18:59:52 #startmeeting network health 18:59:52 Meeting started Mon Feb 3 18:59:52 2020 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:59:52 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:59:58 heh 19:00:09 okay, we have our meeting pad over at https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-networkhealth-2020.1-keep 19:00:34 i started entering status lines 19:01:09 so we can see what everyone worked on and if there are questions and we need to discuss any of the status items 19:01:13 please mark them bold 19:01:45 ggus: ^ 19:02:05 Hello - I'm the new shadow dev, working with Rob. I *think* I'm meant to fall under this project? 19:02:17 jnewsome: hey 19:02:20 welcome! 19:02:21 o/ 19:02:22 :) I'm here as well today, mostly watching 19:02:32 welcome, too 19:02:34 :) 19:02:39 hi, (mostly observing also) 19:02:42 jnewsome: that's a good question 19:02:49 * GeKo waves 19:02:53 ty 19:03:34 jnewsome: i am not sure 19:03:40 jnewsome: hey. i have a pile of mails i haven't read fully, but one of them is from sue saying that putting you on network health was an error on her part. i'll plan to finish reading these mails and see if i learn more. :) 19:03:42 but we'll figure that part out 19:03:58 ok 19:04:00 what arma2 said 19:04:07 but you are more than welcome :) 19:04:22 gaba: hey, are you already here? 19:04:35 ok, well I guess I'll sit in for the moment. Happy to add a status blurb to the doc if it's helpful 19:04:40 maybe we can wait another minute 19:04:59 in theory shadow is quite related to the network scalability project that mikeperry is ramping up. but i think network scalability doesn't exist yet as a team or a timesheet category or much more than a twinkle in mike's eye 19:05:59 all of that said, jnewsome: keeping an eye on the variety of other potentially related tor teams is a good plan, since part of what we're going to want to do with shadow is find real users of shadow from all around tor, or if not, create them. 19:06:48 ok. so sounds like a reasonable meeting for me to sit in, but probably not where my status updates should go? 19:07:15 while we waiting for gaba, our roadmap draft we wanted to work on during this meeting moved over to https://pad.riseup.net/p/network-health-team-2020Q1-roadmap-temporal 19:07:28 so folks can start looking at that one, too 19:07:40 and think about the items mentioned there 19:07:52 alright 19:08:21 from the discussion items on the list let's start with the code review and GSoC one 19:09:24 calibrating shadow using results from live experiments is part of the Tor Performace funcing proposal SOI 19:09:38 my plan is to have regular code reviews 19:10:05 *funcing=funding 19:10:06 although i think it would be overkill to have like 2 additional people involved besides the one who wrote the code 19:10:22 assuming this is mostly python code we deal with anyway for the moment 19:10:25 mikeperry: o/ 19:11:10 additionally, i think we can skip some assignment cylce for now but either i will review code or try to find someone to review my code 19:11:33 i like to avoid team roles and additional bureaucracy if possible 19:11:34 GeKo: I don't see anything related to GSoC in the roadmap pad... are you looking at something else? 19:11:44 https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-networkhealth-2020.1-keep 19:11:55 aaah I knew there was another pad, thanks 19:12:08 the four general items above my status update 19:12:23 and i picked the two that might work without gaba first :) 19:12:40 so, does that sounds like a reasonable start re code reviews for now? 19:13:01 i mean we can easily ramp up the policy side around it later if we think so 19:13:21 GeKo: code reviews of ? 19:13:38 like doctor changes 19:13:55 or some other bad relay script changes 19:14:17 essentially for code the network health team is responsible 19:14:26 and that is in some git repo we have 19:14:33 hmmm that might be some important overhead for a small team like this :S 19:15:09 in particular you might need to go out and get the code reviews, rather than hoping they come to you 19:15:19 because of the smallness 19:15:29 dgoulet: what would you propose instead? 19:15:44 hey 19:15:53 sorry I was on transit 19:15:55 o/ 19:16:29 GeKo: not sure... I would probably say for now, you are the "boss of the code"? 19:16:38 heh 19:16:39 GeKo: and if you are uneasy about some changes, you could ask someone 19:16:49 but overall, I wouldn't put that overhead just yet on yourself 19:17:15 i am fine with that model 19:17:42 My 2c coming from Google - there all code has to be reviewed by *someone*. Even forcing the code owner to have someone else review the code is useful 19:17:59 A second pair of eyes can catch a lot of things, and it forces the code to be understandable by someone other than the other 19:18:02 *author 19:18:06 yeah, that's what i think is true 19:18:24 hence my original plan :) 19:18:36 code review relevancy, I think we all share 19:18:47 the overhead is the problem, Google has _RIVERS_ of cash and people to do that ;) 19:18:52 health team has 1 person? :) 19:18:55 fair :) 19:19:26 but i can be sneaky here if i want and make my code changes large enough that i am always unsure and ask ;) 19:19:31 if the policy is 'good idea but later', be sure it gets onto the roadmap, so that we can work toward having later arrive :) 19:19:59 GeKo: for sure, you might get frustrated on the timing things get merged but yes, your call. I support taht :) 19:20:04 but yes, i think reaching out to get others to review stuff is a good plan. that way you bring more people in. and you can always decide that a thing needs to get merged anyway. 19:20:22 yeah 19:20:50 we could also do like anti-censorship is doing and look at reviews during weekly meeting 19:20:59 and see who can review the code that week 19:21:08 yep 19:21:45 okay. i'll try my original plan and if it does not work out we can think about ways how we should work around it 19:22:25 let's talk about the GSoC part? 19:22:36 we are a bit late to make some decision here 19:22:45 as i forgot that item in our kick-off meeting 19:22:53 and last week i was at all hands 19:23:02 i filed #33010 as a solid gsoc project 19:23:10 yep 19:23:13 that's one item 19:23:19 the other one is tor weather 19:23:32 #26124 19:23:50 at least that's what i think could be a good gsoc project 19:24:15 o/ 19:24:18 yes, good idea 19:24:21 i think i would be up in general for mentoring both 19:24:39 however, i currently plan to be most of july afk 19:24:46 there is a third good gsoc project, which i am hunting for in trac. but no need to wait on me for that. :) 19:24:53 which is the "S" in GSoC :) 19:24:58 :( 19:25:10 we should have one place (maybe the wiki?) for gsoc projects and put them a scope there 19:25:12 so, i am not sure how to deal with that constraint 19:25:34 juga: welcome! 19:25:44 gaba: we could 19:26:06 i heard karsten would be up for being a second mentor for tor weather, so that's good 19:26:21 yes but only if we reduce the scope of it 19:26:58 yeah, adjusting the scope should be not so hard 19:27:05 Hi GeKo 19:27:22 hello 19:27:27 GeKo: can we follow up in a mail with karsten and pili for tor weather if you and him want to be mentors there? 19:27:28 gaba: i don't remember my mentorship last time anymore but do you feel it could work with me out most of july? 19:27:40 yes, we can 19:28:14 or, hey, maybe someone else here wants to mentor one of those projects :) 19:28:27 it does not have to be me 19:28:30 #5830 is the other project that is worth doing and is bite-sized for a python programmer. 19:28:44 good one, yes 19:28:51 GeKo: i added some updates to the pad, but i cannot stay for the meeting today. 19:29:12 no worries, thanks for the update! 19:30:02 thanks! 19:30:22 anybody else here up to help mentoring during the summer? 19:30:35 i can be a backup but i should not be primary 19:30:52 i.e. i will be periodically around and helpful, but i will not be consistent or reliable :) 19:31:00 :) 19:31:02 ok 19:31:31 as a next step I will write to pili ccing you both so we move this forward 19:31:40 okay, i guess this is a "no", which is fine 19:31:55 yep, sounds good. i can chat with here tomorrow 19:32:14 i just wanted to ask the group first about additional ideas and potential volunteers 19:32:18 *her 19:33:02 gaba: let's talk about the sbws plan? 19:33:05 ok 19:33:22 the keyword for trac is #sbws-roadmap 19:33:41 those are the tickets we think are critical to fix/work on to be able to deploy sbws 19:34:00 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&keywords=~sbws-roadmap&order=priority 19:34:59 gaba: what's the envisioned timeframe for those? 19:35:11 We are working with juga to change a little the proposal she had to get funding for fixing this tickets AND other improvements that are not in that list. But juga still can put some work in the next couple of months. 19:35:25 nice! 19:35:34 The estimation is that juga will need 2 months working part time to go through this list 19:35:43 and we will need other people to review their code 19:35:54 awesome 19:35:54 * juga reading 19:36:07 + other teams involved i guess, like metrics team? 19:36:25 fir bugs like #33076 and #33077 19:36:28 *for 19:36:55 but it's on their Q1 roadmap, too, great 19:37:21 so, as i said to gaba earlier: my plan is to get up to speed with sbws starting from this week 19:37:22 yup 19:37:29 to help with code reviews where needed 19:37:42 and be able to help otherwise, too 19:38:09 seems to be important enough to get this finally going 19:38:09 awesome 19:38:31 and help other network team folks like teor so they can do other work 19:38:50 ahf will also do reviews for sbws 19:39:21 great 19:40:02 does anyone have questions about that part? 19:40:28 or should we take it and start getting our roadmap into a proper shape? :) 19:40:45 +1 to getting sbws into shape for dir auths to run it, however we think it's best to do that 19:41:02 ok 19:42:30 is sbws async or threaded? 19:42:30 let's do the roadmapping exercise then 19:42:49 meejah: threaded :/ 19:43:10 ah, okay i won't be much help reviewing anything then ;/ 19:43:40 GeKo: we need to continue adding priorities to each of the topics into the pad https://pad.riseup.net/p/network-health-team-2020Q1-roadmap-temporal 19:43:56 and then we will create or search tickets for each one 19:44:13 but this last thing can be done later after the meeting 19:44:18 okay 19:44:50 (p.s. I meant to be here for the whole meeting, but am bad at timezone-math .. I intend to keep working on exit-scanning things) 19:45:04 thanks meejah 19:45:05 meejah: thanks! 19:45:58 okay, so i guess sbsw got bumped up priority-wise, given that i'll start looking at it this week 19:46:41 *sbws 19:48:10 what do we have in mind for "make sure growth stats are collected and accurate" 19:48:26 like what should it include which is not for the metrics folks? 19:48:50 the metrics folks take the numbers from the descriptors and graph them 19:48:57 i don't think they look at the numbers to see if they are reasonable, 19:49:07 and i don't think they look at the graphs to see if they are reasonable or surprising 19:49:15 okay 19:49:20 makes sense 19:49:35 for example, our user counts are going up because of the dir auth ddos. but the actual user counts are likely not going up, so that's a mistake of some sort. 19:49:55 similarly, when turkey blocks tor, and tor users in turkey try to fetch the consensus a lot of times and fail, we count it as a huge spike in growth of users in turkey. that's not right. 19:50:09 right 19:50:15 so, step one might be to get some more intuition on what is getting reported, and what we expect it to be 19:50:27 and think of some way to automate noticing when it has become wrong 19:50:36 that last one seems hard 19:51:50 hrm 19:52:27 i guess "stare at the graphs each day and wonder" is a great step zero to figuring out what you're actually wondering *about* 19:52:38 i need to think more about what we should do here in Q1 19:52:42 yeah 19:53:32 maybe for Q1 is mostly figure out how to look at it and what needs to be done later :) 19:53:38 that's kind of related to anomaly analysis, right? 19:53:49 but for example, the issue where we're way undercounting the bytes spent on directory interactions. we would not have noticed that if we weren't staring at the graphs and also noticing a lot of directory bytes spent 19:54:15 yes. it is related to anomaly analysis. maybe it even enables the anomaly analysis. 19:54:26 but also, "notice if the graphs break, and get somebody to fix it" is in this category 19:54:31 that's how i'd see it, yes 19:54:35 yep 19:55:20 somewhere in this one would also be "getting accurate but safe user counts to happen consistently" 19:55:34 FWIW, I agree "establish baseline" is good but it would be even better to write down specifics (baselines of what, exactly?) 19:56:31 meejah: agreed. the beginning of that is to make a menu of things we could look closer at. and then sort that menu and start doing the items. 19:56:32 ...and I have one: what percentage of exits are "expected" to not establish circuits (and what's an expected failure rate overall, for circuits in general) 19:57:24 (i still haven't had time to measure that, but on my scans ~100-ish relays don't get scanned because I fail to establish a circuit to them with at least 5 tries through different middles) 19:57:40 both good ones. we want them to be zero of course. but whatever they are now, we want to know. and we want to know when they change. 19:58:13 and, is it because particular relays are crummy? or because there is a non-zero background failure rate? 19:58:14 yeah, e.g. i can't even answer "are they the same-ish 100 exits) 19:58:44 it could even be that i'm unlucky at picking middles (or guards) for those probes 19:59:49 meejah: or it could be methodology problems, like you're using the consensus from last hour, and some relays are down, and you just keep on assuming they're up because your consensus says they are 19:59:57 another thought: it could be "time of day" too (e.g. is it "busy internet time" in those relays' countries) 20:00:05 yeah 20:00:06 arma2: yes, true 20:00:13 all sorts of interesting questions :) 20:00:26 i bet we get more once we start looking closer at the date we have ;) 20:00:45 okay, our hour is up 20:00:48 (david stainton did a study a while ago where he concluded that a double-digit percentage of links between relays are broken. but i think he was measuring wrong. but i don't know what he was measuring.) 20:01:18 gaba: i guess we "sit down" this week and nail doen the roadmap? 20:01:22 +1 on that .. but also an interesting thing to study ("reachability between relays") 20:01:23 :) 20:01:28 yep 20:01:32 and then we can look at it as a team next monday 20:01:42 and hopefully we are good :) 20:01:54 geko, let us know if there is something concrete we should try to help with. else we just sit around speculating about things that might be useful. :) 20:02:07 there is a list at the bottom of the pad that may have some interesting tickets to work that are related to the priorities 20:02:32 yes, some intuition about those could be helpful 20:02:40 geko: it may be better to do it ourselves and then we bring an already done roadmap for feedback 20:02:51 yes, that was my plan :) 20:02:52 i think many of the categories in the q1 roadmap are related, and they boil down to "start looking more closely at everything, with an eye toward what can be automated and scaled, but also with an eye toward what is important to examine" 20:03:01 (in case i did not get that across ;) ) 20:03:02 oh, p.s. my scanner is on the gitlab now so if anyone wants to see code .. ask someone for access ;) 20:03:38 arma2: i agree, it's still the up-to-speed phase essentially 20:03:57 because we know so little (at least i ;) ) 20:04:19 okay, any last minute concerns/questions/comments? 20:05:14 hearing crickets. thanks everyone and have a nice week! 20:05:17 #endmeeting