13:03:12 <evilaliv3> #startmeeting
13:03:12 <MeetBot> Meeting started Fri May  8 13:03:12 2015 UTC.  The chair is evilaliv3. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:03:12 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:03:22 <evilaliv3> halo!
13:04:29 <evilaliv3> opened the pad for today: http://piratepad.net/zbyI11hLZd
13:04:50 <evilaliv3> vnc: if you want in this days it would be valuable that you do use it also
13:07:31 <vcn> buenos dias
13:34:10 <elv> hola vcn
13:54:40 <vcn> elv :)
13:54:59 <elv> ;)
13:55:08 <vcn> I guess the client side test is causing to us email at recv1 <info@globaleaks.org>  :)
13:55:21 <vcn> because is the user created automatically by the proctractor
14:29:13 <elv> yep :p
14:32:55 <elv> http://www.huffingtonpost.it/2015/05/07/grilloleaks-nasce-un-sito-audio-grillo_n_7232332.html?ncid=fcbklnkithpmg00000001
14:32:56 <elv> lol
14:58:48 <vcn> ahah, "curiamo le fonti, mail info@grillo-leaks.com " :D
10:02:52 <evilaliv3> #endmeeting