16:00:00 #startmeeting snapshot #7 16:00:00 Meeting started Mon Aug 19 16:00:00 2024 UTC. The chair is ln5. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:10 hi all, proposed agenda: 1) status, 2) old action items, 3) rate limiting, 3) aob, 4) next meeting 16:00:57 re 1), I don't think I managed to get much or anything done since last meeting. plan on doing the 1gige -> 10gige switch this week, though. 16:01:20 ok, let's do status updates 16:01:25 #topic status updates 16:01:52 i saw MR 11, new /mr/timestamp/ endpoint, was merged and deployed 16:02:09 between aug 4 and 18, -mlm and lw07 together saw 729 timestamp requests 16:02:16 nice 16:02:33 re dev/test on dev-01, i think i need some realtime work together with a DSA person to get it to a point where it can be used as a dev/test system 16:02:42 the two things i know is missing atm are /dev/sub*id entries for user snapshot and the slirp4netns package (see #debian-admin) 16:03:28 and we didn't have any new actions last time iiuc so maybe go to next topic 16:03:37 #topic action items carry over 16:03:59 weasel already said something about 1g -> 10g above 16:04:11 write a testsuite: no progress, keep 16:04:36 updating sponsor links: i'm aware of web/app/snapshot/templates/{base/page.html,root/description.html,root/news.html} and LDAP (for https://db.debian.org/machines.cgi); are there more? 16:04:47 I think that's it 16:05:27 #action ln5 update sponsor links 16:05:46 i'll take a stab, asking DSA for LDAP changes i suppose 16:05:59 updating ldap should be quick and painless 16:06:10 more old action items? 16:06:40 weasel: re 1g->10g do you have the information you need for that? 16:06:58 AIUI, it's on the same l2, so just moving the address should work, right? 16:07:17 yes 16:07:28 #action ln5 finish dev-01 setup, with help from DSA 16:07:44 #action ln5 write a testsuite, using -dev-01 16:07:45 and I need to work on making the oob accessible to more DSA, but nothing is blocking on that 16:08:17 unless someone's scared of doing things w/o oob access :) 16:08:32 #topic rate limiting 16:08:44 I propose we drop the rate limiting in netfilter entirely 16:08:45 weasel: what was your idea with skipping netfilter for rate limiting? 16:09:19 and see how happy or unhappy we are after that and try to come up with other things if needed 16:09:28 is th is on -mlm-01 only or on lw07 as well? 16:09:36 all 16:10:09 from my perspective that sounds good 16:10:45 if the snapshot group can change apache config or other rate limiting things, that's good 16:11:00 we can figure something out 16:11:00 what's the prefered way of doing rate limiting, not using netfilter? 16:11:05 no idea :) 16:11:14 ok, then we figure it out 16:11:41 should we ask DSA more, or someone else, before going ahead? 16:12:07 we can ask #-admin for suggestions or any input they might have, but we shouldn't block on that 16:12:23 #agreed drop the rate limiting in netfilter entirely 16:12:42 weasel: will you be doing that? 16:12:48 can do 16:13:20 #action weasel ask #-admin for suggestions or input on rate limiting 16:13:28 ok, sounds good. more on that? 16:13:55 #topic any other business 16:14:56 we are still waiting for the -ports import stuff with axhn. 16:15:04 yes, correct 16:15:06 nothing urgent, but it's still on the todo list. 16:15:20 I think all the relevant people are aware that it's a thing too 16:15:34 forgot to mention that, will add an action so it doesn't disappear 16:15:43 seems everybody knows what to do, yes 16:16:14 #action axhn -ports import 16:16:33 ok, seems we don't have much more to say right now 16:16:47 re netfilter and -dev: do you want to ping me thursday afternoon via signal to see if we can find a shared timeslot friday or next week? 16:17:09 weasel: absolutely, will do! 16:17:22 #topic closing 16:17:28 i propose next meeting 2024-09-23 16:17:51 might work, might not. I can only tell closer to the date 16:18:02 that's five weeks from now, just after the repro-build summit 16:18:19 the time as such is such that it make it more likely it will work, though. 16:18:36 i see. would you rather do it two weeks earlier, on the 9th? 16:19:11 it's not clear that that's better, so let's try the 23rd 16:19:22 good good 16:19:47 #agreed next meeting 2024-09-23 16:00 UTC 16:19:58 anything else before we close? 16:20:05 no 16:20:15 ok, thanks all 16:20:16 #endmeeting