16:00:01 <shelikhoo> #startmeeting tor anti-censorship meeting
16:00:01 <shelikhoo> here is our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469
16:00:01 <shelikhoo> editable link available on request
16:00:01 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Jun 27 16:00:01 2024 UTC.  The chair is shelikhoo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:01 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:04 <shelikhoo> hi~
16:00:05 <meskio> hello
16:00:26 <cohosh> hi
16:02:03 <shelikhoo> while everyone is adding topics and updates... I will abuse this channel and have a status update of Snowflake WebExtension MV3 progress: only user info consent support is still lacking before MVP is ready
16:02:21 <meskio> amazing
16:02:28 <meskio> congrats for getting it working so fast
16:02:41 <cohosh> shelikhoo: nice work, thanks for doing that
16:02:54 <shelikhoo> running snowflake proxy, toggle it, and user count feedback, persistent store of snowflake enable status is done
16:02:56 <shelikhoo> hehe!
16:02:58 <ggus> hello
16:03:05 <cohosh> awesome
16:03:48 <shelikhoo> I will let cohosh when it ready for a review over signal unless you opt out, as you said you are interest to wake up from AFK to review it
16:04:08 <shelikhoo> just confirm you are okay with that
16:05:27 <shelikhoo> I didn't see any discussion topic other than my announcement
16:06:01 <shelikhoo> here is an announcement:
16:06:03 <shelikhoo> No meeting July 4 (Tor's midyear break)
16:06:13 <cohosh> shelikhoo: sounds good, thanks
16:06:29 <shelikhoo> yes
16:06:41 <shelikhoo> anything more we would like to discuss in this meeting?
16:06:52 <meskio> I don't have anything from my side
16:07:44 <shelikhoo> if you have something to discuss send anything now
16:07:53 <ggus> i added some updates on ongoing censorship events: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40043
16:08:00 <ggus> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40044
16:08:10 <ggus> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40031
16:08:24 <ggus> Myanmar is more critical
16:08:44 <shelikhoo> we might consider to have a vantage point in Myanmar...
16:08:52 <shelikhoo> if we could find one suitable VPS
16:09:12 <ggus> yes, i wonder how difficult would be
16:10:00 <ggus> i have some contacts that we could reach out to after the break
16:10:29 <meskio> great, let us know what you discover
16:10:53 <meskio> we should keep an eye if there is some configuration needed in the circumvention map
16:11:06 <meskio> I wonder if we should start recommending there to use distributed bridges
16:11:33 <meskio> last time I check builtin bridges looked like working in OONI
16:11:52 <ggus> hmmm, yeah, good point
16:12:16 <meskio> but some builtin bridges are offline anyway, is in my queue to poke them
16:12:27 <shelikhoo> Myanmar is now segmented into different regions, some of them are controlled by government, some controlled by insurgencies
16:12:47 <shelikhoo> I believe they may have different network restrictions
16:12:59 <ggus> i think the trouble is on the regions controlled by the junta
16:13:48 <ggus> do you know about this project? https://www.myanmarinternet.info/
16:14:23 <meskio> no, is new to me
16:14:29 <shelikhoo> now I know...
16:15:21 <meskio> I just check and latest OONI tests seems to corroborate that builtin bridges work in myanmar
16:16:05 <ggus> we should check which ASes OONI is testing, if it's on the regions controlled by the junta or rebels
16:16:36 <meskio> wait, that was a fast assumption
16:16:43 <meskio> some tests say that all is blocked
16:16:59 <meskio> I think I will configure circumvention map to use distributed bridges in myanmar
16:17:19 <ggus> meskio: yess
16:18:59 <shelikhoo> let keep monitoring the situation and share back when we find out something
16:19:11 <shelikhoo> anything more we would like to discuss in this meeting?
16:19:43 <shelikhoo> thanks everyone! #endmeeting
16:19:44 <shelikhoo> #endmeeting