16:08:35 <sukhe> #startmeeting
16:08:35 <MeetBot> Meeting started Fri Apr 24 16:08:35 2015 UTC.  The chair is sukhe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:08:35 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:08:41 <isabela> thanks
16:08:44 <isabela> so agenda:
16:08:55 <isabela> 1. status update (each person)
16:09:07 <isabela> 2. discussion?
16:09:26 <isabela> does anyone have points for discussion?
16:09:47 <karsten> should we go through the april items next time?
16:09:53 <sukhe> I think we may know of that after (1)
16:09:56 <karsten> in two weeks?
16:10:07 <isabela> karsten: yes
16:10:12 <karsten> plausible. except for the items that nobody made progress on. :D
16:10:36 <isabela> ok lets start with 1 then
16:10:43 <isabela> who's first?
16:10:56 <sukhe> I will start
16:11:37 <sukhe> since sherief is not here, I will report for teh Arabic translation on his behalf but note that I don't speak for him :)
16:11:54 <sukhe> (also excuse the lag, I am on a 2G connection)
16:12:09 <sukhe> we have incorporated the branding by Leiah. it is part of the build process now
16:12:30 <sukhe> this may continue for a while but it's a start and we may revise it as we go along, including the logo
16:13:03 <sukhe> the next release will be with the branding
16:13:23 <isabela> (how can I see the logo? / just curious)
16:13:24 <karsten> when will it be released?
16:14:05 <sukhe> we are thinking of doing it by the end of next week but this depends on what else we will block the release on
16:14:25 <sukhe> for instance, arlolra is making updates to ctypes-otr, so it also depends on that
16:14:34 <sukhe> isabela: we will do an internal release shortly
16:14:56 <sukhe> I hope that answers the questions?
16:15:05 <karsten> yup
16:15:16 <sukhe> ok moving on
16:15:21 <isabela> maybe we can use the logo on our report to the sponsor
16:15:43 <karsten> only if it was done by mar 31, I think.
16:15:44 <sukhe> ok, let's see the feedback we get :)
16:15:51 <arlolra> isabela: what's your @torproject.org address?
16:16:02 <isabela> isabela@torproject.org
16:16:05 <arlolra> :)
16:16:07 <arlolra> k
16:16:10 <isabela> cool!
16:16:21 <isabela> we can move to the next person
16:16:26 <sukhe> no wait!
16:16:27 <isabela> oh!
16:16:29 <isabela> sorry :)
16:16:36 <sukhe> the important part: translations
16:16:44 <isabela> !
16:17:27 <sukhe> thanks to the kind folks at Instanbird, we fixed the Arabic text input issues
16:17:39 <karsten> awesome!
16:17:51 <sukhe> the Arabic translation is now working. yes!
16:18:09 <sukhe> I have a build ready with the translation. I will be sending it to sherief for review
16:18:10 <karsten> that's really good to hear.
16:18:26 <karsten> we should find translators for farsi and chinese soon.
16:18:31 <sukhe> it has a minor issue with an error we are getting, but otherwise it's looking good to me
16:18:39 <isabela> \o/
16:18:46 <karsten> unless you expect problems with those two languages?
16:19:11 <sukhe> no, not that we know of
16:19:32 <karsten> okay, can you let me know when you're ready to accept those translations?
16:19:35 <sukhe> it's also not difficult to integrate with the build process, since it's effectively creating an XPI and packaging it
16:19:42 <sukhe> karsten: we are ready...
16:19:53 <karsten> okay then, I'll start to find people.
16:20:14 <sukhe> you can point them to me and sherief and we can help them in getting started since it's not as easy as using Transifex
16:20:23 <karsten> okay, great!
16:21:09 <sukhe> in other changes, we are continuing making privacy enhancements
16:21:22 <sukhe> these will be visible in the changelogs in the next release
16:21:47 <sukhe> I haven't worked on XMPP part yet, that still remains and is the next main focus. I have delayed it, I am aware
16:22:04 <sukhe> that's all from me
16:22:10 <karsten> still on target for may 31?
16:22:23 <sukhe> yes hopefully, or at most June
16:22:46 <sukhe> like we decided, the target is still May 31 and that's my goal
16:23:07 <karsten> okay, the following is not final, but it may be that we don't have june for this.
16:23:30 <karsten> like we discussed earlier, we should plan to get everything done by may,
16:23:37 <sukhe> yes I have that in mind
16:23:44 <karsten> and only use june as last resort. maybe we don't have that.
16:23:52 <karsten> I hope to have news on that soon.
16:24:04 <sukhe> ok, keep us informed and I will try to get it done by 31st
16:24:06 <karsten> also on the instantbird meeting.
16:24:15 <karsten> great!
16:24:24 <sukhe> I don't see any other major blockers (looking at the list of deliverables)
16:24:42 <karsten> cool :)
16:25:18 <sukhe> that's all from my side for now
16:25:33 <isabela> tx!
16:25:47 <isabela> who wants to go next?
16:26:17 * boklm can go next
16:26:35 <isabela> go for it!
16:26:40 <boklm> I have improved a little this page: http://paganini.erinn.org/~boklm/build_reports/index-tor-messenger_build.html
16:26:44 <boklm> The Windows build is now fixed since today
16:27:01 <boklm> I also adapted the Windows installer used by Tor Browser to Tor Messenger
16:27:12 <sukhe> (we are building was we speak)
16:27:20 <sukhe> (it finished!)
16:28:25 <boklm> that's all from my side
16:28:55 <isabela> tx boklm
16:29:19 <isabela> who wants to go next?
16:29:24 <arlolra> guess that's me?
16:29:45 <karsten> boklm: very quickly, ETA for mac version? :)
16:29:56 <karsten> (sorry, arlolra)
16:30:46 <isabela> arlolra: tx for the pdf that is awesome
16:31:00 <arlolra> I made progress on both of the remaining tickets opened pre-jan. I suspect I'll hit the target of the end of the month on them and then work on some of the newer ones in the final month
16:31:59 <arlolra> isabela: we're open to criticism / other suggestions
16:32:16 <sukhe> yes, definitely
16:32:23 <isabela> arlolra: is more to show sponsor we worked on it
16:32:28 <arlolra> k
16:32:29 <sherief> I am so sorry for being late
16:32:40 * sherief reads backlog
16:32:48 <arlolra> nothing more from me
16:32:51 <boklm> karsten: I made some progress on the mac version, but it's not finished yet. Not sure exactly how much remains to get it working.
16:32:58 <karsten> boklm: okay.
16:33:50 <isabela> sherief: is ok, once you catch up let us know if you have questions or updates
16:33:53 <isabela> arlolra: tx
16:34:00 <karsten> arlolra: sounds great!
16:34:09 * isabela gives a minute for sherief to catch up
16:35:38 <sherief> isabela: I see that sukhe said exactly what I would've said if I attended from the beginning. Arabic translations are ready to be incorporated in IB, we will help new translators and I am fixing the minor issue sukhe spoke of then reviewing his xpi
16:35:43 <sherief> that's it for me.
16:36:01 <karsten> sherief: yay!
16:36:34 <isabela> cool! glad you guys killed the bug and can move fwd
16:36:45 <isabela> alright folks, I think we can move to discussion
16:36:47 <sukhe> yeah it was a major blocker
16:36:57 <isabela> or am i missing someone?
16:37:57 <sukhe> I think we can move on
16:38:24 <isabela> what is up for discussion?
16:38:37 <isabela> do people want to talk a little about life after sponsorO?
16:39:01 <sukhe> will it end? :(
16:39:19 <sukhe> on a more serious note, I have been making notes on the sdie and can share with you
16:39:20 <isabela> !
16:39:30 <sukhe> I will do it after the meeting
16:39:44 <isabela> ok sounds good
16:39:47 <karsten> sdie?
16:40:03 <sukhe> karsten: as in, making a list of the things that we can do but don't have the time for
16:40:14 <sukhe> sorry, side
16:40:19 <karsten> ahh
16:40:29 <sukhe> 2G mobile connection :(
16:40:42 <karsten> slow brain :(
16:41:24 <sukhe> if nothing is up for discussion, I would like to say that the next release should be with the Windows builds
16:41:28 <isabela> if ppl are burned out we can cut it early and catch up on this conversation next meeting  (maybe start it via email)
16:41:47 <sukhe> and since boklm has finished working on it, we will improve on that front
16:42:00 <sukhe> more than Linux, I have had people ask for Windows and Mac builds
16:42:17 <karsten> it might give you a new set of testers.
16:42:22 <sukhe> a Windows build for the public -- even a limited release -- will be good
16:42:31 <isabela> +1
16:42:48 <arlolra> isabela: do you have anything to share about life after sponsorO?
16:43:57 <isabela> not yet, I am under quarterly reports pile / more on laso (life after sponsor o) early next week
16:44:05 <arlolra> k
16:44:34 * karsten registers laso.org
16:44:38 <isabela> lol
16:44:43 <sukhe> karsten: please keep us posted about the deadline and also about the Messenger meeting
16:44:54 <karsten> sukhe: will do both, yes.
16:44:55 <sukhe> my concern being that I will have to apply for a visa so I should know a bit in advance. thanks.
16:46:19 <sukhe> is there anything else?
16:46:44 <isabela> btw I did like the logo
16:46:52 <sukhe> ok great!
16:46:57 <isabela> :)
16:47:04 <isabela> i would have picked that one too
16:47:32 <isabela> ok
16:47:39 <isabela> should I end the meeting?
16:47:54 <isabela> the poor bot is still running
16:47:55 <sukhe> I think yes
16:47:57 <sukhe> hah
16:48:07 <isabela> #endmeeting
16:48:12 <isabela> fail
16:48:18 <isabela> guess you should do it sherief
16:48:19 <sukhe> #stopmeeting
16:48:20 <isabela> ops
16:48:23 <isabela> sukhe
16:48:24 <sukhe> #endmeeting