====================== #debian-kernel Meeting ====================== Meeting started by bwh at 19:04:45 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-kernel/2024/debian-kernel.2024-07-10-19.04.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Bug #1039883: linux: ext4 corruption with symlinks (bwh, 19:05:08) * Bug #1063754 (bwh, 19:07:03) * ACTION: carnil will review and follow up bug #1063754 (bwh, 19:08:40) * Bug #1057282 (bwh, 19:08:56) * ACTION: bwh to request processing of linux packages in backports-NEW (bwh, 19:11:07) * ACTION: bwh to send reply to #1075855 (bwh, 19:14:25) * Bug #1074217 (bwh, 19:14:38) * ACTION: waldi will handle #1074217 and also look at similar needs for arm64 (bwh, 19:30:27) * Bug #1075770 (bwh, 19:30:49) * ACTION: carnil will handle #1075770 (bwh, 19:35:30) * Bug #1075780 (bwh, 19:35:47) * ACTION: bwh will handle #1075780 (bwh, 19:39:04) * ACTION: bwh will handle #1074359 (bwh, 19:40:46) * New upstream versions (bwh, 19:47:19) * ACTION: bwh will update wireless-regdb (bwh, 19:48:49) * Any other business (bwh, 19:50:25) * AGREED: Next meeting on Jitsi; waldi will chair (bwh, 19:54:58) Meeting ended at 19:55:06 UTC. Action Items ------------ * carnil will review and follow up bug #1063754 * bwh to request processing of linux packages in backports-NEW * bwh to send reply to #1075855 * waldi will handle #1074217 and also look at similar needs for arm64 * carnil will handle #1075770 * bwh will handle #1075780 * bwh will handle #1074359 * bwh will update wireless-regdb Action Items, by person ----------------------- * bwh * bwh to request processing of linux packages in backports-NEW * bwh to send reply to #1075855 * bwh will handle #1075780 * bwh will handle #1074359 * bwh will update wireless-regdb * carnil * carnil will review and follow up bug #1063754 * carnil will handle #1075770 * waldi * waldi will handle #1074217 and also look at similar needs for arm64 * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * bwh (66) * waldi (23) * carnil (18) * MeetBot (2) * iam_tj[m]1 (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot