13:59:46 #startmeeting ux team 13:59:46 Meeting started Tue Dec 10 13:59:46 2019 UTC. The chair is antonela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:46 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:51 hello people! 14:00:13 nice to see all you around 14:00:24 hello world 14:00:25 hi! 14:00:25 hello 14:01:03 lets start like if is not one of the last meetings of the year (!) https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-ux-team-2019-keep 14:01:08 pad is there ^^ 14:01:16 add your updates and topics to discuss 14:03:55 okey, lets start 14:04:06 hi emmapeel, c1e0, pili, diogosergio, thurayya 14:05:44 is it? :o/ 14:05:50 oops, too many messages sent at once :) 14:06:43 so, last week we talked about the issues at the /download page 14:06:45 #32460 14:07:27 I don't know if anyone picked this one up, but I've been looking into it. 14:07:28 hiro and i we are working on a version in [develop] branch 14:07:45 Ah okay, just saw the update. 14:07:48 diogosergio, we did yes, but you can run review over it :) 14:08:13 is a wip at the moment but you can sneak peek here https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/tpo/develop/download/ 14:08:32 the plan is run two user-research sessions over this new iterated version this month 14:08:46 ahaha yeah, pretty much what I had done *thumbs up* 14:08:54 :) 14:09:17 we can discuss it during the www meeting this week, but basically we need this [develop] branch working fine for the usability testing 14:09:23 nice! what about changing ' Defend Yourself' with ' Download Tor Browser' ? 14:09:56 also maybe the signature link centered 14:10:03 There a couple more improvements we could do to this page, like introducing why people should verify after download. 14:10:33 yeah its further in the page but maybe a (?) or something 14:10:42 yes, we should 14:11:24 diogosergio: there is a ticket https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/tpo/issues/6 14:11:51 do you want to work on it? i can assign it to you if verify signatures is something that excites you :) 14:12:09 Yeah, I can do that one. 14:12:35 In the #32460 you guys only touching the top section? 14:13:00 yes, we are using a minified version to focus in the download flow and to avoid the double download button 14:13:20 Is it out of scope to restructure the page? 14:13:31 diogosergio: do you have an account in dip.tpo? 14:13:38 I don't 14:14:10 diogosergio: maybe? you can propose immediate changes for those problems that are blockers and future iterations for those ideas that you would like to share 14:14:23 Okay, sounds good :) 14:14:23 pili can we give diogosergio dip credentials? 14:14:28 yeah, sure 14:14:35 awesome 14:14:45 maybe you want to exchange emails via dm :) 14:15:04 I was also curious about we mention the Onion Browser in IOS, but not at the top. 14:15:09 Is it because its not oficial? 14:15:30 (pili, i will message you after the meeting) 14:15:35 yup, no rush :) 14:16:22 diogosergio: right, is not developed by us but we recommend it because mike is a community member and other things too 14:16:53 should we mention it next to the official downloads? 14:17:26 maybe in the future, but not now 14:17:27 its kinda lost in the page at the moment 14:17:32 Okay! 14:17:39 * diogosergio thumbs up! 14:17:56 cool 14:19:07 anything else regarding the download flow? 14:19:26 oki, next 14:19:34 IFF 14:19:43 \o/ 14:19:44 we will be making IFF next year 14:19:54 (thanks for adding it nah!) 14:20:01 we are planning to apply for a village 14:20:25 but we can also apply for activities in the regular days 14:21:07 i think we should have a 1. user testing table 2. a l10n table 3. a kind of feature request board with post its for tor browser 14:21:12 what else do you think we can do? 14:21:25 i loved the way that people gave feedback during the l10n activity last year emmapeel 14:21:41 yeah 14:21:46 more about the content and how it matches or not the locale reality 14:21:47 antonela: I'm guessing you're just looking for ideas from the UX side? :) 14:21:52 oh yes 14:21:57 pili ^ 14:22:23 Whats IFF? 14:22:31 oh sorry 14:22:37 https://internetfreedomfestival.org/ 14:22:50 Oh, sweet. 14:23:00 what about a conversations session about privacy and feminism by design? something like it... i think it would be good to hear from our feminists friends around the world 14:23:15 the internet freedom festival is an event in Valencia where we usually met friends, users and other orgas running internet freedom related projects 14:23:22 ay si <3 14:23:27 we should 14:23:34 more about infra or? 14:23:49 more about product? 14:23:58 thurayya: that's a really nice idea, you should submit that one! :) 14:24:34 nah is looking for partners in crime pili 14:24:35 hahha 14:24:37 :D 14:24:38 hahahaha 14:24:51 I think there's a bunch on the infra side, I'm sure gaba knows most of them :) 14:25:00 i'm thinking. gonna set up a pad and share if y'all 14:25:02 for product, I'm not so sure, that could be interesting 14:25:10 i was thinking more about infra too 14:25:21 last year conversation circle was very nice 14:25:24 and maybe hiro wants to join too? :) 14:25:27 will they repeat? 14:26:22 i think i wasn't in this conversation circle last year :/ 14:26:37 you were dude, you was speaker there 14:26:38 hahha 14:26:57 hahahahha oops 14:27:01 the feminist infrastructure convo 14:27:10 the one about protocols 14:27:12 ahhh ok! that was about the ietf 14:27:17 yes right 14:27:47 nah if you start the pad, i can drop things there too 14:28:02 perfect, will do :) 14:28:06 and if they dont accept our stuff, we have the village to run them anyways 14:28:17 are you going to be there as part of moz thurayya? 14:28:33 yes! 14:28:36 niiice 14:28:45 we should re-print the global south sticker 14:28:46 s 14:29:14 okey cool 14:29:23 anything else re iff? emmapeel are you going to be around next year? 14:29:57 i dont have too much else for today folks 14:30:14 im writing the november report for the ux team, if you have any highlight please add it to the pad soonish 14:30:31 yeah i plan to go. i live nearby 14:30:39 great :) 14:31:12 we should be quick to submit something 14:31:44 the proposal deadline is this Sunday! 14:31:45 :) 14:31:46 15th December 14:31:47 I think we've already said that we're doing a village 14:31:59 but if we want to submit any additional sessions we need to get a move on 14:32:14 yes, the deadline is this week 14:33:04 ok! 14:33:11 last but not least 14:33:23 i've been reading this article by simply secure folks > https://24ways.org/2019/iconography-of-security/ 14:33:32 you may find it interesting like me :) 14:33:52 anything else folks? am i missing anything? 14:34:09 Not from me :) 14:34:33 thanks! gonna read it 14:34:36 cool, lets call it so 14:34:37 thanks all! 14:34:40 #endmeeting