=================== #debian-ftp Meeting =================== Meeting started by Ganneff at 21:01:26 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ftp/2015/debian-ftp.2015-09-20-21.01.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * agenda, anyone? (Ganneff, 21:03:30) * non-free firmware component (Ganneff, 21:05:04) * non-free firmware component just needs someone to do it. Basically have them prepare d-i and debian-cd and tell us which packages to move once they are ready. (Ganneff, 21:07:05) * architectures (Ganneff, 21:09:16) * yay, sparc gone, mips64el in (Ganneff, 21:10:41) * dak multi-db (Ganneff, 21:10:46) * #787338 (Ganneff, 21:12:32) * ACTION: mhy to recheck his sentmail folder and if not ping lintian people (Ganneff, 21:14:28) * zfsonlinux (Ganneff, 21:14:55) * zfsonlinux to go into contrib as dkms only thing. (Ganneff, 21:16:45) * ACTION: ansgar to talk to the zfsonlinux people to ensure they really get it wrong the first time :) (Ganneff, 21:18:16) * php (Ganneff, 21:18:40) * php statement needs someone to prepare and then get it out, whoever wants feel free to take up and coordinate with ftp team (Ganneff, 21:22:59) * any other topics? (Ganneff, 21:23:12) * work on dak for ports.d.o is slowly going forward (Ganneff, 21:24:39) * bikesheds going forward, volunteers for coding always welcome (Ganneff, 21:28:42) * need to test debug packages archive too (Ganneff, 21:28:53) * next meeting 18th October, 21UTC (Ganneff, 21:29:20) Meeting ended at 21:29:28 UTC. Action Items ------------ * mhy to recheck his sentmail folder and if not ping lintian people * ansgar to talk to the zfsonlinux people to ensure they really get it wrong the first time :) Action Items, by person ----------------------- * ansgar * ansgar to talk to the zfsonlinux people to ensure they really get it wrong the first time :) * mhy * mhy to recheck his sentmail folder and if not ping lintian people * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * Ganneff (59) * ansgar (19) * mhy (19) * MeetBot (2) * ScottK (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot