14:00:01 #startmeeting Activation Working Group June 8th 14:00:01 Meeting started Fri Jun 8 14:00:01 2018 UTC. The chair is russdeffner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:01 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:26 who is/anyone around? 14:00:39 Hey Russ 14:00:48 been a bit hectic for me this week, totally thought we had a meeting last week 14:00:55 Hi Matt 14:01:04 Hi 14:01:26 So, just getting trello open, etc. 14:02:02 #link https://trello.com/b/ogU4Wjd6/hot-activation-wg 14:03:34 #topic Previous Notes/Unfinished Business 14:03:53 So, there's a couple of previous meetings to review/follow-up on... 14:03:57 #link https://trello.com/c/b2h8Is4D/30-unfinished-business 14:04:21 and... 14:04:25 #link https://trello.com/c/aG8SlkdK/22-previous-meeting-summaries 14:05:09 I'll try to quickly knock some of those out of the way... 14:05:25 can i make individual cards for the current activations? 14:05:51 yes 14:06:12 #info our Terms of Reference was approved 14:07:32 #help could use a hand maybe with follow-up from the FEMA exercise 14:07:56 #action generally I need to do the after action review stuff for them 14:09:05 Blake, can you fill us in on where we are at with course content? 14:09:20 Are folks reviewing now? 14:09:43 or supposed to be, like me :) 14:09:51 It is all in gitbooks. No idea what anyone is doing or supposed to be doing. 14:10:07 I've been meaning to go through and give feedback while I do it. Just keep getting distracted with other things 14:10:37 Ok, I guess we do need a basic roadmap for that... 14:10:46 I am not doing anything further with that really. I do not support trying to eliminate moodle or its equivalent. 14:11:33 i.e. review, edit for clarity, etc. develope new content (like OAM), add, review, repeat? 14:11:59 Ya, i mean I might go through and also add/edit the content, but not much more. 14:12:07 Oh, and in there should be 'merge to moodle' after updates 14:12:08 I think it is organized fine as it is 14:12:34 I am more in favor of getting content out of moodle, there is no way to merge it back into moodle excpet lots of editing 14:12:49 Ok, so this is good... 14:12:59 but the whole course and quizes, and mentor part of moodle is very valuable. 14:13:06 Do you see just linking to gitbooks 14:13:23 That is what I would do. I would get rid of everything but the tests and the peer endorsement parts 14:13:40 i.e. remove the text, replace with images and links, improve quizes, etc 14:13:47 and just link to gitbooks and folks to go through that and then if they want the certs, do the moodle parts. 14:14:37 that way folks who want nothing to do with moodle can ignore it and use gitbooks, and those that care about the certs have an option for that too, as well as peer/mentor parts 14:15:14 ok, what about an action for hopefully next time to have a read through the gitbooks content... 14:15:32 and by use gitbooks, i mean just use the content there, not really use gitbook, just use it for reading 14:15:46 I know there are outdated/crap sections, maybe just focus on what needs complete re-write while also thinking about what might be missing 14:16:03 is the link to the gitbooks on trello? 14:16:10 and I'm just saying generally for all of us to do 14:16:25 having been through literally every bit of the content, it is very good really 14:16:41 there is not much to do but add to it, what is there is solid. 14:16:50 oh, I think the one that is in trello is old 14:17:01 Blake, can you #link the new one 14:17:20 and understanding that a fair amount of the "content" is just links to LearnOSM, I found it a good mix of using what already exists and supplimenting with original content as needed. 14:18:30 I found it... 14:18:35 #link https://bgirardot.gitbooks.io/hotosm-activation-curriculum 14:18:44 ok, great, i was still looking. 14:19:11 thanks 14:19:35 it looks different than it was last time i looked 14:19:39 the dark background is new 14:19:47 it used to be light or white 14:20:12 alright, unless there's anything particular we want to discuss on courses; let me just document the 'action' 14:20:55 #action All - review the course content https://bgirardot.gitbooks.io/hotosm-activation-curriculum for clarity, old/replaceable content, missing content 14:20:58 i should note as well, it has my name in it, but the content backed by HOT's GitHub account 14:22:06 yes, that's not a problem in the nearterm, probably more just for you so you aren't forever the activation curriculum guy, but eventually we should change it 14:23:03 @smit1678 Nate are you around? Want to continue discussing imagery coordination? 14:23:14 so hot has full access and control and ownership of the content just like any of its github code. 14:24:40 ok, less move on then; unless Blake or Matt have unfinished items from last time? 14:25:34 #topic Current Disaster Events 14:26:43 Do you think we will get the Eua imagery uploaded? 14:29:53 My memory of the issue is different than reality I guess 14:30:13 Aparently there is no problem with DG open data imagery 14:30:33 I think we should just archive/conclude that response 14:30:42 and if we can find out the steps it should be easy to do. 14:30:46 if and when the imagery gets posted we can come back to it 14:31:08 but I'm pretty much done asking/talking about it 14:31:18 It really seems like we should do it now, the alterantive is to have to figure out / find it all again at some point in the future. 14:31:25 Ya 14:32:37 Ok, I'll leave it to you, if you want to keep the card as a reminder, that's fine 14:33:11 This is a onetime thing, we just need to know what to do. I thought there was a larger issue related to it, but I guess not. 14:33:47 There is a larger issue - Imagery Coordination :) 14:33:55 heh 14:34:43 I am going to see if I can get cristiano to tell me what he did for Fuego imagery 14:34:57 So, on to the responses we can do stuff about 14:34:58 and I'll share that once I have done it once myself. 14:35:03 aye 14:35:09 that'd be great 14:36:25 I think Nate mentioned it yesterday, but it should just be a merging of the tiles that are downloaded and then an upload to OAM 14:37:05 Each strip of imagery will be like 12 tiles that you download and then just merge them in QGIS or using gdal 14:37:36 but 100% the info shouldn't just live in people's heads 14:39:10 I see this as a prime example of the stuff we need to get into the training course(s) 14:40:27 Anyway, I wanted to see how the Fuego Volcano project is going 14:40:49 I got home late from mapathon last night and haven't had time to look yet this morning 14:41:13 I made it late last night 14:41:19 28% done some percent validated 14:42:00 There's been some convo that I made the tasks too small, but it's a dense area so I'd rather not have really large unfinishable ones 14:42:10 They are a good size I think 14:42:29 I reviewed them 14:42:35 thanks Blake 14:42:52 Also made it intermediate also becasue of the density, so that may cut down on the speed it gets done 14:43:07 advanced users often have different workflows than less experienced users. 14:43:15 agreed 14:43:28 You did not require intermediate users, you just set the meta data to reflect it is intermediate 14:43:42 oh really? 14:43:43 oops 14:43:46 which I think is ok for now, lets see what happens 14:43:49 actually. 14:43:50 okay 14:44:07 the mapping is super difficult, I am not sure what I would for a lot of it. 14:44:14 ya, ok to say 'hey, this is tough, but anyone can give a try' 14:44:21 the setting in the metadata doesn't restrict? 14:44:28 depending on use case, we might experiment with buildings as points. 14:44:50 no, there is a permissions tab that enforces it, otherwise it is just meta data 14:45:00 gotcha 14:45:07 I'm also just reading the emails around the request... 14:45:16 where are those email russ? 14:45:28 Will let you all know 14:45:31 it would help if more folks saw the requests to undersand the use cases 14:46:00 sometimes partner liaising is sensitive 14:46:10 Is this sensitive? 14:46:50 Let me read these and will forward if not, ok? 14:47:33 even if sensitive, I would think anyone on the activation team, especially folks qualified for partner liasion could see them. 14:47:40 But I want to make sure we cover the other responses 14:47:43 but whatever you think is best. 14:47:48 so, those will have to wait 14:49:14 For Sri Lanka, I was having a bad math day when I originally broke up the AOI 14:49:24 It's actually 9 projects 14:50:27 are they all the size of the first few/ 14:50:34 and at this rate, we are looking at about 1 week per 14:50:42 yep, roughly the same size 14:52:05 So I might ask Sutha to get a more detailed priority list 14:52:24 And maybe we don't go for the entire AOI 14:53:55 Any word on Ebola stuff? 14:54:16 I haven't heard from Claire or Jorieke (about this) in a while 14:54:26 Me either. 14:54:57 I do not see any projects related to it active at the moment. 14:55:06 Just looked as well :) 14:55:24 nor any in draft 14:55:44 So anyone want to make contact? Or I can 14:56:02 #Action Follow-up with OSM-CD for Ebola planning 14:56:28 #Action Follow-up on Fuego Request, Information Sharing 14:57:13 I think you should follow up with osm-cd if you would pelase russ. 14:57:21 #Action Request AOI refinement for Sri Lanka based on several month estimate to complete 14:57:50 ok, can do 14:57:59 What is the total sq km for Sri Lanka? 14:58:04 currently requested 14:58:21 oh, I looked but don't remember... 14:58:32 will do after this 14:58:39 is it 9 x 1500 sq/km basically ? 14:58:47 #topic Any other business 14:58:57 should be roughly that 14:59:27 Any other items of business for the AWG today? 15:01:06 none here 15:01:13 Great, lot's of stuff happening, always appreciate the familiar faces; don't be shy to say hello and jump in if you are new to the HOT community! 15:01:36 Until next time o/ 15:01:41 #endmeeting