#debian-reproducible Meeting

Meeting started by h01ger at 17:01:24 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. discuss todays agenda / everybody please say hi (h01ger, 17:01:57)
    1. someone still needs to file a bug against gtk-doc so that our patch doesnt get lost (h01ger, 17:07:06)
    2. this one https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/gtk-doc.git/commit/?h=merged/reproducible_builds&id=fe1c60f53d04d2da3496acb5410c97d574f5c894 (mapreri, 17:07:30)
    3. AGREED: [19:08] < AGWA> I think the position should be to replace any timestamp > the debian/changelog date with the debian/changelog date (h01ger, 17:09:42)
    4. AGREED: [19:08] < mapreri> my position now: timestamps are not evil if they are meaningful: build time is not meaningful but "last change" (changelog?) time it is. so, clamp is good (h01ger, 17:09:59)

  2. package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state (h01ger, 17:11:06)
    1. HELP: (mapreri, 17:12:18)

  3. package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state / discuss ftbfs_on_testing_due_to_unmigrated_dependencies issue (h01ger, 17:12:35)
    1. AGREED: ftbfs_on_testing_due_to_unmigrated_dependencies should be removed again, it's not helping and causing busy-work (h01ger, 17:17:37)
    2. as always if you disagree with an irc meeting agreement, bring it up on the mailing list. good arguments are convincing, nothing is set in stone just because it was decided at an irc meeting. (h01ger, 17:18:27)

  4. package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state / discuss ftbfs usertag (h01ger, 17:18:46)
  5. package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state / discuss ftbfs_on_testing_due_to_unmigrated_dependencies issue (h01ger, 17:18:59)
    1. ACTION: deki will remove the ftbfs_on_testing_due_to_unmigrated_dependencies issue (h01ger, 17:19:55)

  6. package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state / discuss ftbfs usertag (h01ger, 17:20:00)
    1. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?usertag=reproducible-builds@lists.alioth.debian.org shows all no matter which tag, so maybe we should agree to omit some tags from rb.d.n indeed (h01ger, 17:30:19)
    2. maybe rename "ftbfs" usertag to "untestable"? (as this is what we care about) (h01ger, 17:33:35)
    3. please do speak up about ↑ (mapreri, 17:34:15)
    4. integrate 'ftbfs' usertagged bugs in rb.d.n has been added to its TODO (h01ger, 17:38:24)

  7. package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state / how to deal with cases like #786694 (h01ger, 17:38:41)
    1. ACTION: deki to clone+reassign+comment+usertag on #786694 (mapreri, 17:43:06)
    2. for cases like #786694 which are building info pages, but have no makeinfo available, fixing the build-deps is the way to go. but should probably be filed as RC (pending RC team confirmation would be nice), but definitly important. and usertagged "ftbfs" too (h01ger, 17:46:52)

  8. rp.d.n updates+issues (h01ger, 17:47:01)
  9. rp.d.n updates+issues / mail notification issues (h01ger, 17:48:41)
    1. mail notifications are only send for status changes - so unless we break stuff (like tonight, were 1000 packages wrongly became unreproducible) our frequent rebuilds cause no notifications (h01ger, 17:54:35)

  10. GSoC updates (h01ger, 17:54:44)
    1. http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/reproducible-builds/Week-of-Mon-20150608/001910.html (h01ger, 17:55:27)
    2. http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/reproducible-builds/Week-of-Mon-20150615/001922.html (h01ger, 17:55:28)
    3. are the latest reports, more are linked at https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/About#Publicity (h01ger, 17:55:42)

  11. any other business (h01ger, 17:59:23)
    1. next meeting moved one week earlier, to tuesday, june 23rd at 1700 UTC. next meeting after that will be july 7th, 1700 UTC (h01ger, 18:09:15)

  12. announce next meeting (h01ger, 18:09:33)

Meeting ended at 18:10:54 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. deki will remove the ftbfs_on_testing_due_to_unmigrated_dependencies issue
  2. deki to clone+reassign+comment+usertag on #786694

Action items, by person

  1. deki
    1. deki will remove the ftbfs_on_testing_due_to_unmigrated_dependencies issue
    2. deki to clone+reassign+comment+usertag on #786694

People present (lines said)

  1. h01ger (162)
  2. mapreri (86)
  3. deki (27)
  4. Faux (13)
  5. Dhole (12)
  6. MeetBot (9)
  7. fchmmr (7)
  8. akira (4)
  9. AGWA (4)

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