#debian-release Meeting

Meeting started by nthykier at 19:15:06 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Admin/last meeting (nthykier, 19:15:34)
    1. Last meeting minutes are http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-release/2018/debian-release.2018-06-27-19.02.html (nthykier, 19:16:23)
    2. nthykier had one action to send out a mail calling for and informing about existing concerns (for arch-qualification). This is marked done 2018-06-27 (nthykier, 19:17:35)

  2. Transitions (nthykier, 19:20:06)
  3. Architecture qualification for buster (nthykier, 19:24:31)
  4. New meeting schedule? (nthykier, 19:27:17)
    1. ACTION: nthykier will send a mail to team@ to discuss whether we should move the monthly meeting to a new day/time (nthykier, 19:32:25)

  5. AOB (nthykier, 19:32:39)

Meeting ended at 19:37:49 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. nthykier will send a mail to team@ to discuss whether we should move the monthly meeting to a new day/time

Action items, by person

  1. nthykier
    1. nthykier will send a mail to team@ to discuss whether we should move the monthly meeting to a new day/time

People present (lines said)

  1. nthykier (38)
  2. adsb (13)
  3. elbrus (7)
  4. kibi (4)
  5. MeetBot (2)
  6. h01ger (1)

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