20:00:17 #startmeeting 20:00:17 Meeting started Fri Aug 10 20:00:17 2018 UTC. The chair is waldi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:20 Can someone else "drive"? I'm a little warm and not 100% with it /just/ yet. 20:00:23 Thanks! 20:01:12 hmm, we forgot to update the list 20:01:27 so we are already ready? :-) 20:01:59 #topic Check action items from last meeting 20:02:26 * lfaraone to setup the codesigning service 20:02:33 i think this is done 20:02:48 this cron needs to be more silent 20:02:52 I believe so too, although there is a cron that is very spammy atm. 20:03:03 #info DONE: lfaraone to setup the codesigning service 20:03:11 * ta to contact node maintainers 20:03:24 not done, but a draft was sent 20:03:26 #action codesigning cron needs to be more silent 20:03:41 waldi: yes, just read your answer ... 20:04:22 #topic How much do we care about copyright holders in d/copyright 20:04:43 ScottK: are you here? 20:04:45 there should have been a discussion during debconf? 20:04:47 ta: May I suggest sending a reminder ping to your draft mail? 20:04:57 okay, does not look like 20:05:04 #info adjourned 20:05:32 lamby: yes, will add a bit and than ping with the new text 20:05:39 neat 20:05:41 #action ta to send reminder ping to draft email re. node. 20:06:53 ^ There was no discussion at DebConf on that AIUI, at least not including myself. 20:07:23 lfaraone_ and ansgar might have discussed it between themselves, but a discussion IRL would probably have fragmented stuff too much 20:07:52 as there is discussion on a bug, various folks with an interest in the topic were not present, etc. 20:08:52 Nothing more from me on this 20:09:03 #topic CUPS license change (GPL -> Apache) 20:09:07 ok, so there is still that email from scottk and noone objected, right? 20:09:14 right 20:09:43 Which mail is this, sorry? 20:09:54 to the ftpmaster alias, or…? 20:10:50 lamby: yes 20:11:53 * ta can't find it ... 20:11:54 Can someone send a reminder ping for that one too? 20:12:12 ♥425454.QfdHj6pzrc@kitterma-e6430> 20:12:20 < 3425454.QfdHj6pzrc@kitterma-e6430 > 20:12:23 I'll do that 20:12:34 aah, there it is 20:12:34 #action lamby to send reminder-followup ping to 3425454.QfdHj6pzrc@kitterma-e6430 20:13:44 okay 20:13:55 someone, not sure who, wanted to discuss CUPS 20:14:43 hmm, "who" does not seem to be here 20:14:56 re. GPL → Apache, right? 20:15:38 yes 20:15:44 I don't recall the details nor the person. Next? :) 20:16:04 #topic OpenSSL 20:16:04 ok 20:16:09 no information either 20:17:52 lamby: not the person, but based on https://www.cups.org/blog/2018-06-06-demystifying-cups-development.html , upstream is aware of the incompatibility and is looking for a solution. Not sure any action makes sense yet until the issue is forced by the 2.3 release 20:18:20 evening sir 20:18:26 Neat, thanks 20:20:42 Next? 20:21:23 #topic Any other business 20:21:47 nothing from my side 20:21:55 nothing from me either 20:22:05 I have one… 20:22:18 #topic Re-evaluating architecture inclusion in unstable/experimental 20:22:24 I sent a mail, and some pings. 20:23:03 I believe Ganneff was going to send it out but he is afk for a bit. 20:23:25 (sorry to bother, but could someone check if an upload has been attempted for src:python-ldap version 3.1.0-2?) 20:23:28 I'm guessing it's mostly okay otherwise. 20:23:58 Suggestions? Wait until Ganneff appears…? :) 20:24:42 send it? 20:25:01 do we need to ask? if yes, send it ... 20:25:28 #action lamby to send mail about architecture inclusion 20:25:29 I didn't want to send myself it due to $reasons. 20:25:35 lamby: if you'd like one of us to, I can. 20:25:49 Perfect, please do. 20:26:09 #action lfaraone to actually send mail about architecture inclusion 20:26:18 nothing else in AOB from me 20:27:03 lfaraone_: something from you? 20:27:17 I have a few, but in the middle of DEF CON at present, and I'd prefer to wait until more people are back. 20:27:25 okay 20:27:32 I'll put it on the agenda for next. 20:27:36 #info Next meeting $ date --date="Sep 14 2018 20:00 CEST" +%s → 1536948000 20:27:56 thank you everyone for attending 20:28:00 #endmeeting