============================= #debian-snapshot: snapshot #7 ============================= Meeting started by ln5 at 16:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-snapshot/2024/debian-snapshot.2024-08-19-16.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * status updates (ln5, 16:01:25) * action items carry over (ln5, 16:03:37) * ACTION: ln5 update sponsor links (ln5, 16:05:27) * ACTION: ln5 finish dev-01 setup, with help from DSA (ln5, 16:07:28) * ACTION: ln5 write a testsuite, using -dev-01 (ln5, 16:07:44) * rate limiting (ln5, 16:08:32) * AGREED: drop the rate limiting in netfilter entirely (ln5, 16:12:23) * ACTION: weasel ask #-admin for suggestions or input on rate limiting (ln5, 16:13:20) * any other business (ln5, 16:13:55) * ACTION: axhn -ports import (ln5, 16:16:14) * closing (ln5, 16:17:22) * AGREED: next meeting 2024-09-23 16:00 UTC (ln5, 16:19:47) Meeting ended at 16:20:16 UTC. Action Items ------------ * ln5 update sponsor links * ln5 finish dev-01 setup, with help from DSA * ln5 write a testsuite, using -dev-01 * weasel ask #-admin for suggestions or input on rate limiting * axhn -ports import Action Items, by person ----------------------- * ln5 * ln5 update sponsor links * ln5 finish dev-01 setup, with help from DSA * ln5 write a testsuite, using -dev-01 * weasel * weasel ask #-admin for suggestions or input on rate limiting * **UNASSIGNED** * axhn -ports import People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * ln5 (49) * weasel (21) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot