16:01:58 #startmeeting snapshot 2024-06-08 16:01:58 Meeting started Mon Jul 8 16:01:58 2024 UTC. The chair is weasel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:58 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:02:20 Linus unfortunately is unavailable today, so it's gonna have to happen without him 16:02:46 I'm not sure we have prepared an agenda, so I'm soliciting agenda items now 16:03:15 I'll probably do a short status update in any case to bring everyone up to date with the current happenings 16:03:38 action items from last meeting are also good candidates for topics 16:04:29 hey 16:04:31 ok then 16:04:38 #topic status update 16:04:58 snapshot.debian.org is currently pointing to mlm and lw 16:05:17 where mlm is the new site. mlm is also the site that does all the imports of all the archives. 16:06:00 ln5 just reached out and told me he won't be able to show up for the meet today, something happened last minute 16:06:02 mlm also has the primary DB instance with snapshotdb-manda being a replica (snapshotdb-manda is the db instances that leaseweb uses) 16:06:09 rgdd: yup 16:06:28 so we're pretty much done with moving from (sanger+lw) to (mlm+lw). 16:06:43 remaining items afaict is updating the sponsor links and things like that 16:06:50 any questions? 16:07:05 :applause.webp: 16:07:56 if not, let's go over last time's action items as suggested by h01ger 16:08:03 #topic action-items carry over 16:08:24 last time's action items were all ln5's, who isn't here today because reasons 16:09:14 I don't know what the status is of moving from 1gbit to a 10gig link. I recall there was some talk but I don't remember the result. so we'll probably want action or an update on that next time, 16:10:09 I know that linus has been working on getting the -dev VM we set up at manda in shape. he started doing things with containers, but I don't think it's in any useful shape or form just yet 16:10:46 and I haven't seen anything regarding testsuite things. probably blocks on the dev setup. 16:10:53 anything else? 16:11:35 linus@snapshot-mlm-01:~$ networkctl status eno2np1 | grep Speed 16:11:37 Speed: 10Gbps 16:11:43 so that one's probably done :) 16:11:52 perfect 16:12:02 except, that's not the link we're using 16:12:10 oh /o\ 16:12:11 so more reasearch required :) 16:12:31 probably something that linus and I can look into 16:13:05 #topic importing old -ports things 16:13:34 axhn: meeting before last (iirc) we talked about importing old -ports trees that you have in a zfs snapshot thing or something like that 16:14:24 weasel: Yeah, you gave me that import file format, and I wanted to work on creating those. 16:14:26 I think the idea was that you provide what is basically the filesystem trees for all those runs and then we can see which files we're missing 16:14:33 is that still the plan? 16:14:34 No progress in that area, I'm afraid 16:15:04 Otherwise, that's the plan, yes. 16:15:11 perfect, and no worries 16:15:22 anything else wrt that? 16:16:01 guess not :) 16:16:02 #topic any other business 16:16:07 Not from my side. I'll eventually send you some example, and you will tell me whether you can work with it 16:16:16 sounds good 16:16:20 anybody have anything else they want to bring up? 16:18:40 in that case, 16:18:45 #topic closing 16:18:52 Well, next meeting? 16:18:59 #action weasel+ln5: move to 10gige link 16:19:24 proposed next meeting August 12, 1600Z 16:20:18 linus can't do aug 12. so Aug 19? 16:20:36 fine for me 16:21:22 #info Next meeting: 2024-08-12 1600Z 16:21:26 https://volatile.noreply.org/2024-07-08-amgJR1FUiSE/98D862EE-C895-4E0B-B231-E0C75ACF5EBA.ics 16:21:36 thanks everyone and until then 16:21:40 #endmeeting