16:00:11 <shelikhoo> #startmeeting tor anti-censorship meeting
16:00:11 <shelikhoo> here is our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469
16:00:11 <shelikhoo> editable link available on request
16:00:11 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Aug  1 16:00:11 2024 UTC.  The chair is shelikhoo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:11 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:16 <shelikhoo> hi~ hi~
16:00:34 <meskio> hello
16:00:35 <shelikhoo> please add status update and topics to the pad
16:00:48 <onyinyang> hellooo
16:01:53 <cohosh> hi
16:03:36 <shelikhoo> I see onyinyang's status update is not finished, as the date is not yet update
16:03:48 <shelikhoo> but I will go ahead with discussion
16:03:52 <onyinyang> oh I just forgot to update the date
16:04:01 <shelikhoo> and wait you to finish to before sending the email
16:04:03 <shelikhoo> okay...
16:04:10 <meskio> :)
16:04:24 <shelikhoo> yes, let's start with the first discussion topic:
16:04:25 <shelikhoo> Rename Sponsor to Project
16:04:36 <shelikhoo> from meskio?
16:04:41 <meskio> I'm thinking this should probably go into the announcements more than into the discussion
16:04:43 <meskio> but yes, me
16:05:01 <meskio> we are renaming Sponsor to Project
16:05:21 <meskio> so when we get a grant to work on a certain project will call them Project number
16:05:38 <meskio> like right now I'm working on Project 158 to deploy rdsys replacing bridgedb
16:06:01 <meskio> so if people see around project<number> things they mean the same that sponsor<number> things used to mean
16:06:12 <meskio> and we should try to move into calling them project now
16:06:23 <meskio> .
16:06:39 <shelikhoo> and SXXX will become PXXX ?
16:06:45 <meskio> yes
16:06:49 <meskio> P158
16:07:25 <onyinyang> makes sense
16:07:25 <meskio> it was weird to call sponsor to projects
16:07:56 <shelikhoo> I think it used to means "sponsored project"
16:08:10 <meskio> yes, I always understood them like that
16:08:41 <meskio> I hope it will not make any confusing with whatever projects we work on that are not sponsored, as those will not get a number
16:10:20 <shelikhoo> yes... or confuse with "Page 123"
16:10:29 <meskio> XD
16:10:45 <shelikhoo> okay, anything more we would like to discuss about this topic?
16:10:54 <meskio> not from me
16:11:31 <shelikhoo> I didn't see any other topics, maybe we could discuss about next reading group?
16:11:36 <shelikhoo> if we wish, I mean
16:11:45 <meskio> yes, I have two papers in mind
16:11:54 <meskio> I wonder if trying to do it in august is too crazy
16:12:03 <meskio> I think all the team is around in Aug 22
16:12:26 <meskio> any opinions? or should we hold the reading group for september?
16:12:48 <cohosh> i'm okay for august
16:12:50 <cohosh> which papers?
16:12:50 <meskio> dcf1: will you be around?
16:12:52 <shelikhoo> I think Aug 22 is fine for me
16:13:10 <onyinyang> aug 22 should work for me too
16:13:16 <meskio> Bytes to Schlep? Use a FEP: Hiding Protocol Metadata with Fully Encrypted Protocols https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.13310
16:13:47 <meskio> Looking at the Clouds: Leveraging Pub/Sub Cloud Services for Censorship-Resistant Rendezvous Channels https://www.petsymposium.org/foci/2024/foci-2024-0010.php
16:14:09 <meskio> ahh, and I have a third one, the RACEBOAT, let me find the link
16:14:21 <onyinyang> did we read raceboat last reading group?
16:14:41 <meskio> ohh, true
16:14:42 <onyinyang> *didn't
16:14:43 <meskio> my head
16:14:49 <dcf1> we did raceboat, there's a raceboat-related paper at foci "Ten Years Gone: Revisiting Cloud Storage Transports to Reduce Censored User Burdens"
16:14:51 <meskio> short memory spam
16:15:26 <meskio> then I have those two ideas, but happy to hear about others
16:15:47 <onyinyang> dcf1, are you saying the raceboat-related paper might also be appropriate?
16:15:51 <onyinyang> I haven't read it yet
16:16:37 <meskio> https://www.petsymposium.org/foci/2024/foci-2024-0011.php
16:16:47 <meskio> (the "Ten Years Gone" paper)
16:17:04 <dcf1> I don't know if it's worth a second sceduled reading
16:17:18 <dcf1> https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity24/technical-sessions
16:17:28 <dcf1> "GFWeb: Measuring the Great Firewall's Web Censorship at Scale"
16:17:34 <dcf1> "SpotProxy: Rediscovering the Cloud for Censorship Circumvention"
16:17:41 <dcf1> "Bridging Barriers: A Survey of Challenges and Priorities in the Censorship Circumvention Landscape"
16:17:48 <dcf1> "Fingerprinting Obfuscated Proxy Traffic with Encapsulated TLS Handshakes"
16:18:06 <dcf1> I was kind of interested in the "Bridging Barriers" one, I only first heard about it at PETS
16:18:18 <onyinyang> oh spotproxy got in to usenix :D cool
16:18:31 <dcf1> (pretty stacked censorship session at usenix this year!)
16:18:39 <onyinyang> yeah looks like it!
16:18:49 <meskio> wow, nice, also snowflake will be there :)
16:19:20 <onyinyang> bridging barriers, based on the title seems like a good pick, yeah
16:19:35 <meskio> I'm happy with that one
16:20:36 <meskio> mmm, I can't find the pdf
16:20:37 <dcf1> onyinyang: I'm guessing SpotProxy was a RACE project? Or you know them otherwise?
16:20:57 <shelikhoo> Yes, I am happy with "Bridging Barriers" as well based on the abstract... looking for pdfing
16:21:08 <dcf1> meskio: oh, it must have been accepted in the latest round, maybe the PDF is not online yet
16:21:17 <onyinyang> dcf1, I may or may not have had an advanced access copy XD
16:21:22 <dcf1> I know Diwen, I can ask for PDF in email
16:22:02 <meskio> we still have some weeks
16:22:24 <meskio> we can keep that paper and either will be published at USENIX or we get a "private version"
16:22:33 <shelikhoo> yes...
16:23:00 <shelikhoo> I think it will be published by the reading group time
16:23:30 <meskio> cool, we have a pick and a date
16:23:35 <onyinyang> dcf It's one of Diogo Barradas' student's paper that I met RWC and they were interested in building on Lox
16:24:48 <shelikhoo> anything more we would like to discuss in this meeting?
16:25:01 <meskio> Diogo Barradas was also around at the community day in Portugal
16:25:12 <meskio> I don't have anything else for the meeting
16:25:13 <onyinyang> Oh he was? cool!
16:26:27 <shelikhoo> do we still wants to have next irc meeting at Aug 08
16:26:54 <shelikhoo> sorry... my mistake...
16:26:57 <shelikhoo> it is fine
16:27:47 <meskio> :)
16:27:50 <shelikhoo> okay, no need to keep everyone in the meeting room!
16:27:51 <shelikhoo> #endmeeting