02:15:39 #startmeeting 02:15:39 Meeting started Wed Jun 24 02:15:39 2015 UTC. The chair is isis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:15:39 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 02:16:10 #topic sad lonely tor developer does meeting alone 02:16:38 okay, so i guess i'll reportback to myself what i did in the past two weeks 02:18:05 i did a bunch of paperwork and had discussions about the ethicality of bureaucracy for bureaucracy's sake with some bureaucrats, in order to get funding 02:18:31 then i was very depressed for a while, but got better soon enough 02:20:28 and then i worked on getting #12506 and #12029 and #11330 in a mergeable state so that i can merge my #15968 code on top of that 02:20:55 plus #12505 goes on top of that, but needs most tests, which i did not get to yet 02:22:10 and that is all from me 02:23:01 #idea actually remember to send out meeting announcement emails :/ 02:24:05 if an eGavel *bafs* when only one person is in a meeting… does anyone else hear the sound? 02:24:10 *baf* 02:24:15 #endmeeting