12:59:04 <evilaliv3> #startmeeting
12:59:04 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed May  6 12:59:04 2015 UTC.  The chair is evilaliv3. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
12:59:04 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
12:59:16 <evilaliv3> hello dears!
12:59:27 <evilaliv3> here is the pad of today! :)
12:59:29 <evilaliv3> http://piratepad.net/yy7lBK4p5r
13:00:04 <evilaliv3> i've already filled with the data of my last day activity and the info about what i'm going to tackle today!
13:41:49 <GL-Github-Bot> [13GlobaLeaks] 15evilaliv3 pushed 1 new commit to 06devel: 02https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/commit/170e4f26d574b440abdda41d83162c78c94206eb
13:41:49 <GL-Github-Bot> 13GlobaLeaks/06devel 14170e4f2 15evilaliv3: Add missin import storm.exceptions.DatabaseError
13:43:20 <GL-Github-Bot> [13GlobaLeaks] 15evilaliv3 pushed 1 new commit to 06devel: 02https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/commit/8007420356a4195055a3fb28f21e77a731985b7a
13:43:20 <GL-Github-Bot> 13GlobaLeaks/06devel 148007420 15evilaliv3: Add missing argument to virtual function in base class
23:06:54 <GL-Github-Bot> [13GlobaLeaks] 15evilaliv3 pushed 1 new commit to 06devel: 02https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/commit/81cb399fb51d4094225b0fe8d13ac02f4e57c345
23:06:54 <GL-Github-Bot> 13GlobaLeaks/06devel 1481cb399 15evilaliv3: Fix cyclic import issues as reported by pylint/Landscape.io...
08:29:11 <evilaliv3> #endmeeting