18:30:57 #startmeeting Tor Browser Team Meeting, 16 December 2019 18:30:57 Meeting started Mon Dec 16 18:30:57 2019 UTC. The chair is sysrqb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:30:57 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:31:03 Hello! 18:31:06 hi 18:31:22 hi! 18:31:43 hi! 18:31:50 Hello! 18:33:07 hi! 18:33:08 hi 18:33:33 hi 18:33:38 hello 18:33:41 okay, let's see where we are 18:36:22 okay, getting started. 18:37:17 I don't see any bolded items (or '[discuss]') 18:37:42 but we still have a few updates coming in 18:38:25 pospeselr: can you pick up #31855 this week? 18:38:43 mcs and brde won't have enough time this week 18:38:47 *brade 18:39:09 yeah I can do that 18:39:16 I'd like to land it by the end of the week 18:39:19 great, thanks 18:39:28 do we know the ticket number off-hand for when it got added? 18:39:31 if you can get a patch by tomorrow, then mcs and brade may be able to review :) 18:39:40 hrm 18:39:46 i don't bu ti can find it 18:39:49 if it's simple enough i can get it done today, but i'm going to be afk tomorrow 18:39:56 but back the rest of the week 18:40:00 #30783 18:40:07 ok thanks! 18:40:43 yep, that's the one :) 18:41:15 if it's simple, then that would be ideal, otherwise i can review it later this week 18:42:01 I don't see any other tickets that are must-have for the next release 18:42:48 be careful about updating tor-launcher locales if #32636 does not make it 18:43:03 because the changes on the server side are already in place 18:43:22 brade and I are working on that ticket today and tomorrow, so hopefully it will be done 18:43:39 nice! 18:43:46 (tomorrow if needed) 18:44:48 yep. ugh. thanks. 18:46:13 if there are any other tickets we should prioritize for th enext release, please let me know 18:47:08 okay. discussion 18:47:15 next team meeting 18:47:40 i'm now declaring this to be the last tor browser team meeting of 2019 18:47:49 whoa 18:47:50 :) 18:48:01 like many of you, i will be afk next monday 18:48:16 and so will pili, and GeKo and running away as fast as possible :) 18:48:41 so, it's a bit silly having a meeting next week 18:49:04 if any of you are around, and you want to meet, you should feel empowered to host your own meeting 18:49:15 you could even declare it a tor browser team meeting 18:49:22 just don't expect many people will show up :) 18:49:47 feel the power of #startmeeting and #endmeeting 18:49:58 so, the next meeting should be on Monday 6 January 18:50:01 indeed 18:50:16 6 January 202, that is 18:50:21 err. 2020 18:50:30 i can't even type that year correctly yet 18:51:23 this leads into the second item - the next release 18:51:47 9.0.3 and 9.5a4 are scheduled for 6 January 18:51:52 because "thanks Mozilla" 18:51:59 :) 18:52:04 7th? 18:52:15 so I an hoping we can have a release candidate by the end of this week 18:52:22 ah yes, I think boklm is right, 7th 18:52:23 oh, yeah, thanks boklm 18:53:03 however, we won't have the mozilla patches available by the end of this week? 18:53:40 i don't think so 18:53:45 boklm: probably not. i guess i shouldn't call it an 'rc' 18:54:12 but i'd like to have a test build with all the patch on top of the current esr68 branch 18:54:23 ok 18:54:33 and hopefully we can start testing it before everyone disappears for the holidays 18:54:43 *patches 18:55:32 but, with that being said, on Friday we got a trac ticket about a possible crash on Android 18:55:43 and for the real release, the plan is to start building it around january 2nd? 18:56:11 and GeKo thinks this may be a candidate for an emergency release 18:56:25 so i'm currently trying to repro the crash 18:56:30 ah 18:56:46 well, only if this is an rce 18:56:47 boklm: for 9.0.3, yes, probably 18:56:54 right. 18:56:57 which might not be likely, but who knows 18:56:58 that would be an android-only emergency release? 18:57:06 probably 18:57:20 it'll depend on what is triggering this crash 18:57:35 yeah, i'm still trying to repro the crash 18:57:41 i think if that's just an unexploitable crash that's unfortunate 18:57:42 i haven't been successful yet 18:57:57 but does not merit such a release imo 18:58:07 but it would be good having this fixed in the upcoming alpha at least 18:58:13 in that case 18:58:20 me too, i agree 18:58:23 either way 18:58:33 sysrqb: you should look at the tbb-backport tickets too 18:58:43 and pick those you think we should ship with 18:58:57 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=closed&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&keywords=%24tbb-backport&order=priority 18:59:49 oh, yes, thanks for the reminder 19:01:41 okay, if no one has anything else they'd like to mention, then I'd like to thank GeKo for his fearless leadership of the team 19:01:52 my pleasure 19:01:52 i know you're not completely leaving 19:02:13 it was very nice working with all of you 19:02:18 <3 19:02:20 we accomplished a lot 19:02:23 but I've definitely appreciated your wisdom 19:02:28 and having the boat still on course 19:02:35 :) 19:02:57 easily the best team lead i've worked with so far :) 19:02:58 2020, will be... intense 19:03:06 ha. 19:03:07 maybe more so than any other year 19:03:22 now he tells us.... 19:03:23 with the switch to the regular release series 19:03:24 :) 19:03:27 no kidding. but shhh, most of them don't know yet :) 19:03:28 hah 19:03:29 yeah 19:03:42 i won't spare you the hard truths :) 19:03:49 but the important point is 19:04:10 that i believe that you/we solve this issue as well as all the other issues we solve over the years 19:04:27 indeed 19:05:03 :) 19:05:07 pospeselr: thanks, that's really appreciated given that i have no clue about leadin a team 19:05:08 more learning experiences and growing pains 19:05:10 *leading 19:05:22 +1 on thanking GeKo 19:05:25 i mean, really, i have no "education" in that regard ;) 19:05:39 all for the best it would seem :D 19:05:48 haha 19:06:05 * GeKo bows infront of everyone 19:06:10 :) 19:06:33 okay, any last words for the last team meeting of 2019? 19:06:37 thanks for your immeasurable patience GeKo! i told it before but was a pleasure to collaborate together in a *bunch* of good stuff 19:06:46 thanks 19:07:07 and i am just a ping away, if i can help ;) 19:07:16 good to know :) 19:07:39 you will receive many pings in the coming months, i expect ;) 19:07:52 but, hopefully not too many 19:07:57 hehe 19:08:04 we'll see! 19:08:06 and good luck with starting the network health team 19:08:07 ! 19:08:10 :D 19:08:20 it is exciting work, and needed work 19:08:23 yeah, it's important and will be exciting 19:08:25 heh 19:09:30 and with that, i wish you all a good week, and a good holiday, and a good new years! 19:09:33 exciting times ahead for everyone :) 19:09:36 happy new year! 19:09:47 thanks to GeKo for leading the team! it was a pleasure working in a team led by you. 19:09:47 and i hope 2020 is the best year 19:09:54 thanks 19:10:00 yeah 19:10:27 happy new year folks! 19:10:30 finally time to smash surveillance capitalism and all the other folks that screw us over 19:10:43 good note to end on. 19:10:49 oof 19:10:49 happy new year! 19:10:52 drops the mic 19:11:32 #endmeeting