17:00:31 #startmeeting 17:00:31 Meeting started Sun Feb 19 17:00:31 2012 UTC. The chair is shirish. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:31 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:03 meha: as you can see we have started the meeting. You can see how to use meetbot at the link given above and some commands which do certain things. 17:04:53 abdulkarim: shravan: meha: nixmaniack: come on guys, do you guys have something or not ? Or do you wanna change the venue ? 17:05:03 Debian-IN: 03kamathvasudev * rabdeca2 10aspell-ta/debian/changelog: Updated changelog entry about DEP5 17:06:28 shirish, yes. 17:07:18 nixmaniack: I'm taking you want a change of venue, where should we shift to, to #diaspora or somewhere else ? 17:07:57 shirish: what is wrong with this menu? 17:08:18 shirish: I can take the session on apt pining and gnome ext coding 17:08:31 vasudev: nothing is wrong with the venue at least for me, but seems nobody is responding, maybe people are confused by the multiple chats. 17:08:32 what time does the utsav start 17:08:40 meha: ? 17:08:53 * vasudev wonders why shirish thinks changing menu makes every one talks 17:09:01 please do.. 17:09:19 IRC diaspora shravan and nixmaniack wat say 17:09:37 vasudev: no it doesn't but new people do get confused easily and takes time to open up. 17:10:08 meha: I have already made a #diaspora channel for us, there is nobody there but me atm. 17:10:31 * vasudev wonders why #diaspora for debian related stuff 17:10:37 vasudev: also you were mixing venue to menu. 17:10:52 :P 17:11:12 vasudev: :) 17:11:23 I strongly oppose diaspora for Debian 17:12:03 vasudev: me too. We should discuss it here only 17:12:38 * vasudev even thinks advertising diaspora any more in debian related program is wrong 17:13:25 Ok. fine. let it be here only. Let's start. 17:13:37 ohkk..here 17:13:43 What time the DebUtsav starts? 17:13:49 10 17:14:23 and what time does it end? 17:14:30 meha: who is the chair? 17:14:57 abdulkarim: atm its me. 17:15:23 #info DebUtsav starts at 10am 17:15:47 abdulkarim: and ending time u all decide 17:15:50 if somebody wants to share the chair with me, they are welcome. 17:16:15 shirish: add meha to the chair 17:16:28 so first thing is are we doing the quiz thing or are we doing the game thing ? 17:16:31 shirish: chair need to be too big then ;) 17:16:32 #chair meha 17:16:32 Current chairs: meha shirish 17:16:45 kart_: lol :P 17:16:49 ok. it was joke. 17:17:01 poor Meetbot 17:17:03 :P 17:17:08 :P 17:17:28 shirish: Is DebUtsav one day event? 17:17:31 back to serious guys, that's the first order of business, quiz thing or game thing, people ? 17:17:35 or series of? 17:17:49 kart_: correct, we are starting at 10ish and ending at our convenience. 17:17:57 yes you guys should right some good report after events 17:17:59 kart_: give me a moment, will pull the URL for you. 17:18:12 vasudev: I did put up a blog post of the first event. 17:18:33 shirish: you should consider writing to debian-in-workers and debian-dug-in 17:18:40 just like bubulle wrote for debian-project 17:18:40 https://flossexperiences.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/debian-utsav-coep-04-02-2012/ 17:18:53 shirish: do consider not to go too long also :) 17:19:12 vasudev: I know but its kinda kiddish atm. 17:19:21 abdulkarim: where is pravin?? 17:19:48 meha: i guess he is not in Pune 17:19:48 vasudev: kart_:http://wiki.debian.org/DebianIndia/DebianUtsav2012 17:20:04 yup, the last I spoke with him, he's going to Kerala. 17:20:12 shirish: thanks 17:20:15 * shirish envious of him. God's own country. 17:20:28 add to that the fact that lot of FLOSS happens there. 17:20:35 anyways back to our bit. 17:21:10 so first question, the quiz thing or the game thing. I do have few social games in mind which could help opening up the audience as an ice-breaker activity. 17:21:24 praveen will join us in a few mins 17:21:33 he is very much in pune only 17:21:40 shirish: do not try to open audience too much. 17:21:51 there was also suggestion of having a quiz thing with FOSS . 17:21:57 sometime, it backfire. 17:22:02 j4v4m4n: hey! 17:22:02 right. 17:22:10 j4v4m4n: hey :) 17:22:10 shirish: how quiz will help? 17:22:11 j4v4m4n, Hi! 17:22:25 meha: j4v4m4n is Praveen popularly known as javaman 17:22:32 hence the nick. 17:22:39 abdulkarim: shirish nixmaniack kart_ meha hi 17:22:48 shirish: :) 17:22:58 * vasudev is sad j4v4m4n didn;t say hi 17:23:05 vasudev: hi 17:23:07 * vasudev super flamed j4v4m4n on mail :P 17:23:29 * j4v4m4n was just looking at people talking only :( 17:23:57 j4v4m4n: kidding :) 17:24:04 j4v4m4n: we are known to fight a lot ;) 17:24:16 vasudev: :) 17:24:31 all those in favor of quiz say ayes 17:24:52 I would say yes 17:25:09 yes from me too. 17:25:13 * vasudev and kart_ only does VETO ;) 17:25:39 yes 17:26:01 * j4v4m4n says this isn't UN security counsil :) 17:26:18 shravan: please consider creating a FANPAGE on friendica may be on your own instance 17:26:38 vasudev: for the utsav right ? 17:26:38 vasudev: you can have a dissent note :) 17:26:39 ayes 17:26:42 ;) 17:26:51 shirish: the other option is game right.. So how the game would be diff. from quiz? :p 17:26:59 <_axeman_> aye 17:27:29 meha: quizzes has a fixed format in the sense, there is a questionnaire and their is somebody from the group who answers. 17:27:33 game!! 17:27:52 i don't know about quiz, so I go with crowd i suppose. :) 17:27:55 lets not have too many things 17:27:55 games or social games are more say to antakshari, where there is no chair. 17:28:43 Nay for games! 17:28:45 nixmaniack: there was a suggestion of having a quiz with somebody making a list of 10-15 questions about FOSS individuals, history whatever. 17:29:04 shall I take it then all for quiz. 17:29:20 quiz yes, games no 17:29:26 shirish: make the questions like a story with some background info/trivia added to it 17:29:42 j4v4m4n: that's not a bad idea. 17:30:11 which brings up the next thing, who wants to commit to it and how much time we put for it ? 17:30:19 30 minutes, more , less what ? 17:30:40 shirish: Quiz yes.//who is making it?? and games: no because we don't know what to do and how to do 17:31:13 i think everyone just send 5 questions onto the mail thread. 17:31:32 After we have 40 questions 17:31:37 we will take 20 from them 17:31:38 shravan: ok, that sounds reasonable but somebody has to pick and choose. 17:31:52 so we know whom to blame :P 17:32:01 we all will solve them in our head 17:32:08 the simple ones go for a toss 17:32:36 it seems like shravan is steering it, shravan do you want to take ownership of it ? 17:32:56 shirish: fine 17:33:01 shirish is the quiz man :) 17:33:09 j4v4m4n: noooo 17:33:16 shravan: he did quiztronomy :) 17:33:39 j4v4m4n: then organizers should have lot of buffer for quiz 17:33:51 j4v4m4n: its good if shravan does as he would be also attuned to what would be interesting to students, which I'm far removed from. 17:33:53 j4v4m4n: :) yep i like quizes 17:34:16 vasudev: all organizers are here only :) 17:34:35 #action shravan's responsibility to pick 20 questions for the quiz. 17:35:24 #info everybody else puts 5 questions on the thread/conversation about FOSS (doesn't matter whether its an individual or a project). 17:35:28 shirish: yes but everyone needs to pitch in 5 questions 17:35:42 shravan: see ^ 17:36:10 shravan: is 30 minutes enough for the questions and trivia or do you need a bit more time ? 17:36:47 #info Come up with link questions. Event A links to Event B and finally culminates at Event C. Guess who the person in Event C was etc 17:36:55 shirish: is the quiz in teams ? 17:38:13 shravan: not a bad idea as well. what do people think ? 17:39:11 although lemme remind if we do some team stuff, it will take time for people to gather and settle down. That alone can take anywhere from 10-15 mins. 17:40:09 I dunno if we wanna do an introduction round before we start the quiz? 17:40:16 meha: can you get Debian CD's so we can give away at the quiz please 17:40:36 shirish: quiz no teams please, alone is good 17:41:00 right, that saves us some time then. 17:41:48 Alone is good.. I would say 17:42:03 it would be better if we have DVD's rather than CD. 17:42:14 shravan Cd's kahan se par? 17:42:22 yup, for me also. 17:42:27 * nixmaniack is waiting for discussions of technical stuff related to debian to start, then he'll pitch in 17:42:31 shravan from where and how? 17:43:13 * abdulkarim waiting too! 17:43:14 meha: can't the college sponsor few blank DVD's ? 17:44:01 shirish: I'll ask 17:44:05 cool. 17:44:19 shirish: Tell me the number of Cd's u want 17:44:33 meha: make those DVD's. CD's have just so much space. 17:45:09 and the prices are same (in fact CD's are a bit costlier IIRC). 17:45:30 meha: download debian testing DVD1 17:45:35 I think 50 should be tops. 17:45:49 j4v4m4n: don't go for testing 17:45:55 j4v4m4n: CD's won't be proper 17:46:09 j4v4m4n: lol you meant Debian stable 6.0.4 correct ? 17:46:36 and btw testing is broken atm, I did see couple of bugs about that couple of months back. 17:46:38 shirish: no he meant testing 17:46:58 there are workarounds given, but they are for somebody who is intimate with Debian. 17:47:07 even if you download testing please try installing before burning 17:47:22 else you will burn your money instead of DVD's 17:47:26 vasudev: ok agreed 17:47:35 meha: go for stable 17:47:43 i would sugest USB sticks 17:47:46 than CD's 17:47:54 no investment is required 17:47:54 j4v4m4n: ohk.DVD's :) 17:48:12 j4v4m4n: what do you think? 17:48:19 i wanted to give away something in the quiz .. 17:48:21 vasudev: I guess we are giving DVD's to the ones who will answer the questions 17:48:22 vasudev: true but that means the students need to carry a stick with them. 17:48:27 can anyone think about something ? 17:48:31 right. 17:48:49 meha: oh I didn't follow discussion 17:48:58 but giving Squeeze doesn't sound good 17:49:11 vasudev: we all like suggestions :) 17:49:17 vasudev: that's understandable but there has to be some token of appreciation. 17:49:20 meha: go for LMDE 17:49:47 vasudev, +1 for LMDE! :) 17:50:08 meha: you decide which distribution/flavor you want to give to the students, otherwise this will generate into a flamewar. 17:50:21 shirish: no flame war here 17:50:25 pupy linux :P 17:50:31 LMDE = Linux Mint Debian Edition 17:50:36 shirish: can you see Debian in there? 17:50:47 can we get this outta way please, I don't wanna get into debian,LMDE,puppy or whatever else GNU/Linux distribution you like. 17:51:21 vasudev: I have played with LMDE and know what it is, but let her decide/do. We just want to give people a momento. 17:51:30 shirish: some one asked for suggestion here i gave suggestion 17:51:43 shirish: if you don't like me talking fine 17:51:43 just a caution for LMDE.. if you upgrade it to unstable.. it breaks ! 17:51:43 shirish: let Meha decide and let her take her own time to decide... lets move forward 17:51:58 abdulkarim: that's what I said beofre. 17:52:17 vasudev: its not that, we just do not want to get into things which are not needed atm. 17:52:27 vasudev: we want ur suggestion.. What else can be given.. #economical which my colg can afford :p 17:52:37 Debian-IN: 03kamathvasudev * rcff6dc8 10debian-in/ (.gitignore .mrconfig docs/TODO): aspell-mr and aspell-ta comming in to git repo of Debian-IN 17:52:58 shirish: what else we need to decide.. in ur checklist whats the next thing :) 17:53:00 meha: its just another Debian-based distribution. It 'looks pretty' . 17:53:41 ok, then how much time do we give for introduction to Debian and all the related infrastructure and stuff with initials of Packaging concepts. 17:53:42 axeman: thanks :) it will help 17:53:50 meha, :) 17:55:11 we can merge the session of packaging concepts with packaging itslef. No need of separate session 17:55:35 ok, everybody on http://piratepad.net/ArmBNVBDyo 17:55:43 #link http://piratepad.net/ArmBNVBDyo 17:55:59 that's the sorta agenda for the day, we are filling it as we go. 17:56:34 ok, now b. c. and d. are supposed to be my baby, do we want to roll them in one or do we want to keep them as separate entities. 17:57:13 This is because Sana has got her tests and hence isn't coming. 17:58:16 so if you ask me, I would see half an hour for each would be good to give a good background but its to the whole team. 17:58:32 Maybe 1.5 hours is too much or somethings are not needed there. 17:58:39 comments everyone. 17:59:53 meha: we can give t shirts - one diaspune and one chamba for special questions! 18:00:06 that would be cool. 18:01:04 ok, another way, does anybody want to take b. c. or d. items ? 18:01:09 1.5 is too much. I'll go sleeping. ;) 18:01:28 nixmaniack: right, so much time should we allocate for this ? 18:01:38 and what should be buffer in it ? 18:01:40 j4v4m4n: I will answer one question.. can I have Chamba :) I forgot to buy that time :p 18:02:01 shirish: we can take b off for now 18:02:25 meha: yup 18:02:28 shirish, perhaps an hour seems fine. without getting in much detail, cover up all the points 18:03:04 nixmaniack: ok, done . Does somebody want to help/cover some part of that or I take care of that ? 18:03:11 I have no issues either way. 18:03:27 shirish: you making a debian intro video :) 18:03:50 i ain't good at talking non-technical. so i'm off on that 18:03:58 shirish: two people taking it would be good 18:04:03 j4v4m4n: not me. I think shravan would be the right person. 18:04:19 j4v4m4n: that is what I do think, but somebody needs to come forward for it. 18:04:24 shirish: sorry I meant shravan only :) 18:04:34 lol :P 18:04:59 in fact if he makes a good video we may save 30-40 minutes and cut down the talk drastically too. 18:04:59 j4v4m4n: we are talking about which point 18:05:23 meha: j4v4m4n just bought the point that shravan is gonna make a Debian introduction video. 18:05:31 meha: making a video for debian introduction 18:05:47 meha: which basically tells people what debian is, who its for and what it can do . 18:05:47 please do not count on me completly for the video 18:05:55 ah, ok. 18:06:15 shirish: and j4v4m4n for the video 18:06:20 shravan: seems to be off with the connectivity today, or are you doing illegal :P 18:06:21 sryy shravan and j4v4m4n 18:06:59 shirish: :) 18:07:08 shravan__: ok we'll keep it sa plan B 18:07:24 so let's play it this way, if shravan does make a video, then we will show it or otherwise I'll do the whole thing in about an hour. 18:07:31 just a sec. though. 18:07:31 shravan shravan_ shravan__ 18:07:58 abdulkarim: I think he might be trying to see if he can get some stuff out of oftc.net . 18:08:19 abdulkarim: he told me he had been trying few things. 18:08:40 anyways, back on topic. does anybody wanna share about the non-technical part ? 18:08:56 It does get boring to talk for an hour non-stop. 18:09:12 it would be nice if somebody does take a shot at that. 18:09:29 abdulkarim: can you take c? 18:10:16 abdulkarim: has been quiet today. 18:10:40 j4v4m4n: i guess not 18:10:51 ok. 18:10:52 i may help muneeb with packaging though 18:11:01 nixmaniack: you? it is technical stuff 18:11:31 j4v4m4n, just a sec. lemme go through it 18:11:34 it would be nice, I don't know any C, you would have a baby here 18:11:59 shirish: it is about point c :) 18:12:15 j4v4m4n: lol, and I was thinking C as in the language :P 18:12:20 ROFL. 18:12:41 anyways just for the record, i hate C :p 18:12:45 nixmaniack: that would be cool, what say you ? 18:12:50 abdulkarim: :P 18:13:06 * shirish acting out his LOTR speak. 18:13:22 no i won't be able to talk on that. sorry. 18:13:54 oh ok, back to me I guess. If anybody else wants to take up, please lemme know now. 18:14:08 shravan: you will help shirish? 18:14:14 i might help shirish in between if i can 18:14:19 but not for sure 18:14:50 j4v4m4n: point C ? 18:14:59 nixmaniack: chalega, any help is appreciated. 18:15:34 nixmaniack: abdulkarim stop shirish if he gets too boring :) 18:15:49 shirish: http://piratepad.net/ArmBNVBDyo in there 18:15:57 shravan: Point C in http://piratepad.net/ArmBNVBDyo 18:16:11 j4v4m4n: I know whom you meant to redirect. 18:16:27 shirish: :) 18:17:18 shravan: it would be nice if you do decide to cover it. 18:17:24 I can of course help you. 18:18:13 shravan: ? 18:18:59 shirish: I will need to do reading up. Because the upcoming week is packed I do not wish to comit to this sorry 18:19:48 shravan: ok, then it falls back to me I guess. I would have to do a refresher although most of things I do remember . 18:20:03 there could be something interesting though. 18:20:11 shirish: is the man! 18:20:22 abdulkarim: would you like to talk about apt-mirror though and your experience with it . 18:20:48 that would be really interesting, maybe you could demo that, what say you ? 18:21:15 shirish: it depends on the audience 18:21:34 abdulkarim: I could lead them to apt-mirror and then you could show it. 18:21:40 and i don't think newbies would understand even a word of it 18:22:00 hmm. it depends on the audience. it's kinda sys admin stuff :) 18:22:05 shirish: it would be too much for beginners (as is suppose most of them would be) 18:22:13 nixmaniack: exactly 18:22:20 right. 18:22:53 meha: what do you think? apt-mirror is basically a tool to make a mirror for debian packages and sources. 18:23:24 its kinda like what sourceforge.net gives you, number of mirrors you can download a package from, similar concept. 18:23:30 expect the crowd to be Msc-ca first year..they may understand it 18:23:40 do you think it would be too much for newbies ? 18:24:10 ok, let's see on that day how they react. 18:24:12 overview is ohk.. how deep r u going to talk 18:25:07 meha: the idea is you could make a repository out of this. What I wanted was Abdul to share his experiences with making the repository. 18:25:17 two things happen if he shares that. 18:25:34 a. People come to know that if a student can do it so can s/he. 18:26:03 b. Some people do get interested into understanding and seeing what other things can be played with it/around it etc. 18:26:11 that is what I'm thinking about. 18:26:35 I do know of quite a few things happening in the wild but that would be outside of the domain for the talk. 18:26:59 Anyways, something to think of back of the mind. 18:27:47 hmm... ok we are at 11:30 a.m. till now, do you want to introduce packaging concepts now or want to have a break ? 18:28:42 meha: keep an eye out at http://piratepad.net/ArmBNVBDyo . I am gonna constantly update it, this will be part of your press release. 18:29:32 shirish: If u want we can start the meeting late as well :) 10 am is ideal like every time but just realized it is a SUNDAY 18:29:57 meha: lol, I thought you knew that :P 18:30:07 bolo kya kare. 18:30:16 I am happy either way. 18:30:34 although if we start late, people start coming in l8er as well. 18:30:44 abdulkarim: nixmaniack shravan: DO u think kids will come by 10 Cuz I am expecting crowd from ur colg as well and PICT 18:31:21 lets just start at 10am with how many people we have 18:31:21 meha: and some from other colleges as well (I have been talking with some students as well who are interested and may show up. ) 18:32:12 meha: what we could do is start with the introduction round for the first twenty odd minutes, then do the quiz and then move to other things. 18:32:16 how does that sound ? 18:32:24 meha, 10 seems okay 18:33:19 guys, please carry on. I have to make chai for the self, meha has the chair, bbi around 10 odd minutes or so. 18:33:52 #action Debian history talk - shirish - 30 minutes 18:34:17 #action Debian infrastructure and processes talk - Shirish and Muneeb - 30 minutes. 18:35:01 shirish: yes thats grt 18:38:31 ok that moves to 11:30 a.m. Sunday morning, do you guys think we should have a break there or go for the next thing on the list ? 18:39:52 break?? 18:40:18 break as in toilet break or something. or just go to the next topic ? 18:42:14 folks I'm feeling sleepy :( I'll leave now. Looks like we have all things cleared. 18:42:51 j4v4m4n, yeah. sure. 18:43:04 carry on 18:43:13 good night everyone 18:43:45 ohk 18:43:50 back people. 18:44:34 so who's gonna take the packaging concepts session, abdulkarim, shravan, nixmaniack ? 18:45:12 shirish, it'll be merged in hands on session only. we'll explain as we go 18:46:00 nixmaniack: oh ok. so should we start the packaging hands-on session then and there only ? 18:46:34 shirish: yes 18:46:54 then we could be over by around 14:00 hours. 18:47:11 let all of them have a deb packaging and then you all can bore them as much as you want :p 18:47:30 :P 18:48:00 can we have a half hr. break in b/w frm 1pm for Lunch 18:48:02 abdulkarim: the point is to get some idea of the timings so that could be in the release. 18:48:49 meha: wouldn't half an hour be less, IIRC the canteen will be shut on Sunday. 18:49:28 i think we can do 11:30 to 12:30 our intro to packaging. 18:49:30 we probably would have to go downstairs to that Punjabi Dhaba or something . 18:49:32 then take break 18:49:47 nixmaniack: that makes sense. 18:50:33 if half hr. is less for u 1-2 pm is ideal.. We have shops nearby.. a lot of them 18:50:40 nixmaniack: I'm guessing you and abdul are gonna take care of it. 18:51:59 nixmaniack: muneeb bol ? who is taking ownership of intro. of packaging ? 18:52:21 shirish, I and abdulkarim 18:52:54 ok. 18:54:14 next topic 18:54:15 #action nixmaniack and abdulkarim taking introduction to packaging 11:30 - 12:30 a.m. 18:54:17 :) 18:54:33 12:pm 18:54:40 12:30 pm** 18:54:56 #info lunch break 12:30 - 13:30 hours. 18:54:57 1am!!! 18:55:07 sorry. 18:55:35 #action revised nixmaniack and abdulkarim taking intro. to packaging 11:30 - 12:30 18:55:59 Can we take 12:30 -1:30 something.. 18:56:32 buffer time if our speakers don't finish on time :p 18:56:47 then 1-2 lunch //apt time 18:57:38 ping!!!!! 18:57:47 meha: um.... I nearly forgot at least I hadn't thought of Q&A and feedback, that alone should fetch back 15 mins. each session. 18:57:55 meha: i'm here. 18:59:34 everybody take a look at http://piratepad.net/ArmBNVBDyo 19:00:44 meha, how does that look ? 19:01:35 #info buffer 15 minutes for Q&A, feedback and speaker. 19:01:38 * nixmaniack is checking the link 19:03:37 if somebody does want to change something please do, just make sure to add your name to in that box on the top-rightish corner. 19:03:58 the idea of the pad is people can edit/ change things concurrently. 19:04:05 shirish, sure, seems good so far 19:04:22 meha: what do you think ? 19:04:44 shravan: abdulkarim: your thoughts too guys . 19:05:50 nixmaniack: wat say 19:05:58 meha: how many people from F.E. came to gnunify ? 19:06:26 meha, looks good, if i have anything to add i'll just put it 19:06:31 shirish: 3 AFAIK they were only Volunteering 19:07:00 hmm.... so maybe I do need to take into account a bit of introduction to FOSS as well. 19:07:02 shirish, we'll have to freeze the priratepad after some date, so we have idea when it's final 19:07:29 otherwise this would be above board for them. 19:07:43 I was thinking most of the F.E. guys would have come to GNUnify. 19:08:09 nopes..here we are targeting PG 1st yrs. #Msc-ca 19:08:11 nixmaniack: actually should be final after the meeting, atleast the topics are decided and the timings are somewhat decided. 19:08:38 I'm guessing that we would have to be flexible with what happens on that day as well. 19:08:46 shirish: Homework.. when are we going to evaluate that.. 19:09:18 meha: that is a thought, it would be more something like self-study or something. 19:10:04 we could of course do give something for them to work on but that means some sort of event or something on some sunday. 19:10:23 That is just an idea. 19:11:52 nixmaniack: abdulkarim: would there be any homework you would like to give people to do or something ? 19:12:34 shirish, we'll see, right now there's no packaging work in debian-in 19:12:43 ok. 19:13:08 so should I take that off the table/page ? 19:13:21 nixmaniack: ^ 19:13:38 shirish, yes you should. 19:13:59 if something comes up in my mind, i'll put it up 19:14:08 nixmaniack: done, chalega. 19:14:23 meha: anything else on your mind ? 19:14:42 in the piratepad please mention.. Who is doing what 19:14:54 meha: have already done that. 19:15:07 so that we can ask the concerned person abt it.. #I shall update about the DVDs soon 19:15:19 Video? 19:15:29 meha: each person is written in front of the activity . 19:15:42 meha: take that as a no/cancelled. 19:16:13 I'm not so good with video imagery tools. If somebody else wants to, they are most welcome. 19:16:37 Shravan is good at it as he made the last video within a day but seems he is busy. 19:17:11 yes 19:17:25 I do have some videos which talk about Debian but from what we have seen people tend to goof off. 19:17:50 the thing many of these videos talk to people who already know what Debian is and are also quite polished. 19:18:18 shirish, we need advertising video, not talks :P 19:18:25 it somehow fails to connect with students here, at least that was our experience when we tried it cofsug and other things. 19:18:41 nixmaniack: right. lemme check if youtube has some short advertorials. 19:19:10 nixmaniack: I could also check with the debian-publicity team, maybe they know of some short advertorial video . 19:19:35 meha: keep this as an option, lemme see if I can get us something. 19:19:37 shirish: yes 19:19:38 shirish, hmm 19:20:00 nixmaniack: muneeb bol ? 19:20:39 shirish, nothing! i think you were going to check for advertorial videos that's it 19:21:16 nixmaniack: I do. The point is many a times people do it on their own sites as well. Youtube is not the know-all for everything. 19:21:32 and at times you do find gems if you talk to the right people. 19:22:12 so the meeting ends here? 19:22:30 shirish, meha axeman axeman ? 19:22:35 anything else? 19:22:47 I'm all out. 19:23:08 axeman, i think we have a nice schedule :) 19:23:48 should I call it an end here ? 19:23:51 yay!! 19:23:55 yes 19:24:20 #info somebody needs to tell speakers they have last 10 minutes or something. 19:24:55 PS;shirish 19:25:05 #closemeeting 19:25:05 the debian utsav ends at what time? 19:25:31 meha, whenever people want. 19:25:46 i'm not putting a stop to it as I don't know. 19:25:56 we could end it around 16:00 hours officially. 19:25:59 ohk! 19:26:36 so shall I call it a day ? 19:26:49 #endmeeting