#debconf-team: DC25 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc25meet
Meeting started by pwaring at 17:00:06 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll call (pwaring, 17:00:07)
- DC25: Sponsors & Fundraising (pwaring, 17:03:06)
- DC25: Budget (pwaring, 17:07:02)
- bursaries will be limited at current budget so
self-funding needs to be encouraged (pwaring,
- ACTION: Local team to
submit budget v1 for approval (pwaring,
- DC25: Registration: Zammad (pwaring, 17:23:30)
- Zammad is available (pwaring,
- https://help.debconf.org
- DC25: Registration: Visas (pwaring, 17:26:15)
- https://debconf25.debconf.org/about/visas/
- ACTION: Local team to
link to visa wizard from DC25 visa page (pwaring,
- DC25: Registration: Features required for registration (pwaring, 17:33:19)
- DC25: Registration: Timeline (pwaring, 17:39:31)
- https://debconf25.debconf.org/schedule/important-dates/
has a blank date in may (tumbleweed,
- ACTION: Bursary time
to decide on expected approval timeline (pwaring,
- ACTION: santiago to
work out and document registration timeline (pwaring,
- DC26: Bids (pwaring, 17:52:20)
- https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/26/Bids
- DC26: Schedule (pwaring, 18:00:02)
- Meeting schedule (pwaring, 18:01:24)
- AOB (pwaring, 18:02:11)
- ACTION: committee to
decide DC26 winning bid in the next meeting (11th March)
Meeting ended at 18:06:44 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- Local team to submit budget v1 for approval
- Local team to link to visa wizard from DC25 visa page
- Bursary time to decide on expected approval timeline
- santiago to work out and document registration timeline
- committee to decide DC26 winning bid in the next meeting (11th March)
Action items, by person
- santiago
- santiago to work out and document registration timeline
- Local team to submit budget v1 for approval
- Local team to link to visa wizard from DC25 visa page
- Bursary time to decide on expected approval timeline
- committee to decide DC26 winning bid in the next meeting (11th March)
People present (lines said)
- tumbleweed (70)
- pwaring (62)
- gwolf (39)
- santiago (28)
- DLange (28)
- bensmrs (26)
- disaster2life[mds] (16)
- _rene_ (8)
- nattie (5)
- Giyeonbang[m] (4)
- MeetBot (3)
- TakanoriSuzuki[m] (3)
- azeem (2)
- ShunsukeYoshida[m] (2)
- EnkelenaH[mds] (1)
- h01ger (1)
- NorimitsuSugimoto[m] (1)
- olasd (1)
- utkarsh2102 (1)
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