08:59:40 #startmeeting 08:59:40 Meeting started Tue May 31 08:59:40 2016 UTC. The chair is matthieucan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:59:40 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:59:46 #chair orestis 08:59:46 Current chairs: matthieucan orestis 08:59:53 #help 08:59:56 #topic gsoc - gathering 09:00:02 ping orestis devoxel 09:00:03 pong 09:00:09 pong? :P 09:00:13 yay :) 09:00:24 #topic gsoc - next meeting 09:00:30 next week, same time? 09:00:39 Works for me 09:00:45 same here! 09:01:39 same here! awesome 09:01:39 #topic gsoc progress 09:01:39 devoxel: we're all hears :) 09:01:39 ears 09:01:51 Ah okay 09:02:10 let us know what you're working on, open problems, etc 09:03:00 Yeah so problems: using bootstrap without changing UI. Your comment on the PR has me trying to figure out how to customize our bootstrap build 09:03:16 because otherwise it will try and overwrite a lot of stuff 09:03:49 is there any known way to not use the default boostrap style, but only the layout model? I didn't google it 09:04:12 otherwise that should be fairly easily resetable 09:04:46 this affects the templates right? sorry didn't run yet the PR 09:04:53 at this point (second week), such a small PR should work and be merged 09:05:10 orestis: it affects the styling of titles, etc, the bootstrap defaults 09:06:08 see yeah, I added the bootstrap as the earliest depend, which means many bootstrap things are being overwritten by debian.css and base.css 09:06:25 but there are defaults that are also getting overwritten 09:06:43 but since you are working on the templates this should be corrected soon right? 09:06:50 yes, but not all of them or overwritten by debian.css or debsources-whatever.css 09:06:58 devoxel: ^ 09:07:44 you can get inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15028702/easiest-way-to-reset-bootstrap-css-attributes 09:07:51 Yeah well my templating changes how the content is in the dom but doesn't won't really fix the UI problems matt has 09:07:52 anyway, that's not difficult 09:08:34 just add foo:none in the debsources css, and done. 09:09:04 okay grand 09:09:30 and yeah templating wise things are alright, the report sums up my feelings on that stuff mostly I think 09:09:48 progress wise: I thought I'd have my commits in by now 09:10:10 that shouldn't prevent you from working on top of them 09:10:19 but it can't be merged if it breaks things 09:10:54 Yeah there do have some broken elements atm, which is why I haven't commited them 09:11:15 also, what should I do with the red debsources logo on mobile screens? 09:11:29 the background logo? 09:12:03 ? 09:12:07 yeah, the little one at the top 09:12:20 so, not the background one 09:12:25 what's the problem with this one>? 09:12:53 I've no problem with it normally but on a mobile screen, it kind of floats over the debian logo oddly 09:13:26 then up to you to place it correctly when you rewrite the navbar with bootstrap, right? 09:14:01 okay yeah I'll just handle it as I see best I spose and you guys can give me feedback 09:14:14 I see the problem right now 09:14:20 indeed it's ugly 09:14:33 just make sure it's at the left of the logo 09:14:48 and yes we'll happily give you feedback anyway 09:14:55 yeah cool :) 09:15:25 yes probably its best if you can commit some things so we can see and give feedback.. even if its not at 100% you can rebase your commits after 09:15:51 so what's your plan for this week? that's no secret, we expected a bit more last week, and it seems all the trello cards have moved to This week 09:15:54 orestis: +1 09:16:24 do you think you can finish the reset css thing today? 09:16:41 yeah I can do that today for sure anyway and get that PR ready to merge 09:16:49 good :) 09:17:13 and then attack the main templates with bootstrap boxes model? 09:17:17 and then I'll work on getting some commits for the navbar, not finished commits but just to show you 09:17:26 yes, sounds good 09:17:34 yeah so I'll also need to fill up this trello board 09:17:54 since all of the js and spa and stuff isn't filled up 09:18:02 the sandstorm one? or do you mean trello? 09:18:24 let's try to move to sandstorm to avoid copy pasting things around 09:18:55 yeah I agree, but I still need to add all the tasks for the next few weeks :P Maybe I'll do that later if I get time or tommorrow 09:19:02 i am waiting the instructions from laura on that and i ll make the migration 09:19:19 orestis: yeah I saw the email, thanks 09:19:43 orestis: yes, thanks for taking care of it, keep us in touch 09:19:57 and devoxel: ack, waiting for your kanban input then 09:19:59 and we probably need to discuss/decide on a js liberary right? 09:20:06 matthieucan, orestis: what are your thoughts on using phonegap? and what are your ideas for the features? 09:20:32 and yeah the js library :P 09:20:50 devoxel: we need to list the features we want, and see if it's doable with pure js, or only with cordova js 09:21:01 yeah 09:21:03 and not phonegap but cordova please :) 09:21:26 yeah cordova is what I mean :P phonegap is evil adobe right? 09:21:33 for the js library, there's a blocker we didn't explore yet: the fallback for non js browsers 09:21:40 devoxel: right ;) 09:22:13 so if you can research the fallback side, we'll give you our thoughts! 09:22:39 the order will still be bootstrap-js lib-maybe cordova, if needed 09:22:41 I think we did discuss ensuring the content was viewable for non-js browsers, what other fallback are you thinking? 09:22:58 only this one, but it's not trivial I think 09:23:07 I'll get something more solid down yeah 09:23:15 great :) 09:23:49 anything else? any technical blocker, question, point to discuss? 09:23:53 will these meeting logs be available yeah? so I can look over what I have to do? I am sometimes a bit forgetful 09:24:00 devoxel: yes 09:24:15 you ll see links when we end the meeting 09:24:17 we'll get the url at the end 09:24:20 :) 09:25:01 my question right up is still in the stack :) 09:25:02 Okay grand ^_^ yeah in terms of other questions, not really. matthieucan you did mention getting my blog debian- somethinged 09:25:10 yes 09:25:14 planet.debian.org 09:25:35 can you have an rss link for blog posts tagged with debian or planet? 09:25:35 I posted my report on that (and it looks like the build failed) but it'll be available once I fix that 09:25:46 tagged how? 09:26:02 tag, categories, whatever your blog engine uses 09:26:03 I do have an RSS feed yeah 09:26:20 zack: olasd might be able to add this 09:26:30 to avoid putting unrelated posts to planet.d.o, an rss that gives only debian related posts would come handy 09:26:56 you see what I mean? 09:26:59 yeah my blog is jekyll so it's pretty easy to add something custom yeah 09:27:09 jekyll here too, and yes that's easy :) 09:27:30 give the link to zack once you have it, I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to add it to planet 09:27:44 okay grand 09:28:07 #topic gsoc - other 09:28:11 I don't have any other issues really but I'm sure they'll come up :P 09:28:32 yes you can always ping us anyway, you've seen we're pretty active here 09:28:54 yep I will do so :) 09:28:58 one reminder from me: always keep kanban up to date, I actually use it to track your work 09:29:26 anything else you'd like to discuss? your feeling after one gsoc week? any problem? etc 09:29:29 yeah okay, I'll use it! for a while I was still getting used to it 09:29:34 sure 09:29:56 My feelings: I'm happy I'm adjusting. I want to be more productive and I hope that'll come soon. 09:30:37 nice :) 09:30:38 we're on the same track then! :) 09:31:06 alright, looks like we're done? 09:31:17 looks like it yes 09:31:18 I'm good anyway :) 09:31:29 great, that was productive. Thanks to both of you! 09:31:34 #endmeeting