==================================================== #debian-snapshot: Debian snapshot service meeting #5 ==================================================== Meeting started by ln5 at 16:00:03 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-snapshot/2024/debian-snapshot.2024-06-10-16.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Status updates (ln5, 16:01:04) * Next steps (ln5, 16:16:18) * LINK: https://salsa.debian.org/snapshot-team/snapshot/-/blob/master/snapshot?ref_type=heads#L1277 (weasel, 16:28:46) * ACTION: ln5 try to turn -mlm's 1G into 10G (ln5, 16:30:25) * ACTION: ln5 get the -dev environment up and running (ln5, 16:30:50) * ACTION: ln5 write a testsuite, at least for parts of the code (imports, web app) (ln5, 16:31:11) * IDEA: for sw deployment, maybe put stuff into containers that we autobuild from source (ln5, 16:33:10) * Next meeting (ln5, 16:44:08) * AGREED: next meeting 2024-07-08 1600Z (ln5, 16:46:33) * LINK: https://volatile.noreply.org/2024-06-10-GhHjY4ghgVA/83B482CE-6D38-487C-BF98-826019E61C28.ics (weasel, 16:46:47) Meeting ended at 16:47:07 UTC. Action Items ------------ * ln5 try to turn -mlm's 1G into 10G * ln5 get the -dev environment up and running * ln5 write a testsuite, at least for parts of the code (imports, web app) Action Items, by person ----------------------- * ln5 * ln5 try to turn -mlm's 1G into 10G * ln5 get the -dev environment up and running * ln5 write a testsuite, at least for parts of the code (imports, web app) * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * weasel (86) * ln5 (39) * axhn (31) * MeetBot (3) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot