17:30:11 #startmeeting tor browser 5/28 2019 17:30:11 Meeting started Tue May 28 17:30:11 2019 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:30:11 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:30:25 hello everyone do our tuesday meeting 17:30:46 (yesterday was memorial day in the US and we moved it therefore) 17:30:55 hi to all 17:31:14 please update the pad as usual 17:31:18 hi 17:31:23 o/ 17:31:26 and mark things bold you need help with/want to talk about 17:32:20 hi 17:32:31 hi 17:33:35 o/ 17:33:42 * sysrqb updates pad 17:35:14 hi 17:35:41 o/ 17:35:47 okay, i think we should get started 17:36:12 so tor browser 8.5 got out as you probably all know ;) 17:36:25 and it seems nothing broke super badly, yay 17:36:38 but we have some things i like to get fixed in a point release 17:37:01 which i think we should start building this thursday/friday 17:37:08 and then get out early next week 17:37:39 (we probably want a new alpha as well albeit for slightly other issues, like new tor alpha etc.) 17:38:08 tickets with specific 8.5 issues are tracked ith tbb-8.5-issues 17:38:20 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&keywords=~tbb-8.5-issues&order=priority 17:38:31 those are not many 17:39:02 we basically have the fix for #30565 landed (there is an update related report in that ticket which is why this is still open) 17:39:11 and i think we can and should get #30560 fixed, too 17:39:54 so, why i bring this up: i might need folks to review patches 17:40:03 and asked already around 17:40:33 boklm: #30492 for the alpha would be neat 17:40:53 and getting #28119 solved for the alpha, would be good too 17:41:05 then there is the tiny #29969 17:41:19 and i already asked mcs/brade and acat for #30541 17:41:34 that's it from my side 17:41:48 let me know whether there are questions/concerns/issues etc. 17:42:41 i'd like tor ship a fix for #30573, but it looks like it's non-trivial 17:43:01 so i think the "real" fix may need to ride the train on alppha 17:43:04 GeKo: sorry, I missed there was a patch for this one already 17:43:19 but many we can ship a smaller immediate fix in stable, for now 17:43:29 acat: which one 17:43:30 ? 17:43:41 #30541 17:43:46 sysrqb: sounds good 17:43:58 acat: oh, i think i just asked for review? 17:44:20 GeKo: kk : 17:44:23 :) 17:44:34 acat: 06:57 <+GeKo> acat: could you put #30451 on your review plate? 17:44:55 yes, for some reason I missed the "review" :) 17:45:24 hah, then we can pick the better patch, which works for me ;) 17:45:50 sysrqb: i guess i wait for the patches then and we can decide what to do? 17:46:01 my current plan is really only do this one fixup for stable 17:46:12 and then the one in july next 17:46:26 to not lose too much time with additional releases 17:46:32 okay. yes, makes sense 17:46:43 GeKo: no no, I didn't do patch, it was just that I would have increased priority if I had seen that there was a patch already 17:47:18 okay, "just" review is fine 17:48:24 sysrqb: you could think about starting the mobile patch clean-up and rebase 17:49:01 not sure how long that will take but i bet a substantial amount of time 17:49:06 and it's high prio stuff 17:49:20 GeKo: i'll add it 17:49:48 mcs: brade: did you want to do #28822? 17:49:58 or is that a thing acat could pick up? 17:50:21 GeKo: not necessarily; we are fine with acat picking it up. Might be possible/easiest to “resurrect” what Mozilla removed (not sure) 17:50:31 okay 17:50:52 acat: i think an even better thing to work on in moving #10760 forward, though 17:50:53 it was a bootstrapped extension, so not sure if that will directly work... 17:51:06 i looked over the proposal and i think the direction is good 17:51:22 acat: good point. investigation required :) 17:51:27 (i hope to reply to the mail this week) 17:51:46 s/on in/on is/ 17:51:54 i have #10760 to review during june, is that right? 17:52:13 sounds good and june is already next wek :) 17:52:16 *week 17:52:23 yep, cool 17:52:50 and i guess it will take a bit to get all pieces right, so, yes, june is still good 17:53:25 acat: what do you think about doing #10760 for now and postpone #28822? 17:53:51 i feel i'd like to have the former done first even though we want to have both in the end 17:54:14 ok, although *I think* most of the proposal work is already done (there is a WIP commit in #30429 branch) 17:54:38 yes, i was not speaking of proposal 17:54:41 work 17:54:44 GeKo: How should brade and I prioritize sponsor 27 work vs. rebasing updater patches? I don’t want to slow down the rebase. 17:54:59 (which seems to be off to a great start!) 17:55:04 acat: but actually of implementing the proposal 17:55:33 mcs: i think this week doing s27 is still good 17:55:45 GeKo: OK; thx 17:55:46 GeKo: https://github.com/acatarineu/tor-browser/commit/8f841e5ccd0af5b1f73f5f9c74bb0fd866ba4c33 17:56:20 woah, okay! 17:56:29 good stuff 17:56:47 then, yes #28822 sounds like a good thing to work on and i'll go over it during review 17:57:24 mcs: i think we might need this week to clean up the patches acat already rebased 17:57:35 and i guess you could then start next week some time 17:57:44 Sounds good 17:57:47 (the former depends on how fast i am) 17:58:40 acat: meanwhile for #10760: 17:58:59 one thing you could think about is how to streamline our localization situation 17:59:16 in the sense that strings are twice translated 17:59:25 because once they come from .dtd files (for android) 17:59:40 and once from .properties files (for !android) 17:59:53 i had hoped to tackle that problem while integrating torbutton 17:59:58 because it is highly annoying 18:00:16 (i'll mention that in my reply mail to your proposal) 18:00:42 ok 18:00:47 okay, anything else regarding status updates? 18:02:06 discussion then 18:02:23 i added only one item which is tor browser 8.5 fallout 18:02:41 is there anything urgent we should consider/reconsider which i forgot? 18:03:18 can we live with the noscript button not being on the toolbar even though we don't have pers-site security settings directly in the browser yet? 18:03:42 haha, i can, but i'm not our users 18:03:51 Have a lot of people complained about the NoScript situation, or just a few loud people? 18:04:19 i think there is an interesting spectrum of reactions 18:04:52 there are folks that are concerned that we lead users to about:preferences to make settings changes 18:05:07 given that they land on the page with all the other settings they should not touch 18:05:37 then there are folks that just miss the button and are okay with adding it to the toolbar (at least until we have the per-site settings exposed in the browser) 18:06:00 then there are folks that urge us to put the button back until we have prop 101 fully implemented 18:06:21 but i'd expected more of those with better arguments 18:06:45 but the vast majortiy seems to be okay with it 18:06:58 probably because the icon *is* still there for them as they got the update 18:07:08 (and that was part of the plan actually) 18:07:18 all that makes sense 18:07:19 woo 18:07:48 so from my pov i am inclined to keep going as we did 18:08:08 +1 18:08:21 although i could sleep better if we scheduled the remaining work soonish 18:08:30 but that sounds not too realistic right now 18:08:56 not sure yet, i might need to think harder with pili 18:09:03 do you think we could consider to have some integration between our shield and firefox shield if they have it available in ESR? 18:09:40 * antonela is thinking about per-site settings, harder 18:09:48 aha 18:10:18 could be an option 18:10:21 you dont need to answer me now, just to think about it 18:10:22 :) 18:10:46 i think i am in the "whatever works best here" camp 18:10:54 for that feature 18:10:59 that is the easy camp, im there too! 18:11:08 haha :) 18:12:12 okey, lets think about it, you too pospeselr 18:12:13 i guess it depends for what exactly firefox is using the shield and whether we could blend in with that 18:12:30 i don't know the answer to the former 18:12:44 you can play the detective during the next all hand :) 18:12:51 *hands 18:13:02 but, yes, anything that helps reducing the implementation effort is welcome here from my pov 18:13:14 i'll keep that in mind, yeah 18:13:38 okay, that's it from my side at least 18:13:45 anything else we should talk about today? 18:15:13 seems we are good 18:15:32 thanks everyone and have a nice week. ping me if i can help you with anything! 18:15:35 *baf* 18:15:38 thanks! 18:15:39 #endmeeting