13:59:20 #startmeeting 13:59:20 Meeting started Thu May 14 13:59:20 2020 UTC. The chair is cdesai. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:20 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:46 o/ 13:59:48 Hey everyone :) 13:59:55 hello 14:00:49 The way this usually works is, we go turn by turn and report a status update on what we've done, and then have any discussions afterwards. 14:00:49 The beauty of IRC meetings is that they can be async easily, so if somebody isn't available right now they could still look at the logs and comment on anything later 14:01:36 yup! 14:01:50 Nice :) 14:01:54 who wants to go first then? 14:03:20 Should we wait for hc andrew to join for some minutes? 14:04:07 sure we can :) 14:04:49 you can still start by saying what you have done, and they would be able to read it when they join. 14:05:37 Can we start we `Kotlin` then? 14:05:45 s/we/with 14:05:54 #topic Kotlin 14:05:59 woops 14:06:16 samyak-jn[m]: yes 14:06:38 hey 14:06:44 almost missed this meeting as well 14:06:46 So, as far the updated info is: We have our wiki page on: https://wiki.debian.org/Kotlin 14:06:46 lol 14:06:48 hii m36[m][m] ! 14:07:26 m36[m]: Hi, We missed you in here (We need some guidance on Kotlin) :D 14:08:04 AFAIK, i have updated the tracker page at: https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/4 14:08:23 there we go 14:08:45 And we are almost done with almost all the dependencies. 14:09:09 We are still left with intelliJ which Raman is taking care of. 14:10:06 #idea To create a official repository for kotlin in whichever team it fits(hc said java-team I guess) 14:12:19 m36[m]: I tried building kotlin last night, It builded fine without `libjengelman-shadow-java` 14:12:58 okay , so i would like to add some points 14:13:17 first samyak-jn do we need node-utilj as you said there was some dependency about it 14:13:17 wait. let samyak-jn[m] finish first. 14:13:33 okay sorry sure continue 14:13:55 if one is finished his or her part, they usually specify a /done in such meetings afaik 14:14:08 And About intelliJ follow up from ebourg) is still pending. 14:14:22 yes, just say something so that the others know that you're done. 14:14:43 hmmm 14:14:50 thats almost impossible 14:14:55 As manas pointed out I read about utlij on the blog was mentioned( do we have it already or we need to package it) 14:15:02 are we having the meeting here? 14:15:19 m36[m][m]: yeah 14:15:23 umm yeah! @MeetBot says so. XD 14:15:28 m36[m]: Or is it beacuse debian/maven-helper has it included (That's why) 14:15:48 I'm done with the questions :) 14:16:41 sorry guys my riot is a bit slow 14:16:53 m36[m]: Yes, IRC meeting this time :) 14:17:08 its already done 14:17:29 jengelman-shadows is a necessary component 14:17:30 m36[m]: Is it uploaded? 14:17:48 also sad that we dont have cool voice chat meeting like last time 14:17:48 m36[m]: Noted! 14:17:55 yes it should be one of my repos 14:18:49 Oh, I wasn't able to search it on tracker page for debian! 14:19:00 Does it belong to Java Team? 14:19:52 salsa 14:20:31 Apart from that we are almost done with dependencies Jline 3 and IntelliJ will be uploaded soon to the archive 14:22:01 Can you link us up with the utilj repo, please? 14:23:36 +1 14:27:09 while we wait for a reply, do you have any more to add samyak-jn[m]? 14:27:23 Apart from that When I built Kotlin many of .gradle and builtSrc files are generated(basically jar files), how to clean them up? The jar files packages should go into debian folder as hc suggested (Can you elaborate more) 14:27:48 I'm done here cdesai Thanks. 14:27:53 We can move on. 14:28:03 oh, the meeting is on? 14:28:10 andrewsh_: yes! 14:28:12 :P 14:28:18 Hii andrewsh: 14:29:17 hola andrewsh_! 14:29:43 ¡hola! 😁 14:29:56 Hola 14:30:07 hola 14:30:31 ¿cómo estás zumbi? 14:30:51 ¿todo bien? 14:31:01 😁 14:31:17 I don't know that much spanish to understand what you just sai. XD 14:31:19 dentro de la desgracia del virus, estamos bien :) 14:31:54 what's the best way for a Debianista to get started on Kotlin over Debian? 14:33:07 <_hc> hey, sorry, I'm late, someone rang the doorbell right at 4, then I forgot :-( 14:33:20 well, we’ve got a lot of students in GSoC this year who will dedicate their summer to getting Kotlin in shape 🙂 14:33:25 hi _hc 14:33:28 Oh hey _hc :) 14:33:35 namaste _hc! 14:33:37 there is a wiki page with some details, http://wiki.debian.org/Kotlin 14:33:52 guten Tag _hc, alles gut? 14:34:32 andrewsh_: I'm curious, how many languages do you speak? 14:34:47 I speak a little of each 😁 14:35:13 <_hc> dosvedanya (can't type in cyrillic), things are good here. First day back at the metalab hackerspace since the lockdown. Things are loosening up 14:35:16 I learned french sometimes and WOW `little of each` 14:35:36 <_hc> doesn't everyone in India speak 2-3 langauges? 14:35:37 oh metalab, haven’t been there for ages 14:36:04 I had tried spanish for a while. But then lost touch. 14:36:16 > doesn't everyone in India speak 2-3 langauges? 14:36:16 yes well native languages yes we do 14:36:24 _hc: Basically I can write 3 and can read 4. 14:36:34 _hc: yeah they do. but those are mostly regional languages not big ones. 14:36:56 Yup 14:37:05 <_hc> like Europe :) Finnish, Dutch, Slovak, etc. 14:37:12 yeah 14:37:19 aye, I always like to compare Indian states to EU countries. same sort of thing 14:37:30 samyak-jn[m]: same. But add 1 to each. can write , speak 5 14:37:32 Slovak and Czech are close to each other I guess like Urdu and Hindi :) 14:38:00 <_hc> except they both use latin alphabet 14:38:09 yeah 14:38:23 I think m36[m] net got off :( 14:38:41 Belarusian is a fun thing, it used to be written in Cyrillic, Latin and Arabic alphabets 14:38:53 <_hc> Arabic? 14:39:14 yeah 14:39:39 Tatars used Arabic alphabet but wrote in Belarusian with some (religions) Arabic words added 14:40:00 I am back 14:40:13 <_hc> you can find books here written in German with Hebrew script 14:40:25 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0d/%D0%9A%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B119.gif/250px-%D0%9A%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B119.gif 14:40:35 hey _hc, andrewsh 14:40:50 500 something messages in 3 days in this channel 14:40:52 dam 14:40:53 Arabic is so fascinating! 14:41:14 <_hc> the students have been busy 👏 14:41:14 not so much when you are forced to read the quran every ramadan 14:41:22 m36[m][m]: it is the community bonding period after all 14:41:25 <_hc "the students have been busy 👏"> yes :) 14:41:28 oh well 🙂 14:41:41 Happy Ramadan (Ramadan Mubarak) :) 14:41:49 thank you :) 14:42:04 Ramadan Mubarakh ! 14:42:26 samyak-jn: did you build kotlin without jengelman-shadows? it didnt fail? 14:42:33 did you patch out something 14:42:40 thanks :) 14:42:45 Muslims in Belarus usually call it Ramazan for some reason 14:43:03 for some time I thought those were two different things 😁 14:43:21 caz in arabic its actually ramadhlan sort of 14:43:23 lol 14:43:31 Nope I just removed it from d/control file (Was checking for build-depends) It is weird, I just checked, we needed so dropping the question. 14:43:54 andrewsh: Hehe 14:44:00 and it built fine without that? maybe you had the package installed already 14:44:15 samyak-jn: before going to question let me and Raman Sarda give our updates too ? 14:44:30 sure 14:44:48 m36[m]: Yup, I will check building with sbuild and not dpkg hope It will rectify my question/doubt. 14:44:58 +1 14:45:01 yup! I don't have much, Manaskashyap[m]you go first. :) 14:45:05 _hc: do you know what was blocking intellij bits from being uploaded? 14:45:06 Manas kashyap: Yeah 14:45:34 intellij-community-idea needed license files done, last I checked 14:45:52 but ebourg got that done if I remember correctly 14:46:38 m36[m]: the funny thing is that your nickname on the IRC side is `m36[m][m]` 14:46:46 oh dang 14:46:54 I should change it 14:46:59 well , till now i have worked on vavr0 and learned few things from andrewsh about the commit msg and all , plus currently working on wala package removing its RC bug , i helped in modifying dependency and checked if there is any inconsistency . 14:47:09 m36[m][m]: I built intellij from master yesterday and lintian didn't show me any licence warnings 14:47:15 m36[m]: remember the issue i was facing while building intellij 14:47:34 jdk8 issue , which i thought you and ebourg told will be fixed soon 14:47:56 The_LoudSpeaker: it’s not about warnings 14:47:58 its ready I assume 14:48:07 it’s about `debian/copyright` matching the reality 14:48:19 there’s no warning for it not being correct 🙂 14:48:19 hast ebourg fixed it yet? did you try apt installing again? 14:48:29 sweet 14:49:06 Side node : please read "The Way Of Kings" 14:49:16 > hast ebourg fixed it yet? did you try apt installing again? 14:49:16 i didnt checked it , but The_LoudSpeaker can you just try building the package in sbuild if its building fine i think its fixed 14:50:34 The_LoudSpeaker: i am done with my updates you can go ahead if you want 14:51:33 vavr0 , I remember that, its already uploaded right? 14:52:10 I will try it in sbuild today, It will need a uscan --download-current-version I don't have the orig tars on my host(sbuild is on my host) But I do have them in the debian-sid container and inside container it built fine with debuild -b and lintian pedantic and experimental flags on. 14:52:32 okay, so my turn: I have a little pste ready, one sec. 14:52:54 things done: 14:52:54 built and tested intellij master. No copyright or any other issues. waiting for ebourg's and m36's merges 14:52:54 built aosp using _hc's set up. 14:52:54 refining libcore. have errors with watch file. a cherrypick of latest upstream release might fix it. 14:52:54 if it does, will be applying same trick to others those who have uscan errrors. 14:52:55 also, just noticed, there arre newer versions of build-kati and others that were updated last month. :) 14:53:28 other things that I have done: 14:53:41 got my irc set up back. 14:54:04 and also got my debian-sid gui container running up for testing 14:54:40 Also created a section on my blog for updates: https://theloudspeaker.home.blog/gsoc/ 14:56:33 A query: before we get started on gradle and android. jar, should we try to minimize the number of tasks in https://udd.debian.org/dmd/?android-tools-devel%40lists.alioth.debian.org#todo by fixing them? will be a good exercise during the community bonding period as it has a variety of tasks. 14:56:51 * The_LoudSpeaker is donee 14:57:03 ^^ cdesai _hc andrewsh_ 14:57:03 The_LoudSpeaker: I saw my name there :D 14:57:15 The_LoudSpeaker: i saw it too 14:57:27 :-p 14:57:30 I mentioned everryone whose names I knew. :) 14:58:42 theloudspeaker: you can set something up to share files between host and container. I use a 9p (plan9) filesystem. Could also use sshfs 14:59:34 actually lxc file push/pull will do the job but for some reason that didn't work. I will look into 9p 15:00:44 as for the todos, we can filter out what's not the usual update watch / new version / will be fixed when we package something and fix those. 15:00:57 Roger already helped fix a lot of open/pending bugs 15:01:22 cdesai: AFAIK Rosh updated many of the watch files 15:01:39 Yup 15:01:45 AOSP has montly security updates, and sometimes there's multiple tags in one month. 15:02:13 _hc: about the wala package , it says new upstream release so should we go ahead updating it too in the way of fixing the bug also ? 15:02:17 right 15:02:19 Most of the times those updates don't really have anything for us, i.e. either no change in the repos we track, or no change in what we build. 15:02:50 And then the tags aren't linaer, so you may see r33 r34 r35 r36, but they might have different bases. 15:03:13 We need to update the packages to Android 10 in general, a particular tag doesn't matter as much, usually we just pick a tag and update everything to that. 15:03:31 I didn't see the rosh's updates in some places like libcore where I am still getting the uscan errors. I will checkout his updates and see if thats something that can be applied to libcore. 15:03:50 Android watch files get pretty messier sometimes to understand. 15:03:53 oh okay. so we updated some packages to r32 I guess. we should do the same for others then? 15:04:05 point being there'll be new tags come June, but we may not see any changes for us in those, so no point in rushing to update everything again unless needed. 15:04:30 The_LoudSpeaker: that fix + the \d fix would be applicable in general. 15:04:35 Noted 15:04:39 they're all android.googlesource.com, and they're all the same watch file 15:04:43 cdesai: okay 15:05:22 have all of the students contributed to debian/ubuntu before GSOC? its like coding period already 🙂 15:05:55 Talenelat'Erien: haha , a lil bit to Debian 15:06:22 I have contributed to ubuntu. specifically to Lubuntu 15:07:15 samyak-jn: so before the next meet are we all set with kotlin , if yes then we can means go ahead with gradle too , once kotlin is finished and is been uploaded to go in debian archive , we can start with Gradle as there is already talk about Gradle update going on in the mailing list 15:08:20 umm, I am guessing no 15:08:39 I think right now we can get kotlin uploaded, but it has its fair share of bugs 15:08:59 once the meeting is finished i have some doubt about wala , i have tried to build it , i am getting an issue 15:09:09 Talenelat'Erien: I just got confused with your nick irc :) 15:09:24 I patched out a ton of things that were nigh impossible to package at that time, also we have the tests disabled for kotlin now 15:09:40 <_hc> I made an issue for intellij-community idea https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/10 15:09:44 also kotlin is still in jdk8 we ll have to migrate it to jdk 11 15:09:49 > I think right now we can get kotlin uploaded, but it has its fair share of bugs 15:09:49 okay , well i would like to fix those issues or work with it , but i dont see nay part left for me , hahaha 15:10:13 Talenelat'Erien: Yes that's what is my next question :) 15:10:14 > also kotlin is still in jdk8 we ll have to migrate it to jdk 11 15:10:14 it will also lead to updating the depdency to use jdk11 , like the intellij lib and all 15:10:32 * m36[m][m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/EZXVagtIiIxTTakKIylimdmj > 15:10:44 <_hc> yes I think its a good idea to first update the wala package. 15:11:16 lel 15:11:46 I don't see a Talenelat'Erien on irc fwiw. 15:11:57 <_hc "I made an issue for intellij-com"> looks sweet 15:12:23 <_hc> Talenelat'Erien is m36 15:12:28 yes 15:12:41 the nickname hasnt changed? 15:12:51 but I am Talenelat'Erien 15:12:58 <_hc> in matrix, you have your nick, then display name etc. 15:13:20 yeah on irc you're m36[m][m] (two [m]s) 15:13:32 goddam 15:13:46 <_hc> Talenelat'Erien: is libpicontainer-1-java the same as picocontainer-1.3/libpicocontainer1-java ? 15:14:31 And the protobuf two^ (We have two diff repos for it) 15:14:39 s/two/too 15:14:57 <_hc "Talenelat'Erien: is libpicontai"> no 15:15:06 lipicocontainer1-java is 1.3 15:15:26 the other is 1.4 15:15:26 <_hc> what's libpicontainer-1-java? 15:15:28 only one works with kotlin 15:15:36 <_hc "what's libpicontainer-1-java?"> version 1.4 15:16:15 <_hc> ah, ok, so we'll probably need to update the kotlin deps once it is bootstrapped and in debian, since we'll have to build a version of Kotlin that supports the current JDK (11?) 15:16:47 yes I think 15:17:06 right now all of kotlins dependencies use jdk 8 15:17:12 kotlin itself uses both jdk 11 and jdk 8 15:17:24 Talenelat'Erien: But updating libpicocontainer1-java will not serve the job? 15:17:31 but jdk 8 is the main one kotlin uses 15:19:08 I think kotlin uses 1.3 15:19:34 <_hc> ok, an issue about upgrading kotlin once bootstrapped https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/11 15:20:46 <_hc "ok, an issue about upgrading kot"> why find the highest version? 15:21:03 +1 15:21:21 I suggest we move with 1.3.30, if we start with a new version its almost impossible to finish in these 3 months 15:21:58 <_hc> yes exactly 15:21:58 i see. :) 15:22:08 <_hc> once we get 1.3.30 in, then issue 11 takes affect 15:22:23 yes, makes sense 15:22:24 ah ok 15:22:39 <_hc> we will need to use the version of Kotlin that the ANdorid SDK uses, and one that builds with the current JDK 15:23:21 when I checked which version of kotlin was need by android 8(or the version last year) I think it was 1.2.50 15:24:19 so 1.3.30 should be enough for sometime, also last year when I started this, this was the latest version if I recall correctly 15:24:58 ideally we'd go for the one android 10 has or even better what android 11 would use (aosp master might have it) 15:25:08 if you tell me where to look I can check the various branches 15:25:52 1.3.70 is latest afaik 15:26:09 1.3.30 should be good for now as m36[m][m] pointed 15:26:45 I dont remember exactly, but I hunted down the versions for android and gradle 15:27:57 how do we do that? any page where requirements of android are written and that has kotlin in it? 15:29:41 I dont remember exactly 15:29:43 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/kotlinc/ 15:29:52 I think I followed the commits 15:29:55 this is one of the things that the android studio folks could easily / quickly answer 15:29:58 there's https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/jetbrains/kotlin/ too 15:31:06 cool 15:31:23 that page has a line "upgrade klotlin to 1.3.72 :) 15:31:50 yup thats what I pointed to :) 15:31:56 that is master though 15:31:58 but we should check with r32 tag 15:32:09 the one upto that tag 15:32:30 no, the thing is r32 is the device tag 15:32:33 android 10 r 32? 15:32:41 the studio / sdk wouldn't be built from the same tag 15:32:55 ohh. 15:33:06 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/kotlinc/+log/refs/heads/sdk-release check this 15:33:15 platform tools tag then? 15:34:24 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/kotlinc/+/refs/tags/android-10.0.0_r32 15:34:39 log -> https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/kotlinc/+log/4f7a87e483094e0819bafc63e9f8ef3a93c26a03 15:35:06 kotlin 1.3.21 15:35:17 I downloaded latest android studio, looks like it has 1.3.71 15:35:24 m36[m][m]: android-10.0.0 tags are useless here 15:35:39 ah 15:35:48 https://developer.android.com/studio#downloads latest is 3.6.3 15:35:54 my bad 15:35:58 we track android-studio tags? 15:36:04 it's all very confusing :( 15:36:06 cdesai: looks like .72? 15:36:12 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/kotlinc/+log/a053f2c23d2f41369a3132c0944335148fa5ed30 15:36:22 I imagine that's in the latest canary 15:36:51 http://sprunge.us/rxFfQ7 *kotlin* in studio 3.6.3 (latest stable) 15:37:00 cdesai: Yes, it is I remember checking for uscan errors last month :( 15:37:14 on this page, just before release, I see the .72 15:37:48 *release i.e: platfoem-tools-30.0.0 15:37:58 that's probably in https://developer.android.com/studio/preview 15:38:44 yep 15:38:56 http://sprunge.us/ZvS27l *kotlin* in studio 4.0 RC1 15:39:21 1.3.72, the latest, so ideally that'd be the one to target to be future proof :) 15:41:35 so once we get kotlin 1.3.30 in, we have to upgrade it to 1.3.72 and follow https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/11 15:41:41 am I right? 15:42:33 ^ this is the stuff we do before we go to gradle, if I am not wrong? 15:46:22 The meeting has gone on for 1h45m now. I think we can end it and still continue things async. 15:46:35 #endmeeting