14:31:06 #startmeeting metrics team 14:31:06 Meeting started Thu Feb 1 14:31:06 2018 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:31:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:31:16 Hi! 14:31:27 i get my internet in chunks of 15 minutes and then i have to change my MAC address, so if i disappear it shouldn't be for too long 14:31:28 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/Oh4g0hNenh65QZNWRsIe5zxpB3e0axASeSgo5hKOp2A <- agenda pad 14:31:35 irl_train: heh, okay. 14:32:00 alright, I added some topics to the pad. 14:32:06 anything missing? 14:32:21 looks good to me 14:32:31 * iwakeh waiting for the pad to load ... 14:32:57 while we're waiting, let's start with an item that doesn't need the pad. 14:33:01 * Thoughts on #25035: Create a mailing list for metrics-specific Nagios alerts (karsten) 14:33:07 what do you think? 14:33:29 basically, we'd send onionoo notifications from nagios to that list for now. 14:33:38 +1 14:33:43 do we need an archive? 14:34:04 not sure. does it hurt to have one? 14:34:20 perhaps if you can learn something from logs of bug outputs over time 14:34:21 might be useful to have a link to say "this was reported on X at Y". 14:34:29 yes, and that. 14:34:37 it's nice that errors have urls though and you get transparency in the data we have 14:34:39 I think having an archive is the default. 14:35:06 okay. how about metrics-alerts@ ? 14:35:08 other suggestions? 14:35:21 metrics-alerts sounds good to me 14:35:30 alerts or alarms are commonly used words 14:35:31 seems fine. 14:35:42 ok. 14:35:52 moving forward with that, after the meeting. 14:35:57 cool 14:36:32 iwakeh: pad is loaded? 14:36:47 yep 14:36:57 shall we start, or is there anything else not yet on the pad? 14:37:38 let's start. 14:37:42 ok. 14:37:46 * format for sponsor13 deliverables; decide on level of detail; (iwakeh) 14:37:51 that's from last week. 14:38:06 We discussed that further 14:38:06 I wonder, is this discussion better done on the ticket/doc? 14:38:18 already on the ticket, yes. 14:38:22 okay. 14:38:25 moving on. 14:38:29 * webstats (iwakeh) 14:38:29 and with the internal feedbac. 14:38:39 internal feedback? 14:38:52 ah, that we expect to get? 14:38:59 to the detail level audience's expectations. 14:39:08 yes. 14:39:11 alright. 14:39:17 so, webstats, 14:39:24 Working on the 14:39:31 I just put it on the agenda in case there are things we can discuss more easily while we're here. 14:40:02 no, I think we discussed that fine on ticket. 14:40:08 great! 14:40:19 nothing new from me on that topic. 14:40:36 moving on then. 14:40:42 * Review roadmap (karsten) 14:40:43 Working on the next version of a memory reduction. 14:40:52 looking forward to that! 14:41:13 so, the roadmap is on the pad. 14:41:18 let me pull it up. 14:41:59 there. 14:42:10 last time we added a short summary where we are. 14:42:31 before this meeting I made up a percent number. 14:42:45 want to go through the list and see where you disagree? 14:43:07 * iwakeh skimming through the %%%% 14:44:16 i think that's all my % updates 14:44:21 great! 14:44:54 I couldn't find anything to disagree with. 14:45:00 great! 14:45:32 I'll update the wiki page and maybe even draw a burndown chart after this meeting. 14:46:00 (: 14:46:04 okay, moving on. 14:46:09 * Gather input for January monthly report (karsten) 14:46:15 I put four items on the pad. 14:46:21 what did I miss? 14:46:49 i will fill in the relay search/compass bits when i am home later today 14:46:53 there's nothing else from me 14:46:58 okay, sounds good! 14:47:12 when do you intend to finish? 14:47:27 i.e., deadline for additions? 14:47:31 how much time do you need? 14:48:09 * iwakeh just needs to dive up out of Java code to process this better :-) 14:48:23 not much 14:48:33 want to ping me when you're done? 14:48:42 I could send the report tomorrow or monday or tuesday. 14:49:12 tomorrow ought to be fine; irl wants to add topics this evening. 14:49:22 sounds good! 14:49:39 okay, moving on to the last topic? 14:49:52 * Assigned Trac tickets (karsten) 14:49:52 ok 14:49:54 - https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?owner=karsten&owner=iwakeh&owner=irl&owner=metrics-team&status=accepted&status=assigned&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&group=owner&max=300&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&col=changetime&desc=1&order=changetime 14:50:48 this is just a gentle reminder to keep your lists small. 14:50:51 or, short. 14:51:07 by releasing tickets you're unlikely to work on in the next week. 14:51:14 i haven't yet triaged the metrics-bot tickets, but i did reassign tickets for RS 14:51:34 ok. 14:51:36 ok, but all that's merge_ready and the like should not be on the list. 14:52:18 you mean #16513? I'm still chewing on that one. 14:52:34 or, it should be accepted by the current 'chewer' ;-) 14:52:53 it's fine, 14:52:56 i think we can ignore needs_review and merge_ready in the list 14:53:03 we get a good overview from this list. 14:53:07 yes, I think I could grab #16513. 14:53:20 and yes, it's fine to ignore those tickets mentally. 14:53:30 I'd like to leave them in, so that we don't forget they exist, though. 14:53:37 true. 14:53:45 ok 14:53:53 alright. 14:54:11 I just added another topic and removed it again. 14:54:18 I'll just use trac, as usual. 14:54:30 +1 14:54:31 what else should we talk about? 14:54:41 I'm fine. 14:54:48 good to hear. :) 14:54:59 for the onionoo bw data/graphs i'm going to see if i have time to get that fixed next week 14:55:16 at least "fixed" as in not confusing people 14:55:46 okay. maybe ping me before fixing something. or look out for #16513 and other tickets related to onionoo graphs. 14:55:58 ok 14:56:12 i don't have a plan yet, so i'll ping you with the plan once it exists 14:56:17 sounds good! 14:56:23 no more things from me 14:56:40 great! sounds like we're done early today. more time to do work! :) 14:56:49 thanks, and good bye! :) 14:56:50 yep! 14:56:53 bye, bye! 14:57:01 #endmeeting