17:22:33 <pwaring> #info Visa wizard is now linked to from DC25 website 17:22:33 <weepingclown[m]> great 17:22:42 <weepingclown[m]> that'd help a lot 17:22:48 <nattie> we just need to remind people about visas in every missive really 17:22:50 <tumbleweed> I think we need to also point attendees to the visa team email address 17:22:55 <bensmrs> ok, not 100% sure they’ll have a legal value, but better than nothing 17:23:02 <tumbleweed> and create a visa team to handle requests and issue invitation letters 17:23:46 <santiago> bensmrs, why they wouldn't? (we can discuss about that later) 17:23:52 <gwolf> I shall insist that we should ask people that are able to... to get _regular_ visas. 17:23:53 * weepingclown[m] can volunteer to be in visa team, but almost all real work will be on the local people 17:24:13 <gwolf> Of course, I'm not saying for _hard_ nationalities (i.e. what weepingclown[m] / Ravi[mds] have shared regarding India) 17:24:22 <tumbleweed> gwolf: we should document that on the website, yes 17:24:33 <bensmrs> weepingclown[m]: I mean… most of what we’ll answer will be what we read on the official website, which is translated in EN 17:24:46 <gwolf> but many countries are "easy" for Schengen visas. If possible, go as a tourist. 17:24:59 <pwaring> ok, shall we leave visas as a work in progress? 17:25:15 <bensmrs> I don’t really see what the visa team will do besides generating invitation letters 17:25:30 <tumbleweed> that's most of it 17:25:39 <bensmrs> in the end, it’s your visa officer that answers your requests ^^ 17:26:00 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Registration: Features required for registration 17:26:11 <pwaring> last time we were looking at the blockers to opening rgistration 17:26:31 <weepingclown[m]> Do we really have any at this point? 17:26:34 <tumbleweed> bensmrs recognized something else needed today: 17:26:40 <weepingclown[m]> initial budget approval is there 17:27:00 <bensmrs> we discussed on our private channel about a few blockers, but they have mostly been solved 17:27:14 <tumbleweed> I think the logic for final day meals needs some tweaks 17:27:18 <bensmrs> is tumbleweed going to finish his quote? 17:27:20 <bensmrs> :D 17:27:23 <tumbleweed> because typically the departure day is breakfast only 17:27:29 <tumbleweed> but this departure day is special 17:27:34 <tumbleweed> bensmrs: well, you said it was solved :P 17:27:39 <bensmrs> nah not the last one 17:27:51 <weepingclown[m]> tumbleweed: so it's just one technical thing? 17:27:58 <tumbleweed> there is going to be a requirement for real names somewhere 17:28:11 <tumbleweed> I don't think they all have to be in the website 17:28:35 <bensmrs> yeah, security needs real names (also needed for invitation letters) 17:28:36 <tumbleweed> but we'll be sharing the website registration list with the venue 17:28:57 <bensmrs> and only a few designated people will ever see that data 17:29:28 <tumbleweed> we'll need a separate field for that, then 17:29:39 <tumbleweed> if we have to collect *all* real names on the site 17:29:47 <terceiro> hm 17:29:59 <gwolf> tumbleweed: "real" names are sometimes hard to define 17:30:11 <tumbleweed> gwolf: in this case we mean government ID-backed names 17:30:14 <bensmrs> the ones on your govt id 17:30:15 <weepingclown[m]> gwolf: maybe names as per passport will work 17:30:16 <santiago> the name in your passport/gov-issued ID 17:30:19 <gwolf> right 17:30:20 <weepingclown[m]> or whatever id card 17:30:31 <terceiro> tumbleweed: do you need help with that? I can probably look into it 17:30:43 <terceiro> it would be just a new field in attendee 17:30:46 <bensmrs> it’s unfortunately non-negotiable, because something something terrorist threat… 17:30:49 <terceiro> well, "just" 17:30:57 <tumbleweed> terceiro: and a setting, because this is something we won't typically need 17:31:02 <terceiro> sure 17:31:04 <pwaring> IIRC, you're required (in theory) to have ID on you in France anyway 17:31:06 <tumbleweed> please do 17:31:15 <terceiro> bensmrs: only the name, not anything else? 17:31:17 <bensmrs> and please a way to limit who can read the data to the strict minimum 17:31:45 <bensmrs> Probably DOB, terceiro 17:31:48 <bensmrs> I’ll ask tomorrow 17:31:56 <tumbleweed> country of citizenship for the ID? 17:32:01 <bensmrs> oh, yes! 17:32:04 <terceiro> passport # 17:32:05 <terceiro> ? 17:32:07 <bensmrs> good catch 17:32:08 <tumbleweed> so basically all of the visa fields 17:32:09 <bensmrs> no passport # 17:32:30 <terceiro> full name, DOB, country of citizenship 17:32:35 <terceiro> is that all>? 17:32:35 <bensmrs> Usually they only collect ID names and country 17:32:39 <weepingclown[m]> all of visa fields is probably correct 17:32:43 <bensmrs> I’m not sure about DOB 17:32:48 <bensmrs> and that’s all 17:32:51 <terceiro> k 17:33:15 <pwaring> ok, let's come back to this next week then as it sounds like it's going to require some work 17:33:22 <bensmrs> and again I’m insisting, only like 2 people will really need it, so a dedicated role on wafer would be nice 17:33:39 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Registration: Timeline 17:33:41 <santiago> and GDPR-compliant 17:33:49 <bensmrs> admins should not need to see the data 17:34:18 <pwaring> we said bursary deadline would be registration + 3 weeks 17:34:18 <terceiro> I don't think it's really possible to hide anything from admin in Django 17:34:26 <tumbleweed> bensmrs: the other option is to not have this in the website. But ask attendees who wish to keep their identity confidential to contact X 17:34:28 <terceiro> fortunately we have very few admins 17:34:29 <santiago> I've started working on the registration timeline (and sync'ing with utkarsh2102), but it's still wip 17:34:44 <bensmrs> tumbleweed: that can work 17:35:01 <utkarsh2102> \o 17:35:05 <tumbleweed> but yeah, we don't have that many admins 17:35:09 <tumbleweed> and we can wipe this data post-event 17:35:12 <weepingclown[m]> hopefully we open reg asap, because once again $visa related things 17:35:23 <weepingclown[m]> and that'd need a tight schedule on all related things 17:35:28 * gwolf has to leave -- have another meeting looming close 17:35:29 <bensmrs> tumbleweed: the data will be printed, so we can wipe that as soon as it’s printed 17:35:30 <weepingclown[m]> such as bursaries 17:35:48 <tumbleweed> bensmrs: we do get registration during the event typically (if your security will permit that) 17:36:03 <pwaring> ok, let's come back to registration timeline next time if it's a wip 17:36:25 <santiago> yes please, sorry I haven't made too much progress on it 17:36:30 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Registration: Bursary team activation 17:36:40 <utkarsh2102> I told Santiago this but bursaries would need 10 days from the date of closing the bursary applications to get the first batch out. 17:36:59 <utkarsh2102> 1 week for the team review and then 3 days for me to get things in order and generate a working list. 17:37:15 <utkarsh2102> 10th day, I'll roll out the first batch 17:37:21 <utkarsh2102> and the subsequent rounds thereafter. 17:37:38 <bensmrs> tumbleweed: ouch 17:37:43 <utkarsh2102> before the bursary team can work we want the content team to have done eh their reviews. 17:37:44 <pwaring> so it's registration, 3 weeks to register (for bursaries), 10 days to decide who gets bursaries 17:37:56 <pwaring> ? 17:38:09 <pwaring> (for the first round) 17:38:28 <utkarsh2102> would you like to fast track it? 17:38:33 <tumbleweed> bensmrs: not many, but some 17:38:46 <utkarsh2102> i could do 7 but it really needs the team to have done the reviews timely :) 17:39:15 <bensmrs> tumbleweed: if they are FR or register more than 7 days before, it’s fine. Else I’ll need to pull a few strings, but nothing unreasonable. 17:39:20 <utkarsh2102> i can manage to get results out in 2 days (that's the minimum i need) once content team reviews are in and bursary team reviews are in. 17:39:25 <bensmrs> s/before/before coming/ 17:39:39 <tumbleweed> bensmrs: we should declare this loudly on the website, then 17:39:44 <pwaring> last year we sent out bursary confirmations in May, so we're still on time for that atm 17:39:55 <bensmrs> Yeah, it’s really important to fight the bad terrorists… 17:39:57 <pwaring> if we get registration open in the next week or two 17:40:14 <weepingclown[m]> pwaring: this year visa is more complicated, and debcamp is two weeks earlier 17:40:43 <weepingclown[m]> more than two weeks if I am correct 17:41:04 <weepingclown[m]> or maybe exactly two weeks 17:41:12 <pwaring> it was end of May last time, so if we managed beginning of May this time? 17:41:43 <weepingclown[m]> personally I hope the first batch can be rolled out by april end 17:41:53 <weepingclown[m]> or may first week at worst 17:42:03 <weepingclown[m]> but that's me, I know it's a lot of work :p 17:42:05 <tumbleweed> local studenst are a typical expample of on-site registrations 17:42:17 <pwaring> ok, let's see how we are with registration next week, as we can't start the clock on bursaries until that's open 17:42:46 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Registration: Content team 17:42:51 <bensmrs> tumbleweed: oh they are cleared by default by security :) 17:42:52 <santiago> tumbleweed, late registering people won't get food bursary right? 17:42:53 <pwaring> gwolf and santiago asked for this to be added last time 17:43:19 <tumbleweed> santiago: historically they often have. But if we've used them all, then no 17:43:59 <santiago> azeem, ^ I think you asked this too 17:45:42 <utkarsh2102> santiago: yeah, realistically speaking, everyone mostly can still get food 17:45:59 <utkarsh2102> it's rarely happened that we've used everything up and can't offer anything 17:46:19 <utkarsh2102> same with accommodations but that's more limited than food at this point 17:46:39 <pwaring> is there anything we need to say on content? 17:46:59 <bensmrs> we’ll need to sync with content team, rouca and I 17:47:15 <tumbleweed> we often have some empty beds due to cancellations 17:47:17 <santiago> there is a CFP text in progress 17:47:55 <pwaring> ok we can update on content next time then 17:48:12 <pwaring> I'll leave it on the agenda for future meetings 17:48:35 <pwaring> #topic Meeting schedule 17:48:49 <pwaring> next meetings will be 18th March, 25th March, 17:00 UTC as usual 17:49:11 <pwaring> #topic AoB 17:49:15 <pwaring> anything else before we finish? 17:51:02 <pwaring> ok, thanks everyone for coming and see you next week! 17:51:03 <pwaring> #endmeeting