17:31:03 #startmeeting tor browser 6/3 17:31:03 Meeting started Mon Jun 3 17:31:03 2019 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:31:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:31:11 * GeKo waves back 17:31:19 okay, who is here for the meeting today? 17:31:19 hi 17:31:26 hi 17:31:27 i think pospeselr is out 17:31:32 and sisbell as well 17:31:48 * mcs is here 17:32:01 * brade is here 17:32:07 and pili might not make it either 17:32:18 as usual https://storm.torproject.org/shared/tHoN4Ii7rLSjPE0OP4gydX4cMGadsXmRQNc-6lwru0N is our pad 17:32:36 please add your items and mark things bold you want to talk about 17:34:05 tjr: do we have anything to do for the rdd issues or is that a post firefox 68 feature? 17:34:13 (i've not looked closely yet) 17:34:27 hi 17:34:39 GeKo: You don't have to do anything. 68 contains the disabling patch 17:34:56 o/ 17:34:57 okay, thanks 17:35:13 At some point we'll want to fix some or all of the child bugs; but it's on my todo list so you can opt to ignore them and I should get to them eventually 17:35:14 one thing less to worry about 17:35:32 works for me ;) 17:36:42 okay 17:36:46 let's get started 17:37:45 we have a 8.5.1 build signed which we could push out tomorrow unless there are blockers found (i don't know of any so far) 17:38:09 we have a bunch of things for alpha as well, thus we should make a build here too 17:38:24 boklm: how does your week look like for building 9.0a2? 17:38:45 GeKo: I can do a build of 9.0a2 17:40:11 okay. i try to kick off one tomorrow morning my time i think 17:40:23 ok 17:40:31 but i am out for signing on thursday 17:40:38 but maybe i can do it on wed 17:40:53 and then you could think about pushing it out on thu or fri 17:41:02 ok 17:41:31 sysrqb: does that work for you for the signing parts you do? 17:42:26 GeKo: yep, works for me 17:42:59 good 17:43:21 any other items from out status updates we should talk about? 17:44:49 okay, nothing it seems 17:45:13 do we have anything up for discussion? 17:45:31 i don't 17:45:48 nothing from me 17:46:04 nothing from me 17:46:34 seems to be a short meeting then today 17:46:35 :) 17:46:57 wfm :) 17:47:10 okay, we don't have pili either, thus, i can wait with discussing some stuff until next week 17:47:12 yeah 17:47:25 and use the time to fix bugs instead 17:47:36 so, thanks everyone for the weekly update 17:47:47 GeKo: So the plan is gcc for the linux builds? 17:47:54 and let's get back to work :) *baf* 17:47:57 #endmeeting