16:01:34 <morganava> #startmeeting Applications Team Weekly Meeting 2025-02-24 16:01:35 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Feb 24 16:01:34 2025 UTC. The chair is morganava. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:35 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:39 <morganava> our pad per usual -> https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep 16:07:02 <morganava> ok, the only news I think i have for you this week is that I've stood up a standardized uplift and backport issues 16:07:43 <morganava> going forward, the ~Upift and ~Backport labels are dead, long live Apps::Type::Uplift and Apps::Type::Backport issues, each with their own template 16:07:55 <morganava> should help us keep track of where/what/when to backport/uplift things 16:08:09 <morganava> PieroV, looks like you've several topics for today so i hand it to you 16:08:14 <PieroV> Yes, I do! 16:08:21 <PieroV> First, we get tags today 16:08:24 <PieroV> Like in 3 hours 16:08:39 <PieroV> And next week is release week 16:09:04 <PieroV> How are we going to split tasks? 16:09:15 <PieroV> I guess we decided to let Claire rebase alpha, right? 16:09:24 <PieroV> So, should someone else (e.g., me) rebase stable? 16:10:06 <ma1> (and we still have legacy until September :( ) 16:10:14 <morganava> yeah that makes sense, unless ma1, brizental or dan_b want it 16:11:17 <clairehurst> wfm 16:11:20 <morganava> i'm going to be doing a live alpha-rebase walkthrough with claire on thurs; some of you are arleady on the meeting invite but if anyone else is interested in the process the more the merrir 16:11:22 <dan_b> legacy rebase i am assuing should be the lightest? 16:11:37 <morganava> dan_b: in theory 16:11:38 <ma1> I can get stable and go straight to the backports 16:12:39 <morganava> sounds good to me^ 16:13:26 <brizental[m]> morganava: please add me to the walkthrough :) 16:13:33 <morganava> ack 16:14:08 <morganava> done :) 16:14:10 <boklm> morganava: I can maybe join that meeting too 16:14:41 <morganava> alright, everyone's getting a rebase walkthough 16:15:56 <morganava> this is basically going to be a live rebase tutorial following https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/43487 16:16:20 <morganava> so you may want to review the steps ahead of time, make sure you have the relevant git repos cloned 16:16:56 <PieroV> You can also use worktrees 16:17:13 <PieroV> I started using worktrees to have several rebase trees without having a .git for each one of them 16:17:25 <PieroV> The limit is that you can checkout a branch only in a worktree 16:17:36 <PieroV> Other limits are with submodules, but we don't use them, so not a problem for us 16:19:21 <dan_b> +1 for worktrees 16:21:30 <morganava> ok, anythign else people want to discuss today? 16:21:59 <morganava> or anythign esle i can help you with? 16:22:05 <PieroV> Yes 16:22:11 <PieroV> Announce 16:22:18 <PieroV> Rather than discuss 16:22:45 <PieroV> We only have two scheduled alphas before the scheduled release of 14.5 as stable 16:23:20 <PieroV> The plan is (was?) to release 14.5 stable around April 15, to give us ~5 months for ESR transition 16:24:02 <PieroV> April 15 means 128.9-based 14.5. Then, after a couple of weeks, a 128.10-based 14.5.1 16:24:20 <PieroV> So, we have 14.5a4 and 14.5a5 16:24:54 <PieroV> We have a release meeting this Wed 16:25:24 <PieroV> It'll be good to go through all 14.5 goals, and see if they're still feasible 16:26:23 <morganava> sounds like a good plan to me 16:26:56 <morganava> https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/applications/-/milestones/15#tab-issues 16:27:07 <PieroV> I'll try to prepare the pad before Wed 16:27:10 <morganava> we're currently sitting at 24 open 14.5 milestone'd issuees 16:27:32 <PieroV> morganava: I think it'd be good to go through the pad we created at the beginning of the 14.5 development 16:27:34 <morganava> and I'll do a first review of those today+tomorrow 16:29:21 <morganava> can you add that link to the release meeting pad if you haven't already? 16:31:04 <morganava> ok anything else? 16:31:19 <morganava> are we still happy with our connect-assist sync at 1700?? 16:31:39 <PieroV> Yes 16:32:06 <dan_b> sure! 16:32:45 <morganava> perfect 16:33:00 <morganava> in that case, i'll see you there o/ 16:33:40 <morganava> #endmeeting