17:31:36 #startmeeting tor browser 8/26 17:31:36 Meeting started Mon Aug 26 17:31:36 2019 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:31:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:31:43 hello everyone! 17:31:54 o/ 17:31:59 welcome to another weekly tor browser meeting 17:32:02 hi 17:32:13 the items on the pad we currently have are https://storm.torproject.org/shared/tHoN4Ii7rLSjPE0OP4gydX4cMGadsXmRQNc-6lwru0N 17:32:26 please add yours if not already done 17:32:37 hi 17:32:46 hello hello 17:33:25 o/ 17:33:41 hi 17:34:58 good morning 17:36:11 okay, let's get going 17:36:28 hey intrigeri o/ 17:36:33 pili: you are first 17:36:40 hi everyone 17:36:49 (hi! vaguely lurking while I'm still vaguely awake.) 17:37:24 I wanted to do a first pass at september's roadmap and add points to the tickets 17:37:25 I guess the first step is to figure out which of august ticket's we will carry over to september 17:37:37 and assign points for the remaining work in them 17:38:04 I'll start listing off the ones I have and if people can give estimates that would be helpful 17:38:08 does that sound like a plan? :) 17:38:19 (it may be a bit tedious but bear with me for this one) 17:39:07 wfm 17:39:18 * antonela bearing with pili 17:39:31 #30490 17:40:26 we don't carry this ticket over 17:40:38 we'll fix it this week and open follow-up tickets if needed 17:40:38 ok #31192 17:41:03 carry over (unless a fix magically appears this week) 17:41:07 did we say 1 point is 1 day? 17:41:24 yup, 17:41:25 sorry, I should have specified that at the start 17:41:26 thanks sysrqb 17:41:38 i thought i remembered that :) 17:41:45 any estimates for #31192? :) 17:41:52 i tink maybe 0.5 points? 17:41:59 it should just-work with 68esr 17:42:05 hehe 17:42:06 but maybe it won't 17:42:19 well, you need to adapt some tor-browser-build parts 17:42:27 We need to create rust target and modify mozconfig a bit 17:42:28 and test the .apks 17:42:32 1 point? 17:42:38 yes 17:43:23 next one: #21549 17:43:30 carry over 17:43:50 i talked to luke with tjr and we should be in good shape 17:43:55 but still 17:44:01 1 point 17:44:12 it's a large beast 17:44:13 ok 17:44:36 #26847 17:44:50 no carry over 17:45:08 i'll review what ma1 got us and proabably close the ticket 17:45:13 it seems it's gotten better 17:45:23 #27399 I think should be closed this week 17:45:27 so no carry over? 17:45:35 yes 17:46:08 #27601 17:46:18 no carry over 17:46:29 we'll get that with acat's rebase work (i hope) 17:46:36 which i'll look at tomorrow 17:46:51 #29818 17:47:07 that's a good one 17:47:14 i need to talk to mcs and brade about that 17:47:22 hard to say the involved work 17:47:36 but probably carry over 17:47:47 ok, we'll leave the estimates for now ;) 17:47:50 you should as them tomorrow 17:47:50 #29935 17:47:56 will do 17:48:02 carry over 17:48:13 however it has sub tickets as it is more a meta one 17:48:25 maybe we should take those off our radar 17:48:34 and only track the actual ones? 17:48:45 if so, then no carry over (case closed :) ) 17:49:03 yeah, I have those also: #30786 17:49:23 #30787 and #30788 17:49:25 all of them carry over 17:50:02 estimates? :) 17:50:04 i guess one 2 hours for each incl. testing 17:50:17 whatever that is in points :) 17:50:29 0.4? 17:50:46 hehe 17:50:53 I'll put 1d in the parent 17:50:56 couuld be! 17:51:00 I can put hours in the individual ones 17:51:05 *could 17:52:10 ok #30036 17:52:30 that's mostly taken care of in #31010 17:52:31 if that's not done with #31010 carry over 17:52:37 ok 17:52:46 * antonela did better maths and seems like 0.25 is the p we want 17:52:49 i was going to say I was tempted to icebox it ;) since it's been moving over every month 17:52:50 i guess we'll file follow-up tickets if needed? 17:53:08 yeah, wfm 17:53:16 then no carry over 17:53:25 ok, so for now no carry over then 17:53:40 #30320 - this is the toolchains parent ticket 17:53:59 so maybe let's look at the individual ones> 17:54:04 #30321 17:54:26 no carry over 17:54:42 #30322 17:54:54 for any of them? 17:54:57 no carry over 17:55:02 #30323 17:55:06 close :) 17:55:09 *closed 17:55:23 oooh, I missed that one 17:55:44 oh, I see it's been updated in my comment, some gitlab magic going on ther 17:55:54 #30324 ? 17:56:02 hopefully no carry over 17:56:14 (but i have not had a branch so far to look at all the details) 17:56:42 The Android toolchain work is done, but it still needs to be merged and reviewed 17:56:55 So maybe .5 17:57:00 sisbell: is esr68_0820 the one to look at? 17:57:08 Yes 17:57:13 but this will happen this week 17:57:18 so, no carry over 17:57:23 sisbell: do you think it will carry over to next week though? 17:57:24 ok 17:57:25 good :) 17:57:27 #30518 17:57:45 sisbell: could you update the tickets to set the review flag pointing to commits/the branch? 17:58:04 Yes, I'll do that 17:58:23 pili: carry over 17:58:30 should be relatively easy 17:58:30 points? 17:58:42 1hour inclusive testing? 17:59:25 I'll double that to 2h just in case ;) 17:59:28 ok, #30665 17:59:46 no carry over 18:00:16 Its currently working but not with all the patches, those still need to be applied and tested 18:00:43 ok 18:00:43 So its more of a vanilla firefox android build that is working 18:01:14 yeah, but we need that this week 18:01:23 which is why there is no carry over 18:01:32 ok 18:02:00 ok :) 18:02:04 next: #30845 18:02:25 we should fix the underlying issue this week 18:02:29 so, no carry over 18:02:33 ok 18:03:04 #31144 - this was the one for mikeperry, right? 18:03:09 yes 18:03:24 hmm, he's not in this channel 18:03:31 any ideas? 18:03:48 we could ask him 18:03:53 last i heard that'll carry over, because he was prioritising network team tickets 18:04:19 ok, I'll follow up on that one 18:04:30 asked in #tor-dev 18:04:33 and carry over sounds about right 18:04:36 thanks GeKo 18:04:39 but, yes, carry over definitely 18:05:24 #31161 18:05:35 carry over 18:05:42 heh. yeah. 18:05:51 points? :) 18:05:54 i am still thinking about that :) 18:06:11 that's a hard one 18:06:35 let's go with 2 points from where we are and if my idea is working as expected 18:06:43 ok 18:06:46 #31287 18:06:53 no carry over 18:07:59 ok 18:08:19 #31303 18:08:59 hm 18:09:04 i think that's one from pospeselr 18:09:21 i'd check first whether that's still an issue with esr68 18:09:24 not sure if he's also going to work on it 18:09:54 i would not carry it over 18:10:04 I don't have any immediate plans to work on it, though I'm sure I can be compelled to :) 18:10:09 I can icebox it :) 18:10:10 i don't think we have time for that in sep 18:10:15 yeah 18:10:48 ok 18:11:02 #31308 18:11:24 (almost there) 18:12:00 hm 18:12:08 i think we should do that this week as well 18:12:17 (it will be a looong week) 18:12:22 so, no carry over 18:12:30 ok 18:12:32 #31389 18:12:45 no carry over 18:13:27 ok, so that's the last one I had 18:13:40 any others from August I may have forgotten about? 18:14:07 yes, see: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=!closed&keywords=~TorBrowserTeam201908 18:14:21 there are a bunch more 18:14:39 ah yes, I wasn't counting the ones on needs review 18:14:44 or needs revision 18:15:23 let's work through those then 18:15:27 #31192 18:16:17 didn't we touch that one already? 18:16:18 actually, I'll move through the others I have in a more systematic way... otherwise I'm going to get lost 18:16:23 we had this already 18:16:31 yeah, let me use my list 18:16:36 :) 18:16:39 np 18:16:41 which one? ;) 18:17:02 https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/applications/tor-browser/-/boards - "Next" column :) 18:17:24 woah 18:17:25 #29430 18:17:30 no carry over 18:17:41 (so I was going through the Backlog column just now) 18:17:50 #31396 18:19:14 acat: i guess this will be fixed this week? 18:19:28 hopefully :) 18:19:47 i have it working, just looking for a better solution :) 18:19:56 I'll move on :P #31448 18:20:34 carry over 18:20:53 let's start here with 2 points 18:21:25 brb 18:21:44 #31298 18:22:16 #24056 18:22:26 :) 18:22:44 that's not on our august radar? 18:22:52 zwiebelbot doesn't do recursive ticket numbers :) 18:23:22 but i think acat has backported that one 18:23:23 ah no, it's not, but acat mentioned they were working on it :) 18:23:24 let's skip that one 18:23:53 #31286 18:24:21 we on that, by we pospeselr and me 18:24:31 antonela: will it carry over to september? 18:24:35 yes 18:24:38 and how much more will be left to do on it? 18:24:39 ditto 18:24:42 :) 18:25:01 we lost pospeselr 13 lines above, we can sync when is back 18:25:24 ok 18:25:25 #27399 should be done this week I think :) 18:25:40 cool 18:25:51 pili: yes, as said ;) 18:26:00 #30429 and #31010 not sure how to deal with... :) 18:26:30 no carry over 18:26:31 (actually, they should be in the review column, moved now) 18:26:34 back, sorry 18:26:41 #28238 18:26:47 thi will get donein this long week 18:26:58 no carry over 18:27:24 skipping over #29955 as above 18:27:25 #30126 18:27:48 carry over 18:27:59 i have to talk to mcs and brade to give some points 18:28:03 we need mcs/brade for the estimate right? 18:28:08 gotcha 18:28:08 ok 18:28:09 but i don't have any clue for that one 18:28:16 #31293 18:28:51 should be solved with the switcht to the new android toolchain? 18:28:52 sisbell: ^ 18:29:37 I still see some issues with firefox and deamon on new toolchain. So I think the solution for now is just dont diable network for Android 18:29:53 and #31388 also? 18:30:01 sisbell: oh, even with the newer versoin on gradle? 18:30:05 huh 18:30:07 *of 18:30:10 okay 18:30:16 so, carry over? 18:30:17 then carry over 18:30:18 and estimate? :) 18:30:27 Yes, I just saw an issue recently when I disabled w/ new toolchain 18:30:32 isn't that a different error? 18:30:33 But that was just on firefox 18:30:44 what boklm said 18:31:14 THe new error is not an NPE 18:31:23 But the build still aborts 18:31:24 so, I realize we're over the hour... are people ok to continue? 18:31:28 pili: i think we close that one with the new toolchain done 18:31:31 otherwise we can try to finish this off next week 18:31:36 and open new tickets where needed 18:31:39 the rust one? 18:31:44 no the other 18:31:44 or the gradle one? 18:31:45 one 18:31:45 ok 18:31:46 yes 18:31:56 so no carry over in the end 18:32:11 yep 18:32:54 rust one? :) 18:33:03 and rust should be done with the android toolchain 18:33:09 yes 18:33:24 ok 18:33:25 #31449 18:33:33 no carry over 18:33:41 ok, all the other tickets are in needs_review 18:33:46 there's 25 of them 18:33:51 I don't think we should go through them now 18:34:03 one by one 18:34:16 yeah 18:34:21 but maybe let's single out ones that will carry over and try to give some estimates? 18:34:28 let's see what actually makes it to sept from them 18:35:02 let's talk next monday about those items maybe? 18:35:21 that should give us a clearer picture 18:36:49 ok 18:36:52 sounds good 18:37:06 okay, that's been you first item, nice :) 18:37:10 haha 18:37:14 now the other ones 18:37:24 I don't need to take anymore time :P 18:37:33 people can just read the bold items ;) 18:37:37 k 18:38:01 antonela: you are up 18:38:11 thanks! a quick one 18:38:17 so, we are working on Tor Network Settings #31286, is a kind of big change, so please take a look at the ticket and read what we are doing and let us know if we are missing anything. 18:38:22 just for a formal decision, is it fine if we use Tor Browser icon for Tor Network Settings? I think so but maybe you have another ideas. Please, leave your comments at the ticket! thanks! 18:39:56 and yeah for me, the tldr is is there a working branch in tor-browser-build 18:40:09 +1 from me 18:40:22 (for the icon) 18:40:40 cool, thanks 18:41:09 pospeselr: about you question. would it be okay if i give you a build later on? 18:41:22 i think i have all the missing pieces at least for a 64bit one 18:41:23 ah no, i'm trying to verify a patch which integrates the latest mingw 18:41:28 yes 18:41:31 i use that one 18:41:43 as jacek fast-forwarded the widl changes up 18:41:48 + all the other stuff we need for esr68 18:41:50 oh ok, yeah if you have one on hand that'd be great 18:42:01 i use the latest mingw-w64 18:42:06 which should have it? 18:42:22 yeah it was comitted sometime last week 18:42:27 so HEAD would definitely have it 18:42:39 okay. i ping you with a link to the .exe 18:43:00 ok perfect 18:43:03 makes my job easier :) 18:43:11 anything else for the status updates? 18:44:15 sysrqb: you are up for discussion :) 18:44:31 (in case my comment does not answer your question) 18:44:34 okay, #31308 mostly answered my question :) 18:44:44 ah 18:44:46 #23656 is the better one 18:45:08 it just needs someone writing those bits. as usual 18:45:13 should not even be overly hard 18:45:14 okay, yes, all of these pieces answer the question :) 18:45:21 thanks 18:45:48 alright any other discussion points? 18:46:01 hrm. one more question, i guess 18:46:09 for android, we have multiple archs 18:46:14 i need to talk to mcs/brade tomorrow and nailing down the final release plan for the alpha 18:46:28 i see there is already a 68.1.0esr tag, exciting 18:46:53 should i only rebase the arm mozconfig for #31010? 18:47:06 i'm debating changing that into a x86 build 18:47:17 yeah, just wagt we have now 18:47:17 but maybe it's easier if i stay with what we used for 60esr 18:47:22 okay 18:47:32 and then maybe opena follow-up ticket 18:47:38 sure, wfm 18:47:40 or *tickets 18:47:48 kk 18:49:00 okay. let's do it 18:49:06 thanks all! *baf* 18:49:10 #endmeeting