13:00:22 <hiro> #startmeeting network-health 2025-03-24 13:00:22 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Mar 24 13:00:22 2025 UTC. The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:22 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:25 <GeKo> hi! 13:00:35 <hiro> here is the pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2025-keep 13:02:40 <sarthikg[mds]> o/ 13:02:43 <Rohitth[mds]> o/ 13:03:02 <hiro> hello @sarthikg[mds] o/ 13:03:06 <hiro> hello @Rohitth[mds] o/ 13:03:34 <hiro> who wants to start with the updates? 13:03:53 <GeKo> nothing important from my side 13:04:00 <GeKo> just the stuff on the pad 13:04:05 <juga> i created 2 mrs for nsa /details endpoint (assigned to you, hiro ;). This week i'll go back to p112, reviewing uploads \ 13:04:21 <GeKo> planning to make more progress on p183 and p112 work this week 13:04:42 <hiro> thanks! I'll review the changes... @juga 13:04:47 <juga> thanks! 13:05:20 <hiro> @GeKo is anything left from 112 for me or @sarthikg[mds] that we should look at? anything that you might need for a final report or anything of the like? 13:06:16 <GeKo> i don't think so 13:06:29 <hiro> ok cool! let me know if otherwise 13:06:48 <GeKo> yeah. if anything at all then some tagtor improvements 13:07:04 <GeKo> but i *think* we should be good here for p112 purposes as well 13:07:22 <GeKo> it's only o3.5 and the proposal evluation left for us 13:07:30 <GeKo> *evaluation 13:07:36 <hiro> ok! I'll have a look with sarthikg[mds] about that later this week and find out what isn't working and/or was missing there 13:07:52 <GeKo> sure 13:08:26 <hiro> I'll be doing happy family this week finally 13:08:36 <hiro> for onionoo and relay-search 13:08:47 <juga> \o/ 13:09:16 <GeKo> i guess we can poke ahf to write down the contact info verification idea he had 13:09:33 <GeKo> now that happy family is a thing 13:09:37 <GeKo> which is nice 13:10:00 <hiro> also nickm warned me the running flag has been irrelevant for some time now and I am planning to review all the places where we are checking that before it goes away and we start labelling all the relays as offline\ 13:10:19 <hiro> yep @GeKo very nice indeed 13:11:11 <sarthikg[mds]> hiro: shall we not use the running flag in the new metrics details page then? 13:11:23 <hiro> in the page yes! 13:11:34 <hiro> we want to know that the relay is indeed running 13:12:03 <hiro> but the flag comes from the dirauths and relays that aren't running are excluded from the consensus anyways 13:12:03 <sarthikg[mds]> ohh, ohka! 13:12:19 <GeKo> it's been looong that way 13:12:47 <hiro> yeah @GeKo but the flag might go away soon and in onionoo and metrics-web is still being checked 13:13:13 <GeKo> right 13:13:21 <hiro> so better clean up before we get a nice surprise! xD 13:13:32 <GeKo> +1 13:14:20 <juga> hiro: is the running column in server_status coming from the flag? 13:14:46 <juga> asking cause nsa /details returns it too 13:15:02 <hiro> for relays yes... but the column will stay 13:15:08 <juga> ah, ok 13:15:35 <hiro> because we mark as relay as not running on the latest status if it has fallen from the consensus 13:15:53 <hiro> and for bridges we check the bridge strap tests 13:15:53 <juga> i see, nothing to change there then 13:15:56 <hiro> yep! 13:16:03 <juga> thanks 13:16:09 <hiro> no problems\ 13:16:34 <hiro> ook that's all from me... 13:16:44 <hiro> @sarthikg[mds] do you want to go next? 13:16:54 <sarthikg[mds]> yeah 13:17:19 <sarthikg[mds]> so got the first vm-based endpoint working. i was just testing its integration with the astro app, and will continue with the next endpoint 13:18:03 <sarthikg[mds]> i saw some issues during the integration where the astro inferred the wrong date, so i think going forward will have to keep testing the integration 13:19:29 <hiro> thanks! 13:20:24 <hiro> one thing I wanted to mention was that we have an all hands planned for the 9th of April about project 183 13:20:58 <hiro> so @juga and @GeKo we might want to think how to prepare the presentation about that 13:21:37 <juga> ok, i've no idea right now, haven't started to work on it yet 13:21:51 <hiro> sure we have got time 13:22:02 <hiro> ok I do not have anything else 13:22:17 <hiro> does anyone have something to chat about? 13:22:24 * juga is good 13:22:35 <hiro> otherwise we can call it groot and talk async as usuall 13:22:37 <sarthikg[mds]> nothing from my side 13:23:21 <GeKo> hiro: sounds good 13:23:31 * GeKo is good 13:24:11 <Rohitth[mds]> For now I don't have any doubts and planning a robust architecture in detail for rewrite of metrics library 13:24:11 <Rohitth[mds]> If any doubts I will sure clarify it from hero ma'am. 13:24:34 <hiro> thanks @Rohitth[mds] ! 13:24:40 <hiro> I'll end the meeting then 13:24:43 <hiro> #endmeeting