16:01:45 <morganava> #startmeeting Applications Weekly Meeting 2025-03-10
16:01:45 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Mar 10 16:01:45 2025 UTC.  The chair is morganava. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:01:45 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:56 <morganava> pad -> https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep
16:02:08 <dan_b> o/
16:02:13 <clairehurst> o/
16:02:17 <brizental[m]> o/
16:02:33 <Jeremy_Rand_Lab19[m]> Hi!
16:03:32 <ma1> ciao
16:06:04 <morganava> ok, looks like we're in for a short meeting this week
16:06:39 <morganava> 14.5a3 is on the docket this week, I'm happy to take on release-prep and/or signing this week
16:06:55 <PieroV> morganava: I think boklm wanted to sign it
16:07:01 <PieroV> To check some recent changes
16:07:11 <PieroV> At least I remember reading a comment about that
16:07:18 <morganava> oooh yes because of the updated rbm/config stuff that we just merged?
16:07:22 <boklm> yes, to test tor-browser-build#41389
16:07:33 <dan_b> when you planning on tagging? im just testing and landing claire's set of patchs for android this morning 🙂
16:07:35 <morganava> ok nice, wfm
16:07:43 <dan_b> i can also be a builder
16:08:24 <morganava> not until tomorrow at the earliest, we still need to finalise clairehurt's MB rebase iirc
16:08:28 <PieroV> We were thinking of an additional build around March 18
16:08:30 <dan_b> ah cool
16:08:31 <morganava> but i may be out of date there
16:08:33 <PieroV> But it might be too early
16:08:43 <PieroV> Considering 14.5a3 is still to be published
16:09:14 <morganava> true, maybe we delay next weeks' to the end of the week or the week following
16:10:21 <morganava> in any event, i'll plan to release prep tonight or tomorrow morning
16:13:26 <dan_b> cool. i guess we can talk about more in the connection assist meeting for android next hour but sounds like that might buy us another week 😄
16:14:06 <morganava> dan_b: i think the most time sensitive thing on your plate atm is the ux survey for Android
16:14:35 <morganava> which we would like in the Apr 1 stable
16:14:53 <morganava> (and of course the apha branch, gated on the stable release channel)
16:15:06 <dan_b> sure, i got it mostly done week before, but yeah, needs final touches and lots of testing
16:15:12 <dan_b> so i can switch back to that this week
16:15:26 <dan_b> after clearing out the last WIP bits I have on my plate now
16:15:45 <morganava> perfect, henry-x's desktop version is merged into alpha so you can always poke at that if you have any q's about correct behaviour
16:15:55 <dan_b> oh nice, awesome, thanks
16:16:40 <morganava> PieroV: how urgent is the Lox Rust MR?
16:16:48 <PieroV> Not urgent
16:16:57 <PieroV> But not up to me
16:17:09 <clairehurst> Yeah I need to finalize the MB rebase
16:17:16 <PieroV> I'm not planning to do anything on that until it's merged
16:17:45 <PieroV> There's already a lot there
16:17:47 <morganava> clairehurst: yes plz prioritize that today :)
16:17:57 <clairehurst> will do :)
16:18:03 <PieroV> However, I don't know how urgent it is for AC team
16:18:47 <morganava> PieroV: yeah it's nice seeing some Rust code for once :)
16:19:03 <dan_b> we can be merging things to 128.8 right?
16:19:16 <dan_b> for tor-browser?
16:19:19 <morganava> TB 128.8 yes
16:19:23 <dan_b> ok cool
16:19:24 <morganava> MB 128.8 not yet
16:19:26 <dan_b> ah k
16:19:40 <dan_b> that's fine
16:20:46 <morganava> oke, any other discussion topics from folks, anybody blocked and/or need assistance?
16:21:07 <Jeremy_Rand_Lab19[m]> just a quick note from me
16:21:12 <PieroV> Do we have a list of stuff we want in 14.5 and asap?
16:21:20 <PieroV> I can be thrown at those if we have
16:21:43 <morganava> yes the 14.5 Milestone should have everything
16:21:59 <dan_b> i have at least one other, the quickstart rename, is that just a string change actually?
16:22:32 <morganava> dan_b: yes that's my understanding but i think henry-x r donuts should confirm
16:22:40 <morganava> jeremy?
16:22:43 <Jeremy_Rand_Lab19[m]> one of the self-authenticating onion TLS grants has been approved.
16:23:21 <dan_b> looks like henry-x already merged the desktop one?
16:23:32 <dan_b> tor-browser!1395
16:23:46 <dan_b> so i'll try and get that in this week too
16:23:46 <henry-x> dan_b yes, it is just a string rename for https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/43473
16:23:55 <dan_b> great
16:24:04 <Jeremy_Rand_Lab19[m]> so hopefully we'll have some cool code up and ready soon.
16:24:22 <morganava> jeremy: this is the pks11 thing?
16:24:25 <henry-x> on desktop we also changed it from a checkbox to a toggle, but I'm not sure android needs a change in component
16:24:30 <Jeremy_Rand_Lab19[m]> morganava: yes
16:24:51 <Jeremy_Rand_Lab19[m]> Meanwhile I was out some of last week for a small medical procedure, and I'm still recovering from that, so expect me to be a little less active than usual this week
16:24:54 <morganava> coolc ool
16:25:18 <donuts> morganava: in the ux team meeting on bbb atm, but will catch up on the backlog later
16:25:25 <donuts> ^ also dan_b
16:25:32 <morganava> ^^; no worries
16:26:35 <morganava> ok folks, as always it's been a blast
16:27:01 <morganava> have a good week everyone o/
16:27:08 <morganava> #endmeeting