#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by gwolf at 18:08:03 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. DebConf13 bids status (gwolf, 18:08:37)
    1. The DebConf committee is formed of the DebConf chairs (moray, h01ger and myself), plus karora, ana, Caroll, bdale, bubulle, ultrotter and marga (gwolf, 18:14:06)

  2. Update from DebConf12 local team (gwolf, 18:15:25)
    1. http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120208.061902.6b3b8e14.en.html (leogg, 18:16:40)
    2. New venue being considered for DebConf12: Hotel Ticomo (gwolf, 18:17:06)
    3. http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120208.061902.6b3b8e14.en.html (gwolf, 18:17:12)
    4. Lodging and work spaces are in general over 50% cheaper than in the Crowne Plaza (gwolf, 18:19:28)
    5. Ticomo has accessibility issues, but they are interested in doing the works to get it solved in time for DebConf (although it's still just a promise) (gwolf, 18:22:29)
    6. This afternoon localteam meets with the Nicaraguan Internet Association to check connectivity for Ticomo (gwolf, 18:26:33)
    7. More "classy" accomodation not available nearby (≥20min taxi ride) (gwolf, 18:26:59)
    8. Ticomo map: http://www.animales-en-extincion.info/el_perezoso (gwolf, 18:29:36)
    9. accomodation is more like cabins, with a youth hostel-like arrangement (5-8 people per cabin) (gwolf, 18:29:56)
    10. Correction to the link wrongly pasted (gwolf, 18:31:55)
    11. Ticomo map http://i.imgur.com/azf9l.jpg (gwolf, 18:32:05)

  3. Sponsorship levels for DebConf12 (gwolf, 18:33:28)
    1. Discussing the sponsorship levels, an idea is to keep the lower brackets at the same numbers than DC11 but in USD instead of EUR, and adjusting the upper ones (gwolf, 18:42:49)
    2. IDEA: maybe add benefit "emphasize gold sponsors in PR material" (h01ger, 18:43:13)
    3. We set a deadline for having the numbers and privileges set for this weekend (i.e. maximum period for final prices to be published on Monday) (gwolf, 18:46:15)
    4. We *need* to discuss it on the channel / on the list, probably during the weekend. (gwolf, 18:46:42)
    5. n0rman suggests using ISIC, an IT educational institute, as the entity for handling our funds in Nicaragua (gwolf, 18:54:16)
    6. we will contact the DPL for his opinion on this (gwolf, 18:55:51)

  4. DebConf11 Final Report final(?) status (gwolf, 18:56:22)
    1. the final report is still pending the accounting part (gwolf, 19:00:01)
    2. http://rkd.zgib.net/http/debconf/accounting-balances.txt (gwolf, 19:00:12)
    3. http://whiteboard.debian.net/73e9f7.wb (gwolf, 19:00:26)
    4. aroundthfur shyly raises hand and volunteers to assemble the bits on the budget (gwolf, 19:02:12)
    5. even a version missing those texts, but typeset, would be useful. We can always update the report later. (gwolf, 19:02:40)
    6. we (xamanu, tiago, gwolf) will start working on assembling the texts in a LaTeX document, starting off svn.debian.org/svn/debconf-data/reports/dc11 (gwolf, 19:06:44)
    7. EVERYBODY welcome to help! :) (gwolf, 19:06:54)

  5. AOB/next meeting (gwolf, 19:07:20)
    1. next meeting: Two weeks from now, February 22, 18:00 UTC (gwolf, 19:13:16)

Meeting ended at 19:14:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. gwolf (149)
  2. h01ger (87)
  3. moray (82)
  4. n0rman (57)
  5. leogg (47)
  6. xamanu (44)
  7. aroundthfur (13)
  8. MeetBot (6)
  9. gregoa (5)
  10. karora (4)
  11. dam (3)
  12. Caroll (1)
  13. luciano (1)

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