16:00:01 <shelikhoo> #startmeeting tor anti-censorship meeting 16:00:01 <shelikhoo> here is our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469 16:00:01 <shelikhoo> editable link available on request 16:00:01 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Jan 30 16:00:01 2025 UTC. The chair is shelikhoo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:01 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:08 <shelikhoo> hi~hi~ 16:00:13 <meskio> hello 16:00:21 <theodorsm> hi^^ 16:00:38 <cohosh> hi! 16:02:33 <shelikhoo> I didn't see any new discussion points 16:02:52 <meskio> maybe we have a fast meeting today 16:02:59 <shelikhoo> yes... 16:03:28 <meskio> I don't have anything to bring 16:03:37 <shelikhoo> I will wait another min, if there anything we wish to discuss please do so now 16:04:12 <onyinyang> oops, hello! 16:04:40 <shelikhoo> Here is an interesting link: I have not read it yet we could discuss it maybe in a reading group 16:04:40 <shelikhoo> "Identifying VPN Servers through Graph-Represented Behaviors" 16:04:40 <shelikhoo> https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3589334.3645552 16:04:40 <shelikhoo> https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3589334.3645552 16:04:40 <shelikhoo> https://github.com/chenxuStep/VPNChecker 16:05:46 <shelikhoo> but I have not read it to confirm whether it could fit a reading group... so we could discuss whether to include it in a reading group next week 16:06:42 <meskio> do I understand correctly that is some kind of traffic analisys to find out VPNs? 16:07:03 <meskio> I fast readed the abstract, but I think I'm missing somthing there 16:07:23 <shelikhoo> yes, it seems to be a VPN server identification paper 16:07:34 <shelikhoo> plus the VPN here seems to means any proxy 16:07:48 <shelikhoo> not just Packet based VPN 16:08:47 <meskio> interesting 16:10:44 <shelikhoo> is there anything else we would like to discuss in this meeting? 16:10:52 <meskio> not from me 16:11:07 <onyinyang> me neither 16:11:23 <shelikhoo> okay, let's call it a meeting 16:11:25 <shelikhoo> #endmeeting