16:04:41 <onyinyang> #startmeeting tor anti-censorship meeting 16:04:41 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Jan 23 16:04:41 2025 UTC. The chair is onyinyang. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:41 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:04:41 <onyinyang> hello everyone! Sorry for the delay 16:04:41 <onyinyang> here is our meeting pad: [https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469](https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469) 16:05:35 <cohosh> hi! 16:06:56 <shelikhoo> hi~ 16:09:12 <meskio> hello 16:09:18 <meskio> ups, I forgot the hour 16:09:23 <onyinyang> it's ok 16:09:28 * meskio goes to check the pad 16:09:32 <onyinyang> I guess since we're off to a late start, we should get started 16:09:55 <meskio> (good it was not my turn :P ) 16:10:03 <onyinyang> actually, it was >.< 16:10:17 <shelikhoo> >~< 16:10:29 <onyinyang> Anything to note from last week's announcements that are still on the pad before we move on to this week's? 16:10:55 <meskio> ohh, it was, sorry 16:11:20 <meskio> I don't have anything to discuss from last week 16:11:24 <onyinyang> if not, the first point is: BridgeStatus's Snowflake bridge test output will change after deployment of 16:11:42 <shelikhoo> this one is from me 16:12:01 <shelikhoo> the bridge line format from bridgestatus repo will be soon updated 16:12:06 <shelikhoo> for snowflake bridges 16:12:40 <shelikhoo> if there is any automated script processing them, it worth a look at whether it still works 16:12:41 <shelikhoo> over 16:13:40 <onyinyang> ok 16:13:51 <meskio> and now it will automaticall update the bridge line :D 16:13:54 <meskio> nice work there 16:14:03 <shelikhoo> hehe! 16:14:05 <meskio> I don't know of any script pointing there 16:14:13 <meskio> but we might find out if there are around 16:14:27 <shelikhoo> or at least when it breaks 16:14:32 <shelikhoo> hahaha 16:15:08 <meskio> yep 16:17:13 <onyinyang> nice! The next announcement is: snowflake-broker.azureedge.net is still working, a week after the announced shutdown date. 16:17:40 <meskio> I guess it takes them some time to turn it off 16:17:50 <meskio> I did test the meek bridge a couple of days ago and it was also working 16:19:14 <meskio> might be that all discussion points are from last week? 16:20:12 <onyinyang> it seems so, yes 16:20:14 <WofWca[m]> Yes 16:20:54 <meskio> I don't have anything for today 16:20:59 <onyinyang> alright, then, I guess I'll open the floor for any last minute additions to the meeting just in case someone wants to squeeze something else in 16:21:39 <shelikhoo> eof from me 16:22:19 <cohosh> i will probably do a snowflake-webext release and site deployment today 16:22:37 <cohosh> not sure if i should upload a new version of the addon 16:22:42 <cohosh> because there is only a change for the badge 16:23:31 <meskio> then maybe we can skip the extra work 16:23:44 <meskio> or does it help to give it visibility in the store to upload new versions? 16:24:31 <WofWca[m]> I don't think so 16:25:09 <WofWca[m]> As someone who maintains another extension. I have not seen new versions affect traffic. 16:25:52 <cohosh> i can see if there are any new translations 16:26:35 <meskio> :) 16:26:44 <cohosh> that's it from me 16:27:07 <onyinyang> alright, let's end early then 16:27:16 <shelikhoo> yeah! 16:27:19 <onyinyang> #endmeeting