19:00:35 <waldi> #startmeeting
19:00:35 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Jul 31 19:00:35 2024 UTC.  The chair is waldi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:00:35 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:46 <waldi> i think it is the right time
19:00:49 <waldi> anyone here?
19:01:30 <bwh> Hi, yes
19:02:20 <waldi> we don't have anything on the agenda apart bugs i think
19:02:45 <bwh> I didn't add anything else
19:04:43 <bwh> Let's go through the bugs then?
19:04:57 <waldi> i did mess up the list
19:06:06 <waldi> #topic Bug #1039883 - linux: ext4 corruption with symlinks
19:06:23 <waldi> according to the bug, it is not backported to 5.10
19:06:32 <bwh> Right, and we know 5.10 is affected
19:07:00 <bwh> I'm willing to attempt the backport
19:07:18 <waldi> #chair bwh
19:07:18 <MeetBot> Current chairs: bwh waldi
19:07:35 <waldi> #action bwh trying to backport #1039883 to 5.10
19:08:27 <waldi> #topic Bug #1072495 - nboard analog audio no longer works on Dell Latitude E7440
19:09:52 <waldi> there are many warnings: BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic
19:10:07 <waldi> i have no idea what that means right now
19:10:13 <bwh> Yes, not obviously relevant though
19:11:07 <bwh> Someone needs to ask for more information but I'm not sure what is needed
19:11:37 <waldi> yeah. i'm puzzled as well. a complete log may be a start
19:11:50 <bwh> or maybe look for upstream bugs related to this codec or machine
19:12:56 <bwh> Oh, they're using OpenRC
19:13:09 <waldi> and "merged-usr: no"
19:13:42 <waldi> and bios boot
19:13:47 <bwh> meh
19:14:11 <bwh> but I wouldn't be surprised if reordering audio devices isn't handled properly somewhere
19:14:23 <waldi> okay, that system is 10 years old
19:16:12 <bwh> #action bwh to follow up #1072495 and check whether it's related to use of OpenRC
19:16:19 <waldi> thx
19:16:46 <waldi> #topic Bug #1075770 - adlp_tc_phy_connect [i915] fills logs with drm_WARN_ON(tc->mode == TC_PORT_LEGACY) call traces
19:17:56 <bwh> Seems like it's being handled upstream
19:18:52 <waldi> hopefully. reporter did not want to go to gitlab.fd.org
19:19:32 <waldi> #topic Bug #1076864 - NFSv2 kernel support removed in debian 11.10
19:19:57 <waldi> okay, carnil is on it already
19:19:59 <bwh> right
19:20:08 <waldi> #action carnil is already handling this
19:20:21 <bwh> (NFS v2 is such a bad idea...)
19:21:07 <waldi> yeah
19:21:22 <waldi> #topic Bug #1076708 - short screen blackouts on intel iris+ 640 gpu when watching videos, reports of CPU pipe FIFO underrun errors from i915 module in logs
19:22:40 <bwh> This also needs to be reported upstream
19:23:08 <waldi> i agree
19:23:42 <bwh> It might be a dupe of #1072063 but I don't think we can assume that
19:25:11 <bwh> Can you redirect this one upstream?
19:25:52 <waldi> #topic waldi to bring #1072063 to upstream
19:25:58 <waldi> #action waldi to bring #1072063 to upstream
19:26:01 <waldi> hmpf
19:26:26 <bwh> :-)
19:27:47 <waldi> #topic Bug #894906 - linux-cpupower: provide a systemd service and a default config file
19:28:11 <waldi> it seems i did not reply to that, at least i wanted to do that
19:28:57 <bwh> Can you take an action for that?
19:29:09 <waldi> i don't like the goal to mix tools and pretty special case settings into one
19:29:58 <bwh> Don't tell me, tell the bug report
19:30:02 <waldi> yeah, i do
19:30:11 <waldi> #action waldi to respond to #894906
19:31:11 <waldi> i think thats more or less the end. some "please enable certain stuff" left
19:31:34 <waldi> #topic AOB
19:31:36 <bwh> There's #1076372
19:32:31 <bwh> The reporter doesn't have time for a Git bisection
19:32:32 <waldi> #topic Bug #1076372 - ext4 file corruption with newer kernels
19:32:59 <bwh> If we had a reproducer someone else could to that, but I think currently only the reporter has that
19:34:38 <waldi> sounds like. courious that a 256KiB data block would be corrupted. that might be an erase block
19:34:55 <bwh> yes that was rather interesting
19:36:30 <waldi> Shenzhen Longsys Electronics Co., Ltd. Lexar NM790 NVME SSD
19:36:37 <waldi> never heard of them
19:37:55 <bwh> The reporter does also say "I'll try to find out more next week" so we can leave it another week and see if they add anything
19:38:06 <waldi> right
19:38:49 <waldi> #topic AOB
19:38:55 <waldi> so, anything else?
19:39:08 <bwh> Not this week
19:39:19 <waldi> me neither
19:39:22 <waldi> #endmeeting