#debian-qa: debian-qa: going to jenkins.debian.org

Meeting started by h01ger at 18:04:08 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. status of the jenkins.d._o_ migration (h01ger, 18:05:14)
    1. same status as in 2016, nothing happened in 2017 so far ;) (h01ger, 18:05:26)
    2. current status of the migration is described in TODO in jenkins.d.n.git (h01ger, 18:07:10)

  2. anything else about jenkins.d.n/o (h01ger, 18:11:27)
  3. final two minutes of this meeting (h01ger, 18:21:24)

Meeting ended at 18:25:19 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. h01ger (43)
  2. mapreri (23)
  3. tnnn (12)
  4. olasd (3)
  5. MeetBot (2)
  6. jcristau (2)
  7. KGB-0 (1)

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