16:01:32 #startmeeting snapshot #8 16:01:32 Meeting started Mon Sep 23 16:01:32 2024 UTC. The chair is ln5. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:32 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:41 who are here for the meeting? 16:01:53 * weasel 16:01:57 here's a proposed agenda: status, old action items, aob, next meeting 16:02:07 +1 16:02:18 maybe h01ger wants to report back from the R-B summit? 16:02:55 the summit was great (i think) and people love(d) that snapshot.d.o is working again 16:03:23 * h01ger also managed to setup a debian rebuilderd but has torn it down since them to install on more powerful machines 16:03:27 i enjoyed the summit a lot 16:03:37 #topic status updates 16:03:43 thats a very high level summary 16:03:44 rate limiting was removed, no sweat (so far) 16:03:48 \o/ 16:04:18 dev-01 setup: i've identified some more things requiring DSA -- missing tun/tap (see https://salsa.debian.org/linus/dsa-puppet/-/commit/4021f53f7f3ac2238e3985517bbc7497859a62e6), and also short on RAM (1G) 16:04:30 we should also put up a news entry for snapshot.d.o - i'd suggest writing it in a pad over the next days - today i'm mostly in low energy mode 16:05:03 h01ger: i'm up for that, let's coordinate after meeting? 16:05:14 great & sure 16:05:18 any other updates? 16:05:34 Yes 16:06:20 on update sponsor links, i've prepared https://salsa.debian.org/linus/snapshot/-/commit/2b737aacea284af9415cf59a46d4fd2760c22bea but not been able to render it properly so it'll have to wait a little bit more 16:06:23 Finally working on the re-import of debian-ports. Will take a while as there's quite a huge amount of data to handle, and I want to do this in an efficient way, and good. 16:06:42 axhn: sounds good 16:07:36 ok, moving on 16:07:38 #topic action items carry over 16:07:48 - we finally switched over to the 10gigE interface on snapshot-mlm-01 16:07:57 oh, right. wonderful. 16:09:17 write a testsuite: no progress, but i'm interested in your all's ideas for how to do both unit testing in ruby and a decent tool for "end-to-end testing" 16:09:52 the rest of the old points have been mentioned above under updates, i think 16:11:54 (-dev is back with more ram and the module) 16:12:23 re ldap updates, there's an email to dsa@ with a request for what to change 16:13:10 weasel: that's so much better! :) 16:14:16 re ldap update 16:14:20 sponsor: Mullvad 16:14:21 stays? 16:14:25 ah, no 16:14:29 ok 16:14:31 forgot to say that 16:14:49 TIL that to get a login session one should not just sudo -iu snapshot, but rather sudo -iu snapshot --preserve-env=SHELL -- systemd-run --user --scope --shell 16:14:57 https://db.debian.org/machines.cgi?host=snapshot-mlm-01 16:15:25 splendid 16:16:01 export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$(id -u)"; export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/bus" seems to do it for me mostly, after sudo -i 16:16:21 i have no bus on that system 16:16:58 and loginctl user-status refers to linus, not snapshot after a simple sudo -i 16:17:26 does it matter? 16:17:32 but it's not clear to me if i really need this session, only that podman stops complaining about cgroup when i do 16:17:45 :) 16:18:01 i still can not use cgroup-manager systemd though 16:18:28 need to dig deeper! or just give up on understanding that particular detail :) 16:18:49 so, anything else? 16:18:51 #topic any other business 16:19:12 doesn't seem like there's much more.... 16:19:21 next meeting? 16:19:23 #topic closing 16:19:27 next meeting 2024-10-21? 16:19:48 works for me 16:19:52 ok 16:19:58 1600 again? 16:20:00 1600 UTC? or 1700? 16:20:29 we can also do 1700Z 16:20:41 let's do 2024-10-21 17:00 UTC 16:21:00 #agreed next meeting 2024-10-21 17:00 UTC 16:21:13 https://volatile.noreply.org/2024-09-23-zHUxPGZj2Zo/FD061AFC-2267-4331-A887-ADC2EA0EEA83.ics 16:21:18 tnx 16:21:25 ok i think we're done 16:21:31 #endmeeting