#tor-meeting: network team meeting, 24 Sep

Meeting started by nickm at 16:59:09 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-netteam-2018.1-keep is the pad (nickm, 17:00:31)
    2. https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nt-roadmap-prep-keep (nickm, 17:26:02)
    3. ACTION: nickm and gaba use a list of deliverables (from isabela) to fill out that roadmapping pad (nickm, 17:39:13)
    4. ACTION: nickm and gaba meet up to chat about mexico city stuff before we fly out (nickm, 17:39:28)
    5. ACTION: nickm and ahf look over meeting schedule for mexico city between now and wednesday (nickm, 17:39:47)
    6. ACTION: komlo revises meeting wiki; if komlo runs out of time, ahf makes sure it happens (nickm, 17:40:17)
    7. ACTION: ahf will look into team dinner (isabela, 17:40:44)
    8. ACTION: dgoulet talks with nickm and/or gaba about deliverable preferences (nickm, 17:40:51)
    9. ACTION: everybody tries to get some extra rest in advance of the meeting (nickm, 17:41:16)
    10. ACTION: catalyst also looks at rust session schedules gets them moved to when Alex is around (nickm, 17:44:34)

Meeting ended at 17:51:40 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. nickm and gaba use a list of deliverables (from isabela) to fill out that roadmapping pad
  2. nickm and gaba meet up to chat about mexico city stuff before we fly out
  3. nickm and ahf look over meeting schedule for mexico city between now and wednesday
  4. komlo revises meeting wiki; if komlo runs out of time, ahf makes sure it happens
  5. ahf will look into team dinner
  6. dgoulet talks with nickm and/or gaba about deliverable preferences
  7. everybody tries to get some extra rest in advance of the meeting
  8. catalyst also looks at rust session schedules gets them moved to when Alex is around

Action items, by person

  1. ahf
    1. nickm and ahf look over meeting schedule for mexico city between now and wednesday
    2. komlo revises meeting wiki; if komlo runs out of time, ahf makes sure it happens
    3. ahf will look into team dinner
  2. catalyst
    1. catalyst also looks at rust session schedules gets them moved to when Alex is around
  3. dgoulet
    1. dgoulet talks with nickm and/or gaba about deliverable preferences
  4. gaba
    1. nickm and gaba use a list of deliverables (from isabela) to fill out that roadmapping pad
    2. nickm and gaba meet up to chat about mexico city stuff before we fly out
    3. dgoulet talks with nickm and/or gaba about deliverable preferences
  5. isabela
    1. nickm and gaba use a list of deliverables (from isabela) to fill out that roadmapping pad
  6. nickm
    1. nickm and gaba use a list of deliverables (from isabela) to fill out that roadmapping pad
    2. nickm and gaba meet up to chat about mexico city stuff before we fly out
    3. nickm and ahf look over meeting schedule for mexico city between now and wednesday
    4. dgoulet talks with nickm and/or gaba about deliverable preferences

People present (lines said)

  1. nickm (83)
  2. isabela (65)
  3. ahf (44)
  4. dgoulet (11)
  5. catalyst (8)
  6. gaba (7)
  7. MeetBot (2)

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