14:03:31 <cdesai> #startmeeting
14:03:31 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu May 28 14:03:31 2020 UTC.  The chair is cdesai. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:03:31 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
14:03:35 <_hc> shall we try meetbot again?
14:03:42 <cdesai> _hc: ninja'd :P
14:03:43 <_hc> MeetBot: #startmeeting
14:03:43 <MeetBot> _hc: Error: "#startmeeting" is not a valid command.
14:03:56 <samyak-jn[m]> Hii everyone :)
14:04:03 <Manaskashyap[m]> > how has everyone been?
14:04:03 <Manaskashyap[m]> i am good you say everything safe ?
14:04:27 <cdesai> #chair _hc
14:04:27 <MeetBot> Current chairs: _hc cdesai
14:05:07 <The_LoudSpeaker> I am also good. Tho we did get first two cases here in my town yesterday.
14:05:22 <samyak-jn[m]> Same Fighting Covid and Locust Swam XD Everything is GOOD.
14:05:46 <The_LoudSpeaker> Couldn't have been better eh, samyak-jn[m] ?
14:05:48 <The_LoudSpeaker> XD
14:06:19 <samyak-jn[m]> Lol :*)
14:09:39 <The_LoudSpeaker> everything's fine with the mentors? cdesai _hc andrewsh_ ?
14:09:51 <cdesai> all good here, staying home.
14:10:50 <Manaskashyap[m]> so today i am going first
14:10:57 <samyak-jn[m]> Shoot
14:11:46 <cdesai> you can do something like
14:11:46 <cdesai> "1) I did X last week 2) I am blocked by X now 3) I am working on X now"
14:11:57 <cdesai> and then we can discuss once everyone has reported
14:13:26 <The_LoudSpeaker> sounds good.
14:14:20 <_hc> srry, back, having a flaky wifi da
14:14:22 <_hc> y
14:14:36 <Manaskashyap[m]> so till now i have done with updation of stage 1 of https://wiki.debian.org/AndroidTools#Updating_the_source_packages and i think all the packages are complete in stage 1 (Merge request still pending) , also i resolved wala bug and updated the wala package to its updated 1.5.2 version
14:14:36 <Manaskashyap[m]> Currently i am blocked by doclava (showing antlr error that it cant resolve the dependency) . I am working on android-platform-tools-base , and android-platform-external-doclava .
14:14:36 <samyak-jn[m]> Hi _hc
14:15:09 <Manaskashyap[m]> cdesai:  sounds good ?
14:15:26 <cdesai> Manaskashyap[m]: yes.
14:16:14 <Manaskashyap[m]> just keeping a point for everyone that what we are doing we are also keeping a track here at https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/12
14:17:37 <Manaskashyap[m]> * manas ends his turn of status reporting
14:21:13 <_hc> here's my report:
14:21:14 <_hc> I updated fdroidserver, vagrant-sshfs, transifex-client.  And of course reviewed things.  Also tracking wala and libscout, which depends on wala. I have no pressing blockers.  I will be working on reviewing, uploading, and answering questions
14:23:51 <_hc> also, if anyone is ever looking for something to do, I find the "qa" overview useful, for example:
14:23:52 <_hc> https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=android-tools-devel%40lists.alioth.debian.org
14:24:28 <_hc> if you look at the second column Bugs/All, you can see if there are bugs
14:24:45 <_hc> if you look at the rightmost column, if you can see if there is a new upstream version
14:25:17 <_hc> here's the java team view https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=pkg-java-maintainers%40lists.alioth.debian.org
14:25:49 <samyak-jn[m]> _hc: Thanks for the resources!
14:26:05 * samyak-jn[m] goes now, here is my report.
14:26:13 <Manaskashyap[m]> thank you _hc  noted these points
14:26:19 <The_LoudSpeaker> _hc: noted
14:26:22 * samyak-jn[m] sent a long message:  < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/lDrYSEJjniEmsmLayfBQKPsE >
14:27:53 * samyak-jn[m] The End
14:28:30 <cdesai> I mainly reviewed things.
14:28:30 <cdesai> My main blocker is figuring out the source tags from which we should build things, platform-tools-base at the moment.
14:28:30 <cdesai> I will also be working on building platform-tools-29.0.6/30.0.0
14:28:33 <cdesai> /end
14:29:32 * The_LoudSpeaker goes next
14:29:42 <The_LoudSpeaker> Things done:
14:29:42 <The_LoudSpeaker> * Tested vavr dependency: https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/8
14:29:42 <The_LoudSpeaker> * Tested kotlin packaged by samyak: https://wiki.debian.org/AndroidTools#Updating_the_source_packages
14:29:42 <The_LoudSpeaker> * Updated gradle to 6.4.1 and converted patches from groovy to kotlin. Currently builds fine with debuild -S. Doesn't build with debuild -b.
14:29:43 <The_LoudSpeaker> https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2020/05/msg00051.html
14:29:44 <The_LoudSpeaker> Blockers:
14:29:47 <The_LoudSpeaker> * The binary build for gradle is stopped due to a missing commandline.adoc file. Looking for replacements for the same.
14:29:49 <The_LoudSpeaker> * I do have a feeling that a patche or two in gradle might also cause a build failure after I get the rules file correct. So I am counting that also as a blocker.
14:29:51 <The_LoudSpeaker> What I am working on right now:
14:29:53 <The_LoudSpeaker> * The gradle build.
14:29:55 <The_LoudSpeaker> * Finding things that depend on gradle and also finding the dependencies of newer gradle. Next goal would be to update them if they block the gradle build.
14:29:58 <The_LoudSpeaker> Other things I plan to do:
14:30:00 <The_LoudSpeaker> test Manas's wala builds in sbuilder.
14:30:02 <The_LoudSpeaker> Things learnt:
14:30:04 <The_LoudSpeaker> * Got an overview of how .gradle files work and are interlinked
14:30:09 <The_LoudSpeaker> * How to build gradle projects using gradle or gradlew. gradle tasks, repos, etc.
14:30:17 <The_LoudSpeaker> /end
14:32:17 <samyak-jn[m]> > * Got an overview of how .gradle files work and are interlinked
14:32:17 <samyak-jn[m]> Needs a little help with this after the meeting ;)
14:33:01 <The_LoudSpeaker> It would be nice if seamlik[m] and apo could review the patches in gradle. They have mostly done the patches and initial packaging.
14:33:09 <The_LoudSpeaker> samyak-jn[m]: sure.
14:33:28 <samyak-jn[m]> The_LoudSpeaker: Also, wala is testes and reviewed. It is uploaded right? Manas kashyap
14:33:40 <samyak-jn[m]> s/testes/tested
14:33:41 <Manaskashyap[m]> yes its tested and uploaded too
14:33:50 <Manaskashyap[m]> and now libscout wont be removed :-p
14:33:58 <The_LoudSpeaker> noice!
14:35:13 <samyak-jn[m]> The_LoudSpeaker: Just btw I ran Gradle, debuild -b fails for me and -S passes!
14:35:36 <samyak-jn[m]> I forgot to mention it last night, it was late.
14:35:38 <Manaskashyap[m]> hi5 samyak-jn  same goes with me
14:37:26 <The_LoudSpeaker> yup! the binary build fails because the commandline.adoc file mentioned in d/rules has been removed in some version between 4.4.1 and 6.4.1 (the one we are trying to package)
14:37:43 <Manaskashyap[m]> well with these patching of wala , thanks to _hc  now i know gradle a bit more than i use to
14:37:55 <Manaskashyap[m]> a lil bit more on methods and things
14:38:28 <The_LoudSpeaker> we will need seamlik[m]'s help here I guess. as far as I see the commit history, he's the one who initailly packaged it.
14:38:32 <_hc> sometimes reading the upstream changelog file is useful
14:38:35 <_hc> skimming really
14:38:37 <_hc> since sometimes they are too verbose
14:39:37 <cdesai> with a big update like this reading the changelogs for 5.0 and 6.0 can be useful too.
14:40:57 <The_LoudSpeaker> _hc: reading the debian/patches is also dead helpful. Really understood a lot from the way patches for particular sections like aws-jdk-removal patch. Since a whole section of build is removed, by reading the patch one can get enough idea of how dependency.gradle.kts and build.gradle.kts work
14:41:48 <_hc> yes, that is very important
14:41:52 <_hc> also when updating such a large package, don't worry about the details at the start  Just rip everything out if it seems outside of core.  Like that `sed` docs failure.  Just remove it and move on
14:42:09 <_hc> then once the core part is working, all the details can be fixed
14:42:09 <The_LoudSpeaker> tried. didn't work
14:42:12 <samyak-jn[m]> > sometimes reading the upstream changelog file is useful
14:42:12 <samyak-jn[m]> Yes
14:42:19 <The_LoudSpeaker> re: the sed part.
14:42:26 <The_LoudSpeaker> I will try again tho.
14:42:45 <_hc> that includes also patching out non-essential parts int he build, like javadoc or other doc generation
14:42:56 <_hc> or even optional features or plugins
14:43:21 <_hc> like in wala, it can also analyze javascript, but I only needed the Java support, so the Javscript support is patched out.
14:43:38 <_hc> wala only for Java in Debian is better than no wala
14:44:52 <The_LoudSpeaker> I have a query, why don't e just build the only binary part (as mentioned in gradle docs), I think the current build of gradle targets all. i.e equivalent of gradlew installall (while building gradle from upstream source)
14:45:05 <The_LoudSpeaker> *we just
14:46:11 <cdesai> for platform-tools-base latest I can find is https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest/+/refs/tags/studio-3.4.0
14:47:23 <Manaskashyap[m]> can we go ahead with questions ?
14:48:59 <cdesai> Manaskashyap[m]: yes
14:49:09 <samyak-jn[m]> I tried using d/clean and used d/rules for removing the error for modified binaries but can't lead, any suggestion on it? https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/13
14:49:18 <Manaskashyap[m]> so today while i was facing an issue with antlr
14:49:31 <Manaskashyap[m]> that it can't found
14:49:42 <samyak-jn[m]> Geez, Manas kashyap you go first. I'll finish up later.
14:50:02 <Manaskashyap[m]> no no you can ask too :-p
14:50:45 <The_LoudSpeaker> XD
14:50:49 <The_LoudSpeaker> go one by one
14:51:09 <The_LoudSpeaker> Manaskashyap[m]: asked first so let him go first samyak-jn[m]
14:51:45 <Manaskashyap[m]> lol , you all can ask too my question is small
14:52:10 <The_LoudSpeaker> I am building gradle with some changes now. So I will ask after that.
14:57:06 * samyak-jn[m] goes to recharge his mobile data, has finished today's limit.
14:57:34 <The_LoudSpeaker> XD
14:57:53 <The_LoudSpeaker> So Manaskashyap[m] you were saying you had an issue with antlr ?
15:00:48 <_hc> <cdesai "for platform-tools-base latest I"> oh man classic android team,we can't even find their release tags
15:01:08 <cdesai> _hc: you mentioned that slack with studio devs, mind asking them? given that these are studio tags
15:01:29 <_hc> ah yes I can try, I'd say there is a 20% change they'll answer my question
15:01:56 <cdesai> also, we now have 3 sets of tags
15:01:56 <cdesai> android-10.0.0 - for the devices, not directly for us but we still use them
15:01:56 <cdesai> platform-tools - what's used to build adb and fastboot and such, given the android-10 code is outdated
15:01:56 <cdesai> studio-3.4/gradle_3.4 - android studio, and other sdk deps
15:04:26 <cdesai> android-10.0.0 system-core's adb is out of date compared to platform-tools-29.0.6, the latter matches what you get from google / in android studio.
15:05:03 <cdesai> adb is usually fine, missing features, but basics should work.
15:05:03 <cdesai> fastboot is troublesome because it just won't work with newer devices / newer versions.
15:05:27 <cdesai> the more I look at this the more I feel like seamlik[m]'s sdk platform approach would work well for the rest too.
15:06:47 <_hc> I think platform tools never came from the AndroidOS tags,
15:07:09 <_hc> I think we only ever used OS tags as a last resort, when we couldnt' find the right ones
15:07:40 <_hc> Manas kashyap: what's the antlr question? :-)
15:07:50 <cdesai> yeah. the platform-tools tags weren't available for a while, and now they're back
15:07:50 <cdesai> but the gradle / studio tags are gone, and even the branches don't seem to be updated anymore.
15:09:23 <Manaskashyap[m]> > Manas kashyap: what's the antlr question? :-)
15:09:23 <Manaskashyap[m]> doclava cant find antlr
15:09:28 <Manaskashyap[m]> dependency issue while i was updating it
15:09:43 <_hc> is this when building doclava ?
15:09:55 <Manaskashyap[m]> yes
15:10:03 <Manaskashyap[m]> wait lemme show you
15:16:01 <Manaskashyap[m]> http://paste.debian.net/1149335/
15:19:44 <_hc> looking now
15:20:21 <cdesai> also fwiw studio-3.4.0 uses gradle 5.1
15:21:14 <enick_910> We are ahead of it then. :)
15:21:48 <enick_910> Also, Manas kashyap can you paste the build.gradle file here?
15:22:48 <Manaskashyap[m]> https://salsa.debian.org/Manas-kashyap-guest/android-platform-external-doclava/-/blob/master/build.gradle
15:22:50 <Manaskashyap[m]> sure here it is
15:23:01 <_hc> Manas kashyap: have you checked _debian/patches/build_script.diff_?  that adds a version dependency on antlr which might need to be updated
15:23:31 <Manaskashyap[m]> plus i know this isssue arises only when there is some dependency issue like gradle cant find
15:24:05 <_hc> Manas kashyap: see https://salsa.debian.org/Manas-kashyap-guest/android-platform-external-doclava/-/blob/master/build.gradle#L60
15:24:27 <Manaskashyap[m]> > Manas kashyap: have you checked _debian/patches/build_script.diff_?  that adds a version dependency on antlr which might need to be updated
15:24:27 <Manaskashyap[m]> okay i see , well i didnt observed that  i tried gbp buildpackage and it didnt gave me error of fuzziness so i didnt saw it
15:24:34 <Manaskashyap[m]> sorry , so sorry now i know how to fix it \
15:24:36 <_hc> that needs to be patched.  Basically, remove `if (m2repo.exists() || unbundleBuild) {`and replace with something like `if (true) {`
15:24:41 <Manaskashyap[m]> thanks Blocker resolved :-p
15:25:17 <_hc> then you'll need to patch the antlr version to be `:debian`
15:25:26 <_hc> and those other deps
15:25:44 <_hc> tagsoup jsilver, guava
15:26:24 <Manaskashyap[m]> i dont know why gbp buildpackage didnt showed me this fuzziness error
15:26:42 <_hc> if you look at the comment above, it looks like it would be good to instead use their trick:  `touch unbundled-build`
15:26:51 <_hc> instead of the `if (true)` patch
15:27:49 <_hc> basically, add `touch unbundled-build` as the first line in `override_dh_auto_build:`
15:27:55 <_hc> in debian/rules
15:28:42 <Manaskashyap[m]> oh great , Thanks _hc  , thank you so much
15:29:07 <_hc> unfortunately looks like it needs to be ported to a newer JDK
15:29:14 <cdesai> https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/base/+/refs/tags/studio-3.4.0/studio.md
15:29:18 <_hc> if (currentJvmVersion.getMajorVersion() != "8") {
15:29:18 <_hc> throw new Exception("Unsupported java version '" + currentJvmVersion.toString() + "'. Please install java 8.\n" +
15:29:53 <cdesai> https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/doclava/+/c27443c0a1fa9fc0ea4b2f5bac1d9594ad2fa1f3
15:29:56 <cdesai> already done in master
15:30:07 <_hc> nice
15:30:20 <cdesai> that's a protip for any android packages
15:30:22 <cdesai> always check master
15:30:35 <cdesai> and also https://android-review.googlesource.com/
15:31:06 <_hc> cdesai: remember to # end meeting :)
15:31:20 <cdesai> ah yes.
15:31:25 <cdesai> should we do it now?
15:31:31 <_hc> I think so
15:31:34 <cdesai> #endmeeting