19:05:00 #startmeeting 19:05:00 Meeting started Wed Aug 24 19:05:00 2016 UTC. The chair is nthykier. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:05:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:05:40 Hopefully people will show up - but if nothing else this will be a status dump from me 19:06:11 #topic Admin/Since last meeting 19:07:00 #info pochu had an action about following up on the gnat6 transition. Given the bug is closed, I presume that is done :) 19:08:35 #info nthykier talked with the press team about art work related PR, which has already been published (Kudos to the Press team for being very proactive and self-organised about that) 19:09:45 #info nthykier intended to write emails to previous artists about making them submit art work for Stretch. That was not done. Nevertheless, there are a lot of new art work submissions since last time 19:10:14 #info nthykier intended to follow up with jmw about the arch health check, but did not happen either. 19:11:17 Not quite from the previous meeting, but ... 19:12:15 #info We have sent out an porter roll call. So far about 5-6 people have replied to it (of which, the majority seems to be ARM related). There are still some time left to reply though 19:13:31 Ok, I think that concludes the action from previous meeting(s) 19:13:56 #topic Status on Secure Boot in Stretch 19:14:55 #info Almost all known blockers are filed in the BTS as blockers of #820036 19:15:07 Since last time: 19:16:28 #info We got a private key for shim now loaded into a hardware token (presumably on Franck) and the public key is being sent to vorlon so he can start packaging shim 19:17:49 #info jcristau reviewed the patches Ben sent for DAK (#821051) - Ben has not yet replied to the comments 19:17:59 (will hopefully happen soon) 19:20:12 #info jcristau has made progress on making the signing tools work with our yubikey 19:20:49 That is what I had for Secure Boot 19:22:06 With no one else, I guess we might as well call it a day now :) 19:22:28 #topic Next meeting 19:23:48 #info The next meeting is Wednesday, the 28th of September (as declared in the Debian Release Calender: https://release.debian.org/release-calendar.ics) 19:24:05 #endmeeting