16:02:53 <morganava> #startmeeting Applications Team Weekly Meeting 2025-03-24
16:02:53 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Mar 24 16:02:53 2025 UTC.  The chair is morganava. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:02:53 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:03:02 <morganava> our pad as usual -> https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep
16:04:08 <morganava> we shipped out 14.5a5 last week and should be being deployed on Google Play shortly (there's always a multi-day lag time for them to review the release, and they seem to be semi-reliabliy hitting some weird null pointer exception race condition that stops the automated release publishgin >:[ )
16:05:29 <morganava> the other bit of news from 14.5a5 is we somehow gained 3mb since 14.5a4, the current hypothesis is either Go toolchain upgrade fallout, or some in-flight anti-censorship work
16:06:06 <PieroV> morganava: it's confirmed it's for the Snowflake inclusion in Lyrebird
16:06:12 <morganava> oooh nice!
16:06:19 <PieroV> But on the plus side it means we can remove the Snowflake standalone client
16:06:22 <morganava> well that's some *great* news then
16:06:35 <morganava> is that on all platforms?
16:06:39 <PieroV> And we have a net *gain* of around 3MB
16:07:02 <PieroV> This gain is specific for Android, but I think we can proceed for all platforms
16:07:11 <PieroV> I've just opened tor-browser-build#41407
16:07:16 <morganava> nice
16:07:21 <morganava> to update the pt_config.json^ ?
16:07:30 <PieroV> Yes, but also to delete projects/snowflake
16:07:35 <morganava> mmhm
16:07:45 <morganava> alright, christmas has come home early
16:07:46 <PieroV> And it'd be nice to finally use the Lyrebird name on Android as well
16:07:54 <morganava> er, has come early*
16:08:20 <dan_b> oh wow
16:08:35 <PieroV> Also, the null pointer exception might be a consequence of nop A-S
16:08:50 <PieroV> Since bookmarks also don't work
16:09:07 <morganava> yes
16:09:09 <PieroV> The stack trace of the null pointer exception has bookmarks stuff in it
16:09:22 <PieroV> And it started in 14.5a4, which was the first release with the NOP AS
16:09:28 <morganava> do we have an issue open for the bookmarks?
16:09:42 <PieroV> My hypothesis is that it's related to the fact that bookmarks can be synced in FF
16:09:53 <PieroV> And it totally sounds like something implemented in A-S
16:10:00 <PieroV> morganava: yep, ebanam opened one
16:10:06 <PieroV> I've linked it to the crash
16:10:08 <morganava> ah i fund it
16:10:12 <morganava> found it, i didn't add the ilestone
16:10:34 <PieroV> tor-browser#43581
16:10:58 <dan_b> omg loool
16:11:04 <dan_b> i can replicate that
16:11:08 <morganava> yep
16:11:58 <morganava> so we're sliding into the bug-fix/polish portion of the release cycle, with Android connect-assist being the last major feature we're likely building for 14.5
16:12:26 <dan_b> yeah! it's very exciting to have crested the hill on that and landed it and now be into small patches to fix it, rather than big patches to land it
16:12:34 <PieroV> morganava: Claire found that connect assist might fail because the browser hasn't been initialized
16:12:36 <dan_b> congrats and thanks to everyone! huge team effort
16:12:46 <morganava> ooh awesome, i missed that in the backlog
16:13:04 <morganava> anyway, the reelvant board you can grab issues from is here: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/boards/2453?milestone_title=Tor%20Browser%2014.5
16:13:21 <morganava> prioritising blockers of course and working your way down
16:13:27 <morganava> (for Tor Browser)
16:14:47 <morganava> the equivalent Mullvad Browser board is here: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/mullvad-browser/-/boards/2459?milestone_title=Mullvad%20Browser%2014.5
16:15:44 <PieroV> BTW, this is tag week
16:16:02 <PieroV> with a stable release on April 1
16:16:19 <PieroV> I already have some rebased branches (I restarted the rebasing scripts)
16:17:03 <morganava> hmm i probably have a few audit issues spreadsheets to create
16:18:28 <clairehurst> Speaking of 14.5 blockers, I think tor-browser#42585 coule be resolved now with tor-browser!1426, any objections?
16:19:47 <morganava> makes sense to me
16:20:01 <morganava> is my comment re 'learn more' links in that issue still relevant?
16:20:34 <clairehurst> yes, it is still dropped
16:21:45 <morganava> cool closed
16:22:31 <morganava> alright, does anyone else have topics for discussion updates to give?
16:24:00 <morganava> oh and if you have't yet, please reply to bella's email re availability in May
16:27:12 <morganava> alright everyone
16:27:17 <morganava> have a good week o/
16:27:20 <morganava> #endmeeting