#debian-lts Meeting

Meeting started by jeremiah at 14:01:52 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Continue to use meetbot in IRC meetings (jeremiah, 14:02:18)
    2. https://pad.riseup.net/p/lts-meeting-agenda contains my thoughts (bunk, 14:11:38)
    3. ACTION: jeremiah to share Adrian's proposal for hours dispatch on deblts-team@freexian (buxy, 14:26:21)

  1. Publicity, micronews, or something similar to raise awareness of project funding? (jeremiah, 14:27:41)
    1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-consultants/ (buxy, 14:32:01)
    2. ACTION: el_cubano to draft Debian Publicity news item regarding funding of gradle project. (jeremiah, 14:35:05)

  2. Any other business (jeremiah, 14:37:46)
    1. ACTION: el_cubano review automation and tooling around monthly report generation (jeremiah, 14:42:33)
    2. Plan is to adhere to new reporting deadlines more strictly in November. (jeremiah, 14:47:26)

Meeting ended at 14:49:11 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jeremiah to share Adrian's proposal for hours dispatch on deblts-team@freexian
  2. el_cubano to draft Debian Publicity news item regarding funding of gradle project.
  3. el_cubano review automation and tooling around monthly report generation

Action items, by person

  1. el_cubano
    1. el_cubano to draft Debian Publicity news item regarding funding of gradle project.
    2. el_cubano review automation and tooling around monthly report generation
  2. jeremiah
    1. jeremiah to share Adrian's proposal for hours dispatch on deblts-team@freexian

People present (lines said)

  1. jeremiah (67)
  2. buxy (24)
  3. el_cubano (23)
  4. bunk (11)
  5. ta (5)
  6. utkarsh2102 (4)
  7. MeetBot (3)
  8. petn-randall (3)
  9. gladk (2)
  10. h01ger (2)

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