17:08:25 #startmeeting 17:08:25 Meeting started Thu Apr 7 17:08:25 2016 UTC. The chair is isabela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:08:25 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:08:31 I think we mentioned some answers to the open questions last meeting 17:08:54 We should decide whether we think they're conclusive and sufficient and if so move on? 17:08:59 is my suggestion^ 17:09:08 #item link to wiki updated by scouttle https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/UxTeam 17:09:26 #item url for creative brief https://github.com/simplysecure/tor/blob/master/CreativeBriefforTorProjectStyleGuide.pdf 17:10:22 Sebastian: yes, I was thinking of documenting them to be able to say 'this is the answer' and decide on that 17:10:24 #item url for etherpad with styleguide notes https://storm.torproject.org/shared/A4w1l5pDZZZPU2wKiYWo1JjWoCK3b4APPfAssHctsRR 17:10:40 thanks scouttle, was looking for that :) 17:11:30 re: open questions... right now I think it would still be valuable to get tor staffers to weigh in on the ones reflected in the creative brief doc (https://github.com/simplysecure/tor/blob/master/CreativeBriefforTorProjectStyleGuide.pdf) 17:12:25 i agree with that 17:12:32 I mention this to address Sebastian's query about whether questions are still open :) 17:13:09 scouttle: do you mean you are looking for opinions of tor staffers who aren't on the ux team? 17:13:13 My answers last time definitely count into that column (I would say), but probably we should get other voices 17:13:14 Do we need to put out a wider notice? 17:13:21 What about open/closed logos, signs and branding? 17:13:24 yes, more voices would be good 17:13:31 dcf1: maybe email tor-internal? 17:13:45 or tor-project 17:13:57 or tor-project :) 17:13:57 I think I put that on pad 17:14:05 What does open/closed mean in this context? 17:14:24 in the context of "this is official" or "this is the community logo" 17:14:26 dcf1: :) 17:14:41 like, official logo is for accredited purposes only 17:14:53 ah, this is an interesting question 17:15:11 Debian has the interesting situation where they have two logos 17:15:19 and only the community logo sees much use :) 17:15:39 I think in initial conversations with isabela and mrphs, we had thought to limit the scope of the styleguide to official tor stuff (ie website and slides and letterhead) 17:15:50 because there are many different tor-affiliated logos in the tor community 17:16:14 I think that's a good initial focus. 17:17:01 Makes sense. 17:17:12 so, under that framing, the style guide would not address whether the logo was to be or not be used for broader community purposes 17:17:27 is there any convention of certain logos being used or not used for certain purposes? 17:17:49 or is it culturally accepted for anyone to use any version of the tor logo for anything? 17:17:52 in theory nobody is supposed to use the logo without asking 17:17:55 for tor? i guess not. 17:18:07 But maybe the guide needs to address how to differentiate 17:18:08 it's a trademark issue afaiui, but I don't understand it well. 17:18:19 https://www.torproject.org/docs/trademark-faq.html.en#onionlogo 17:18:34 i am unable to keep up with all the words here but i can answer questions about the tor logo and its use 17:18:35 i wouldnt have expected that the logo isnt open source 17:18:52 I thought on Debian's way: bottle logo is only for official products 17:19:21 thank you for the link, armadev! 17:19:21 in short, you can use the tor logo for education, but not for branding 17:19:35 that is very helpful 17:20:09 we have this policy in our site 17:20:27 so, I think that it sounds like having the style guide address the logo-useage policy is a good idea 17:20:31 i doubt that this is necessary or even manageable having two logos. or let’s say, what reasons would speak on behalf of that? Ensure a certain quality for official stuff? 17:20:42 it's not clear that version 1.0 of the style guide needs to include it, though 17:20:56 and +1 to PhillipL's observations on manageability of two logos 17:21:09 sorry, PhilipL's :) 17:21:10 the logo should be available under a Free License. 17:21:33 https://www.torproject.org/docs/trademark-faq.html.en 17:21:34 the tor logo is cc-by. but also we have a trademark on it. 17:21:36 [iirc, the current one is.] 17:21:55 (creative commons attribution) 17:21:56 Free License doesn't mean trademark giveaway 17:22:44 right, as i understood, for now version 1.0 aims at official stationery, so it is not for comminity stuff yet 17:23:19 PhilipL that's what has been proposed, pending endorsement here 17:23:34 I think that keeping the scope small will help us actually land it quickly 17:23:54 I think the style guide should link to the FAQ listed above 17:24:07 and potentially incorporate some of the guidance offered therein 17:25:03 scouttle: +1 17:25:20 Makes sense. I hope that the styleguide feels familiar in the end. 17:25:42 starting with a familiar point is good 17:25:43 havent read the whole FAQ but seems to be a good idea linking it 17:26:38 down the road if we want to offer guidelines around different logos for use by different parts of the community, I think that's a good idea 17:26:58 (and I like how Debian does it!) 17:27:00 but step 0 is creating a standard around the stuff we already have 17:27:25 so, hearing no objections... 17:27:47 there were a couple of other threads on the mailing lists where folks with an obvious background in design and/or branding were weighing in 17:27:51 E.g. I'm thinking on a personal website about Tor. Could I use in that context the normal logo? 17:28:12 yes, having different logos or logo adaptions gives orientation. though it might not be the most practicable way for a community 17:28:33 Maybe the official-only logo wold be a new one 17:28:48 „If you're making non-commercial use of Tor software, you may also use the Tor onion logo (as an illustration, not as a brand for your products).“ 17:29:14 Envite-- I don't think the plan is to create an "official-only" logo at this point, per se 17:29:38 I think the plan is to 1) create guidelines on how to visually use the existing logos 17:29:49 right 17:29:52 (i.e., how far should they be spaced from text or the edge of the page, what are the exact colors, etc.) 17:30:07 also, we're running short on time for our meeting 17:30:20 2) and maybe if we have budget, refine the logos a little bit to make sure they work at different sizes etc (which I still need to add to the creative brief) 17:30:21 indeed 17:30:23 are there different logos yet? i see them more like different versions of the same 17:30:38 yup, there are just different versions of the same ones 17:30:57 since we're short on time, perhaps we can table for now and continue over email? 17:31:06 yes 17:31:13 are there any folks who wanted to discuss items brought up over email, or bring up new items for discussion? 17:31:15 ok 17:31:22 I also will follow up over email on a draft to send to tor-project 17:31:25 dcf1: ^^ 17:32:40 ok i will end the bot then 17:32:44 #endmeeting