13:01:17 <hiro> #startmeeting network-health 2025-03-03
13:01:17 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Mar  3 13:01:17 2025 UTC.  The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:01:17 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:03:35 <hiro> ooook
13:03:59 <hiro> my update this week is fixing ingestion of data on metricsdb-01
13:05:11 <GeKo> how is the metricsdb-02 -> metricsdb-01 part coming along?
13:05:23 <hiro> that's coming along ok actually
13:05:26 <GeKo> it seems we have jan 2024
13:05:29 <GeKo> available
13:05:33 <GeKo> (or almost
13:05:34 <GeKo> )
13:05:42 <hiro> but slowed down by the issue on metricsdb-01
13:05:52 <hiro> we also have july and august 2024
13:06:15 <hiro> was thinking to fill up the months you need for the bw measurements work first and then go back
13:07:16 <hiro> so now I am trying to materialized a few views that can be used for the statuses and see if we can make the process faster
13:07:31 <GeKo> sounds good
13:07:51 <hiro> but what I am really trying to understand is if statuses can just be a view that is assembled
13:08:32 <GeKo> not sure. i've not spent much time thinking about that :)
13:08:35 <hiro> and it seems what would be missing is the geoip info and some or address/ports diff
13:09:35 <juga> nsa /details uses geopip data, but i guess it can remain without it for some time
13:09:55 <hiro> the geoip data is useful
13:10:18 <hiro> I wasn't thinking to remove it... rather compute that in a table without all the other fields
13:10:43 <juga> ah, i see, in any case, no hurry from my side
13:10:46 <hiro> and then see if the status can just be a view or a function
13:11:06 <juga> got it
13:11:21 <hiro> anyways that is where I am at
13:11:39 <juga> on my side: tomorrow i'd open a mr for a more complete details endpoint using orm and using api documentation to test the api in the ci. There'll still be more /details features to implement
13:11:55 <hiro> \o/ nice thanks @juga
13:12:02 <juga> yw
13:12:30 <juga> oh, there're 3 mrs already and the /details bigger mr depends on them
13:12:38 <GeKo> nothing from my side. i am still dealing with the huge influx of relays we currently have
13:13:08 <hiro> oh thanks @juga I'll review
13:13:16 <juga> thank you
13:13:17 <hiro> moar data @GeKo xD
13:13:39 <hiro> @sarthikg[m] ping
13:13:40 <GeKo> moar tools @hiro xD
13:13:56 <sarthikg[m]> o/
13:14:05 <sarthikg[m]> lost track of time :(
13:14:11 <hiro> no worries thought so
13:14:19 <hiro> GeKo: xD
13:15:18 <hiro> do you have something you'd like to chat about @sarthikg[m] ?
13:15:32 <sarthikg[m]> my update: completed the /top-bridges, /top-relays endpoints, and migrated from sea-query to sea-orm. currently working on getting the /router/details endpoint ready. will subsequently start working on graph endpoints using vm
13:16:04 <sarthikg[m]> nah, nothing specific. i'll update the pad!
13:16:28 <hiro> great thanks
13:16:45 <hiro> well then if everyone is groot we can call off the meeting and chat async
13:17:38 <GeKo> sounds good!
13:17:44 <juga> sarthikg[m]: i guess /router/details is different from /details?
13:18:29 <sarthikg[m]> yeah, /router/details is specifically for the website. its like a stripped down version of /details endpoint, with some data already massaged by the backend.
13:18:44 <juga> i see, thanks
13:18:57 * juga is good
13:19:07 <sarthikg[m]> * sarthik is groot
13:19:48 <hiro> ook!
13:19:53 <hiro> #endmeeting