17:30:56 #startmeeting Tor Browser Team Meeting 14 October 2019 17:30:56 Meeting started Mon Oct 14 17:30:56 2019 UTC. The chair is sysrqb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:30:56 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:30:59 that one. 17:31:06 Hello everyone! 17:31:07 Potentially dumb question from me, the newbie: if I want to cover a topic in the discussion during a meeting, is putting it in the Discussion section of the pad considered the correct way to indicate that? 17:31:22 (That's what I did but I wasn't sure if that's standard) 17:31:25 yes 17:31:30 ok great 17:31:58 okay! I see some people are still adding their updates 17:32:03 Jeremy_Rand_Talos: if it's related to your status update you could mark it as bold 17:32:22 hi 17:32:22 ah, yes, that is better, too 17:32:53 We can start the meeting in 2 minutes 17:33:08 GeKo, ah ok. In this case it's something covered in last meeting's status update that we didn't have time to discuss last time. Should I put it in my status update for this meeting and bold it? 17:33:48 * Jeremy_Rand_Talos is trying to follow convention but is not 100% sure what the convention is 17:33:52 hi! 17:34:41 Jeremy_Rand_Talos: okay, if it's not currently in your weekly update, then you can add it in the discussion section 17:34:50 ok, sounds good 17:34:52 pili: I just typed over one of your items and undo is not working :( Please fix 17:34:58 ok :) 17:35:02 (accident) 17:35:35 Okay, let's get statrted 17:35:40 *started 17:35:49 GeKo: i bolded part of you update 17:36:05 Did we decide if you're releasing a 9.0 for osx? 17:36:14 or is that part of this week? 17:36:32 err, *we're releasing (not only you) 17:36:39 i don't understant the 9.0 question 17:36:46 did you mean 8.5.7? 17:36:46 a 8.5.7? 17:36:56 oh 17:37:02 right. 17:37:07 sorry,i confused myself 17:37:08 well, we did not 17:37:28 new installs are broken 17:37:37 very likely due to notarization issues 17:37:50 (the 8.5.x series is not notarized yet) 17:38:01 yet already installed versions are okay it seems 17:38:17 we had 1 bug report so far i am aware of 17:38:22 right 17:38:25 (a user in #tor) 17:38:39 which seems to indicate to me we can just ship 9.0 as a fix for that 17:38:57 which is the safer thing anyway 17:39:09 okay, that's good 17:39:13 as no one knows whether the esr60-based release would work as expected 17:39:20 (it should, yes :) ) 17:39:24 brade and I hope to look at TB 8.5.5 on macOS 10.15 if we have time, but maybe it is not worth our time? 17:39:30 (to see why it is failing) 17:39:35 you could 17:39:40 but don't waste too much time 17:39:46 I like the “ship 9.0” solution but we will take a quick look 17:39:53 thanks 17:39:56 +1 17:40:15 it's unfortunate 17:40:22 but it could have been way worse for us 17:40:36 Okay, good, I'm glad we talked about this, despite messing up the version numbers 17:40:40 yeah 17:40:47 of course we do not know if the updater will work (8.5.5 to 9.0) 17:40:55 fingers crossed.... 17:41:36 yeah 17:42:05 it'd be nice if we can test the updating process before the release 17:42:19 but i don't think we have that capability right now, correct? 17:42:52 I was thinking we could test updating an older ESR60 alpha to an ESR68 alpha 17:42:54 maybe we can test 8.5.5 to 9.0a8? 17:43:11 ah 17:43:20 mcs: smart 17:43:31 boklm: i haven't tried, can you just change the update channel and it'll work? 17:43:48 hmm, I'm not sure 17:44:02 boklm: I don’t think you can mix channels like that 17:44:06 okay, it's something someone can test 17:44:13 okay 17:44:32 anything else on this before we move on? 17:45:01 GeKo: mcs: brade: i'm assuming you're good on #27604 17:45:12 yes 17:45:23 thanks for taking this from my plate 17:45:32 yes 17:45:37 and no problem 17:45:42 mcs: brade: i am mostly worried that relocating is not failing hard now :) 17:46:09 but leaving users with broken extensions (that is noscript and https-e) 17:46:14 which would be bad 17:46:27 and we should avoid that 17:47:14 GeKo: acknowledged. we will see what we find with 9.0 17:47:43 okay, I have two questions. 1) wasm. I saw we're landing enabling asm.js in this release. 17:48:29 i didn't see any obvious issues with wasm (and it seems the asm.js implementation is mostly wasm, but some minor changes) 17:48:50 i feel more comfortable enabling wasm in an alpha first 17:49:03 wfm 17:49:04 but i don't know if it's really worthwhile or if we should ship it in the stable 17:49:17 we could pick it up in 9.0.1 17:49:24 in case nothing explodes in 9.5a1 17:49:37 yep, good, that's what i was thinking 17:49:42 thanks 17:49:44 i think it's a big deal for getting this enabled 17:49:54 in particular with the patch tjr has been working on 17:51:07 yeah, i saw that is coming soon 17:51:10 very exciting 17:51:47 my second question is for acat 17:52:03 do you want #31730? i saw GeKo asked about putting it on your plate 17:52:19 but i can take it this week, if you have other items you want to work on 17:52:44 i can take it, don't have so many items (for now) :) 17:52:53 heh, okay, thanks :) 17:52:56 i'll take it off my list 17:53:31 okay, Jeremy_Rand_Talos, you're up 17:53:42 (for weekly status update item) 17:54:15 ok, so I noticed that tor-browser-build doesn't have a license right now 17:54:47 am I correct in assuming that that's unintentional and that adding a license should be straightforward? 17:54:56 yes and yes 17:55:23 ok great, so I can stop being worried that my patches to it are violating the All Rights Reserved default license 17:56:01 yes. we don't roll like that :) 17:56:22 okay, pospeselr you saw boklm's comment? 17:56:34 yeah, just made #32066 17:56:40 coolio 17:56:41 thanks 17:56:54 anything else for weekly updates? 17:57:21 GeKo: do you want to lead the first two discussionpoints? 17:57:26 *discussion points 17:57:36 i can do 17:57:59 thanks 17:58:08 okay, we ned to figure out what the remaining items for 9.0 are we ant to fix (assuming nothing explodes in 9.0a8) 17:58:16 and who will work on those 17:58:31 i have a bunch of things on my radar 17:58:52 GeKo: url? 17:59:01 we should at least investigate the reproducibility issues we recently encouncerted 17:59:10 there is no url :) 17:59:15 ok 17:59:24 * boklm can take those 17:59:40 but we could look over https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=!closed&keywords=~tbb-9.0-must, too 17:59:55 then we have #31730 18:00:04 which acat put on his plate 18:00:11 boklm: thanks 18:01:02 pospeselr: i added you to a moz sec bug like two weeks ago and honza asked me to verify that our file path proxy bypass protectin is still wokring 18:01:17 could you pick that up? 18:01:23 yeah i can do that 18:01:32 do you have a bug # ? 18:02:01 1561912 18:02:22 + a general look at wireshark output while using tor browser would be helpful 18:02:37 i didthat a while back because a user reported weird things 18:02:44 like firefox doing direct connections to some ips 18:02:57 instead of only tor.exe doing those 18:02:57 fun fun 18:03:03 but i did not find any 18:03:17 now that fellow is using some weird comodo dhit that is reporting this 18:03:24 *shit 18:03:35 very likely some false positive 18:03:48 but i like to be double-sure :) 18:04:11 acat: what do we want to do with #13543? 18:04:40 should we invest some energy to figure out whether there is a better spoofing option? 18:05:18 pospeselr: i guess the revisions for #31768 come first, though 18:05:25 err 18:05:26 #31286 18:05:49 anyway, that's all i had on my radar 18:05:53 anything i am missing? 18:06:20 the feeature review is almost done 18:06:43 there are some things i already filed bugs for and somethings that still need to get bugs 18:06:54 but overall nothing is too worrying right now 18:07:08 sysrqb: you look at the proxy bypass things for mobile? 18:07:09 i see #30017 in sysrqb's list, do we want that for 9.0? 18:07:34 GeKo: yes, i'll finish test patches this week 18:07:52 okay, that would be good and a must for 9.0 18:07:59 acat: maybe 18:08:06 could be something for 9.5a1 -> 9.0.1 18:08:55 are we good with this point? 18:09:08 GeKo: i'm also thinking about #24926, because apparently Tor Browser is advertising it is supported, but it doesn't work 18:09:20 it's not critical, so other tickets will take priority 18:09:33 but if we finish the other 9.0 tickets,i may look at it 18:09:39 yeah, i am fine taking this for 9.5aX 18:09:54 okay 18:10:07 i don't have anything else 18:10:32 okay Jeremy_Rand_Talos 18:10:33 for anyone freaked out: we are close with 9.0. it does not look so bad, and it's just another work of work :) 18:10:48 :) 18:10:53 +1 18:10:58 *freaking out intensifies* 18:10:59 s/work/week/ 18:11:06 lol 18:11:36 Jeremy_Rand_Talos: no, that's not a blocker 18:12:15 i don't think we need to have a thorough investigation here 18:12:32 GeKo, ok great. So we'll use the optimized root CA list in the initial merge? 18:12:57 i don't see anything that speaks against that right now 18:12:59 it's only a few Kilobytes 18:13:06 and only nightly 18:13:10 or, few 100K 18:13:19 i doubt it'll make a large difference for nightlies 18:13:26 yeah 18:14:00 okay, so let me get to my other discussion point 18:14:09 alright. I'll plan to use the optimized root CA list. Switching back to the full root CA list is a matter of flipping a boolean flag in tor-browser-build 18:14:16 so it'll be easy to revert if we decide to 18:14:21 the post-9.0 work until the end of the end 18:14:23 GeKo: oh, right, sorry! 18:14:26 Jeremy_Rand_Talos: sounds good! 18:14:31 no worries 18:14:51 i looked over the stickies we made in stockholm 18:15:14 and november and december look like there is not too much we noted tere 18:15:16 *there 18:15:46 i brainstormed a bit and came up with larger items we might want to tackle while the schedule is a bit more relaxed 18:15:52 that is #30570 18:16:01 #28325 18:16:07 #31660 18:16:13 and then there is the s27 work 18:16:25 and #18867 boklm is already working on 18:16:41 does that a) sound reasonable? 18:16:54 and/or b) is there somethiing i am issing here 18:16:58 *missing 18:17:19 but which we should be working on before the transition adventure starts? 18:17:57 wasn't there something for #30939, or was that next year? 18:17:58 (that's just for the larger chunks of work, no worries; there will be plenty of other stuff to do 18:18:12 like end of year fundraising) 18:18:28 acat: that's part of the otf proposal we try to submit 18:18:36 and we would work on it next year i think 18:19:03 I mentioned this on the pad, but #31005 maybe something for us, too 18:19:22 but I'm still working on uderstanding the scope and amount of time needed for it 18:20:19 well, i think we should have time to make a work plan 18:20:22 and I may get a head-start on #29255 18:20:54 It would be nice to get more contract work done before working on items where we have more freedom. 18:20:55 I think there is a lot left to do for Sponsor 27, for example. 18:21:12 (I don’t want us to be in a crunch near the end of a contract) 18:21:18 yeah, that might be smart 18:21:19 +1 18:21:21 mcs: yup 18:21:23 pili: ^ 18:21:31 that was part of GeKo's list 18:21:32 definitely let's use the time to catch up on S27 18:21:44 might be worht figuring out tomorrow whether we can intensify tbb work 18:21:53 while not overly dependent on network-team speed 18:21:58 but we can create a roadmap for what we can accomplish sooner 18:22:03 yeah 18:22:04 or what the constraints here are 18:22:17 the meeting time unforuntately does not work for me 18:22:21 I have a rough one 18:22:22 (which is fine) 18:22:23 we can review it tomorrow 18:22:24 that's a rough roadmap for S27 18:22:31 pili: great 18:22:38 good 18:23:24 sysrqb: could you add your other ticket to the list on the pad 18:23:40 so we have everything in one place? 18:23:55 if we don't have anything more on that topic that's it for me 18:24:29 (adding) 18:24:39 okay, anything else for this meeting? 18:24:50 (thanks, for some reason storm appears to be read-only right now for mw) 18:24:55 *me 18:25:13 yeah, that happened for me too, i'm relaoding the page 18:25:24 I just replied to sysrqb's questions on #31144 18:25:26 hrm. that didn't help... 18:25:27 GeKo: how are you on the feature review? 18:25:41 thanks mikeperry 18:25:48 do you need me to pick up any of that now? 18:26:51 i am mostly done 18:26:56 only firefox 68 is missing 18:27:05 if you can pick this up today-ish 18:27:10 or tomorrow 18:27:12 that would help 18:27:30 ok. what's the ticket to comment on? 18:27:37 #31591 18:28:16 i'll post my notes for firefox 61-67 inclusive later this week 18:28:38 i skimmed 68 and it does not look too bad 18:28:46 but it needs a closer look 18:29:49 alright I'll look over it 18:29:50 great. mikeperry, good? 18:29:54 thanks 18:29:55 thanks 18:30:27 okay, and with that I believe we reached the end of this meeting! 18:30:36 have a good week everyone! 18:30:43 #endmeeting