#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by moray at 19:00:17 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. meeting summary (moray, 19:01:18)
  2. Local team update (moray, 19:02:08)
    1. Banja Luka visit now planned (Holger and Moray) (moray, 19:03:18)

  3. T-shirts (moray, 19:07:08)
    1. thirts will be printed in bosnia (h01ger, 19:08:55)
    2. we need to inform our mexican supplier about this (h01ger, 19:09:09)
    3. http://valessiobrito.info/projetos/debconf/debconf11/tshirt.svg (h01ger, 19:09:43)
    4. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/T-Shirts (h01ger, 19:10:15)
    5. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/T-Shirts (AbsintheSyringe, 19:10:39)
    6. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/File:V2pdc11.svg (AbsintheSyringe, 19:10:57)

  4. Sponsorship team status (moray, 19:11:07)
    1. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/File:Vpdc11.svg (AbsintheSyringe, 19:11:17)

  5. Sponsorship team status - getting money (h01ger, 19:11:49)
  6. Magazine adverts (moray, 19:15:40)
    1. ACTION: Clint and zumbi to find out what's going on with the magazine ad (moray, 19:31:53)

  7. Registration progress (moray, 19:32:10)
    1. Registration was extended until 19 May (moray, 19:32:43)
    2. http://rkd.zgib.net/http/debconf/registration-data.txt (darst, 19:32:51)
    3. 348 attend (moray, 19:33:06)
    4. http://munin.debconf.org/debconf.org/skinner.debconf.org-penta_accounts_type.html doesnt look up2date (h01ger, 19:34:07)

  8. Budget team progress (moray, 19:37:09)
    1. http://rkd.zgib.net/http/debconf/accounting-balances.txt (darst, 19:39:03)

  9. Travel sponsorship (moray, 19:45:12)
    1. http://paste.debian.net/116567/ (btw, thats the scriptset we have) (Ganneff, 19:45:34)

  10. Coordination (moray, 19:49:53)
  11. Talks team progress (moray, 19:53:13)
    1. ACTION: gwolf is talks team leader (whether he likes it or not) (moray, 19:54:30)

  12. Any other business/next meeting (moray, 19:54:45)
    1. he could ask biella or other people for co-leading (h01ger, 19:55:10)
    2. Next meeting in two weeks: 24 May 2010 (moray, 19:57:54)
    3. next meeting is 24 may, 19utc (h01ger, 20:01:13)
    4. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-debian-healthcheck (AbsintheSyringe, 20:01:20)

Meeting ended at 20:02:10 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Clint and zumbi to find out what's going on with the magazine ad
  2. gwolf is talks team leader (whether he likes it or not)

Action items, by person

  1. Clint
    1. Clint and zumbi to find out what's going on with the magazine ad
  2. zumbi
    1. Clint and zumbi to find out what's going on with the magazine ad

People present (lines said)

  1. AbsintheSyringe (142)
  2. moray (122)
  3. h01ger (90)
  4. nattie (45)
  5. Ganneff (32)
  6. darst (21)
  7. Clint (6)
  8. MeetBot (4)
  9. zumbi (4)
  10. blarson (2)
  11. tassia (1)
  12. vanja (1)
  13. tiago (1)

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