#debian-snapshot: snapshot 2024-06-08

Meeting started by weasel at 16:01:58 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. status update (weasel, 16:04:38)
  2. action-items carry over (weasel, 16:08:03)
  3. importing old -ports things (weasel, 16:13:05)
  4. any other business (weasel, 16:16:02)
  5. closing (weasel, 16:18:45)
    1. ACTION: weasel+ln5: move to 10gige link (weasel, 16:18:59)
    2. Next meeting: 2024-08-12 1600Z (weasel, 16:21:22)
    3. https://volatile.noreply.org/2024-07-08-amgJR1FUiSE/98D862EE-C895-4E0B-B231-E0C75ACF5EBA.ics (weasel, 16:21:26)

Meeting ended at 16:21:40 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. weasel+ln5: move to 10gige link

Action items, by person

  1. weasel
    1. weasel+ln5: move to 10gige link

People present (lines said)

  1. weasel (43)
  2. axhn (7)
  3. tianon (4)
  4. MeetBot (2)
  5. rgdd (2)
  6. h01ger (1)

Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.