#reproducible-builds Meeting

Meeting started by lamby at 18:59:31 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://pad.riseup.net/p/reproducible-irc-meeting-12 (lamby, 19:00:02)

  1. Apologies (lamby, 19:04:36)
  2. 3rd Reproducible Builds Summit meeting (lamby, 19:05:57)
    1. Tue Oct 31 → Thu November 2nd inclusive (lamby, 19:06:13)
    2. No need to RSVP yet but please book travel ASAP. (lamby, 19:06:34)

  3. Cursing on the irc channel (lamby, 19:13:21)
  4. Mentors for Outreachy (lamby, 19:14:47)
    1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2017/09/msg00000.html (lamby, 19:15:01)
    2. outreachy.org (lamby, 19:15:15)
    3. Testing on ppc64el (lamby, 19:19:39)

  5. Testing on ppc64el (lamby, 19:19:47)
  6. Any Other Business? (lamby, 19:29:28)
    1. https://ssl.engineering.nyu.edu/projects#in-toto (lamby, 19:38:48)

  7. using intoto to have people attest to have reproduced a build (lamby, 19:41:30)
    1. see also "auto-analyzing indeterminism" from mid/end-july on ML (lamby, 19:41:45)

Meeting ended at 19:41:48 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. lamby (78)
  2. vagrantc (18)
  3. sangy (17)
  4. infinity0 (11)
  5. bmwiedemann (10)
  6. Faux (9)
  7. emaste (5)
  8. jwnx[m] (4)
  9. pkmoore (3)
  10. MeetBot (2)
  11. ReproBird (2)
  12. anthraxx (1)

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